第 33 节
作者:天净沙      更新:2022-05-01 22:41      字数:9314
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  me   at   the   next   election;   and   he;   therefore;   in   good   will;   advis'd   me   to
  resign;   as   more   consistent   with   my   honour   than   being   turn'd   out。   My
  answer to him was; that I had read or heard of some public man who made
  it a rule never to ask for an office; and never to refuse one when offer'd to
  him。   〃I   approve;〃   says   I;   〃of   his   rule;   and   will   practice   it   with   a   small
  addition; I shall never ask; never refuse; nor ever resign an office。 If they
  will have my office of clerk to dispose of to another; they shall take it from
  me。 I will not; by giving it up; lose my right of some time or other making
  reprisals   on   my   adversaries。〃   I   heard;   however;   no   more   of   this;   I   was
  chosen again unanimously as usual at the next election。 Possibly; as they
  dislik'd my late intimacy with the members of council; who had join'd the
  governors in all the disputes about military preparations; with which the
  House   had   long   been   harass'd;   they   might   have   been   pleas'd   if   I   would
  voluntarily have left them; but they did not care to displace me on account
  merely of my zeal for the association; and they could not well give another
  Indeed I had some cause to believe that the defense of the country was
  not disagreeable to any of them; provided they were not requir'd to assist
  in it。 And I found that a much greater number of them than I could have
  imagined; tho' against offensive war; were clearly for the defensive。 Many
  pamphlets pro and con were publish'd on the subject; and some by good
  Quakers;   in   favour   of   defense;   which   I   believe   convinc'd   most   of   their
  younger people。
  A   transaction   in   our   fire   company   gave   me   some   insight   into   their
  prevailing sentiments。 It had been propos'd that we should encourage the
  scheme for building a battery by laying out the present stock; then about
  sixty  pounds;   in   tickets   of   the   lottery。   By  our   rules;   no   money  could   be
  dispos'd of till the next meeting after the proposal。 The company consisted
  of thirty members; of which twenty…two were Quakers; and eight only of
  other persuasions。 We eight punctually attended the meeting; but; tho' we
  thought   that   some   of   the   Quakers   would   join   us;   we   were   by  no   means
  sure of a majority。 Only one Quaker; Mr。 James Morris; appear'd to oppose
  the measure。 He expressed much sorrow that it had ever been propos'd; as
  he   said   Friends   were   all   against   it;   and   it   would   create   such   discord   as
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  might break up the company。 We told him that we saw no reason for that;
  we    were    the   minority;    and    if  Friends    were    against   the   measure;     and
  outvoted us; we must and should; agreeably to the usage of all societies;
  submit。 When the hour for business arriv'd it was mov'd to put the vote; he
  allow'd we might then do it by the rules; but; as he could assure us that a
  number of members intended to be present for the purpose of opposing it;
  it would be but candid to allow a little time for their appearing。
  While we were disputing this; a waiter came to tell me two gentlemen
  below desir'd to speak with me。 I went down; and found they were two of
  our Quaker members。 They told me there were eight of them assembled at
  a   tavern   just   by;   that   they   were   determin'd   to   come   and   vote   with   us   if
  there   should   be   occasion;   which   they   hop'd   would   not   be   the   case;   and
  desir'd we would not call for their assistance if we could do without it; as
  their voting for such a measure might embroil them with their elders and
  friends。   Being   thus   secure   of   a   majority;   I   went   up;   and   after   a   little
  seeming   hesitation;   agreed   to   a   delay   of   another   hour。   This   Mr。   Morris
  allow'd to be extreamly fair。 Not one of his opposing friends appear'd; at
  which he express'd great surprize; and;  at the expiration of the hour;  we
  carry'd   the   resolution   eight   to   one;   and   as;   of   the   twenty…two   Quakers;
  eight were ready to vote with us; and thirteen; by their absence; manifested
  that   they  were  not   inclin'd   to   oppose  the  measure;  I  afterward   estimated
  the proportion of Quakers sincerely against defense as one to twenty…one
  only;   for   these   were   all   regular   members   of   that   society;   and   in   good
  reputation among them; and had due notice of what was propos'd at that
  The honorable   and learned   Mr。  Logan; who   had   always   been   of that
  sect; was one who wrote an address to them; declaring his approbation of
  defensive war; and supporting his opinion by many strong arguments。 He
  put   into   my   hands   sixty   pounds   to   be   laid   out   in   lottery   tickets   for   the
  battery; with directions to apply what prizes might be drawn wholly to that
  service。   He   told   me   the   following   anecdote   of   his   old   master;   William
  Penn; respecting defense。 He came over from England; when a young man;
  with that proprietary; and as his secretary。 It was war…time; and their ship
  was   chas'd   by   an   armed   vessel;   suppos'd   to   be   an   enemy。   Their   captain
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  prepar'd for defense; but told William Penn and his company of Quakers;
  that he did not expect their assistance; and they might retire into the cabin;
  which they did; except  James Logan; who chose to stay upon deck;  and
  was quarter'd to a gun。 The suppos'd enemy prov'd a friend; so there was
  no    fighting;   but   when     the  secretary    went    down     to  communicate        the
  intelligence;   William   Penn   rebuk'd   him   severely   for   staying   upon   deck;
  and undertaking to assist in defending the vessel; contrary to the principles
  of   Friends;   especially   as   it   had   not   been   required   by   the   captain。   This
  reproof; being before all the company; piqu'd the secretary; who answer'd;
  〃I being thy servant; why did thee not order me to come down? But thee
  was willing enough that I should stay and help to fight the ship when thee
  thought there was danger。〃
  My   being   many   years   in   the Assembly;   the   majority   of   which   were
  constantly      Quakers;      gave    me    frequent     opportunities      of   seeing    the
  embarrassment         given    them    by   their   principle    against   war;    whenever
  application   was   made   to   them;   by   order   of   the   crown;   to   grant   aids   for
  military purposes。 They were unwilling to offend government; on the one
  hand; by a direct refusal; and their friends; the body of the Quakers; on the
  other;   by   a   compliance   contrary   to   their   principles;   hence   a   variety   of
  evasions   to   avoid   complying;   and   modes   of   disguising   the   compliance
  when   it   became   unavoidable。   The   common   mode   at   last   was;   to   grant
  money   under   the   phrase   of   its   being   〃for   the   king's   use;〃   and   never   to
  inquire how it was applied。
  But; if the demand was not directly from the crown; that phrase was
  found not so proper; and some other was to be invented。 As; when powder
  was     wanting    (I  think   it  was   for   the  garrison    at  Louisburg);      and   the
  government of New England solicited a grant of some from Pennsilvania;
  which was much urg'd on the House by Governor Thomas; they could not
  grant   money  to   buy  powder;  because   that   was   an ingredient   of   war;   but
  they voted an aid to New England of three thousand pounds; to he put into
  the hands of the governor; and appropriated it for the purchasing of bread;
  flour; wheat;  or other   grain。  Some   of   the   council;  desirous   of giving   the
  House      still  further  embarrassment;       advis'd    the  governor     not   to  accept
  provision; as not being the thing he had demanded; but be reply'd; 〃I shall
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  take the money;   for I   understand very well   their meaning; other grain   is
  gunpowder;〃   which   he   accordingly   bought;   and   they   never   objected   to
  See the votes。'Marg。 note。'
  It was in allusion to this fact that; when in our fire company we feared
  the success of our proposal i