第 32 节
作者:无组织      更新:2022-04-21 11:08      字数:9322
  result of the theory is the impossibility of the transmission of
  acquired characters; since the molecular structure of the germ…plasm
  is already determined within the embryo; and Weismann holds that
  there are no facts which really prove that acquired characters can
  be inherited; although their inheritance has; by most writers; been
  considered so probable as hardly to stand in need of direct proof。
  〃We have already seen in the earlier part of this chapter that many
  instances of change; imputed to the inheritance of acquired
  variations; are really cases of selection。〃
  And the rest of the remarks tend to convey the impression that Mr。
  Wallace adopts Professor Weismann's view; but; curiously enough;
  though I have gone through Mr。 Wallace's book with a special view to
  this particular point; I have not been able to find him definitely
  committing himself either to the assertion that acquired
  modifications never are inherited; or that they sometimes are so。
  It is abundantly laid down that Mr。 Darwin laid too much stress on
  use and disuse; and a residuary impression is left that Mr。 Wallace
  is endorsing Professor Weismann's view; but I have found it
  impossible to collect anything that enables me to define his
  position confidently in this respect。
  This is natural enough; for Mr。 Wallace has entitled his book
  〃Darwinism;〃 and a work denying that use and disuse produced any
  effect could not conceivably be called Darwinism。  Mr。 Herbert
  Spencer has recently collected many passages from 〃The Origin of
  Species〃 and from 〃Animals and Plants under Domestication;〃 {26}
  which show how largely; after all; use and disuse entered into Mr。
  Darwin's system; and we know that in his later years he attached
  still more importance to them。  It was out of the question;
  therefore; that Mr。 Wallace should categorically deny that their
  effects were inheritable。  On the other hand; the temptation to
  adopt Professor Weismann's view must have been overwhelming to one
  who had been already inclined to minimise the effects of use and
  disuse。  On the whole; one does not see what Mr。 Wallace could do;
  other than what he has doneunless; of course; he changed his
  title; or had been no longer Mr。 Wallace。
  Besides; thanks to the works of Mr。 Spencer; Professor Mivart;
  Professor Semper; and very many others; there has for some time been
  a growing perception that the Darwinism of Charles Darwin was
  doomed。  Use and disuse must either do even more than is officially
  recognised in Mr。 Darwin's later concessions; or they must do a
  great deal less。  If they can do as much as Mr。 Darwin himself said
  they did; why should they not do more?  Why stop where Mr。 Darwin
  did?  And again; where in the name of all that is reasonable did he
  really stop?  He drew no line; and on what principle can we say that
  so much is possible as effect of use and disuse; but so much more
  impossible?  If; as Mr。 Darwin contended; disuse can so far reduce
  an organ as to render it rudimentary; and in many cases get rid of
  it altogether; why cannot use create as much as disuse can destroy;
  provided it has anything; no matter how low in structure; to begin
  with?  Let us know where we stand。  If it is admitted that use and
  disuse can do a good deal; what does a good deal mean?  And what is
  the proportion between the shares attributable to use and disuse and
  to natural selection respectively?  If we cannot be told with
  absolute precision; let us at any rate have something more definite
  than the statement that natural selection is 〃the most important
  means of modification。〃
  Mr。 Darwin gave us no help in this respect; and worse than this; he
  contradicted himself so flatly as to show that he had very little
  definite idea upon the subject at all。  Thus in respect to the
  winglessness of the Madeira beetles he wrote:…
  〃In some cases we might easily put down to disuse modifications of
  structure; which are wholly or mainly due to natural selection。  Mr。
  Wollaston has discovered the remarkable fact that 200 beetles; out
  of the 550 species (but more are now known) inhabiting Madeira; are
  so far deficient in wings that they cannot fly; and that of the 29
  endemic genera no less than 23 have all their species in this
  condition!  Several facts;namely; that beetles in many parts of
  the world are frequently blown out to sea and perish; that the
  beetles in Madeira; as observed by Mr。 Wollaston; lie much concealed
  until the wind lulls and the sun shines; that the proportion of
  wingless beetles is larger on the exposed Desertas than in Madeira
  itself; and especially the extraordinary fact; so strongly insisted
  on by Mr。 Wollaston; that certain large groups of beetles; elsewhere
  excessively numerous; which absolutely require the use of their
  wings are here almost entirely absent;these several considerations
  make me believe that the wingless condition of so many Madeira
  beetles is mainly due to the action of natural selection; COMBINED
  PROBABLY WITH DISUSE 'italics mine'。  For during many successive
  generations each individual beetle which flew least; either from its
  wings having been ever so little less perfectly developed or from
  indolent habit; will have had the best chance of surviving; from not
  being blown out to sea; and; on the other hand; those beetles which
  most readily took to flight would oftenest have been blown to sea;
  and thus destroyed。〃 {27}
  We should like to know; first; somewhere about how much disuse was
  able to do after all; and moreover why; if it can do anything at
  all; it should not be able to do all。  Mr。 Darwin says:  〃Any change
  in structure and function which can be effected by small stages is
  within the power of natural selection。〃  〃And why not;〃 we ask;
  〃within the power of use and disuse?〃  Moreover; on a later page we
  find Mr。 Darwin saying:…
  RENDERING ORGANS RUDIMENTARY 'italics mine'。  It would at first lead
  by slow steps to the more and more complete reduction of a part;
  until at last it has become rudimentaryas in the case of the eyes
  of animals inhabiting dark caverns; and of the wings of birds
  inhabiting oceanic islands; which have seldom been forced by beasts
  of prey to take flight; and have ultimately lost the power of
  flying。  Again; an organ; useful under certain conditions; might
  become injurious under others; AS WITH THE WINGS OF BEETLES LIVING
  ON SMALL AND EXPOSED ISLANDS; and in this case natural selection
  will have aided in reducing the organ; until it was rendered
  harmless and rudimentary 'italics mine'。〃 {28}
  So that just as an undefined amount of use and disuse was introduced
  on the earlier page to supplement the effects of natural selection
  in respect of the wings of beetles on small and exposed islands; we
  have here an undefined amount of natural selection introduced to
  supplement the effects of use and disuse in respect of the identical
  phenomena。  In the one passage we find that natural selection has
  been the main agent in reducing the wings; though use and disuse
  have had an appreciable share in the result; in the other; it is use
  and disuse that have been the main agents; though an appreciable
  share in the result must be ascribed to natural selection。
  Besides; who has seen the uncles and aunts going away with the
  uniformity that is necessary for Mr。 Darwin's contention?  We know
  that birds and insects do often get blown out to sea and perish; but
  in order to establish Mr。 Darwin's position we want the evidence of
  those who watched the reduction of the wings during the many
  generations in the course of which it was being effected; and who
  can testify that all; or the overwhelming majority; of the beetles
  born with fairly well…developed wings got blown out to sea; while
  those alone survived whose wings were congenitally degenerate。  Who
  saw them go; or can point to analogous cases so conclusive as to
  compel assent from any equitable thinker?
  Darwinians of the stamp of Mr。 Thiselton Dyer; Professor Ray
  Lankester; or Mr。 Romanes; insist on their pound of flesh in the
  matter of irrefragable demonstration。  They complain of us for not
  bringing forward some one who has been able to detect the movement
  of the hour…hand of a watch during a second of time; and when we
  fail to do so; declare triumphantly that we have no evidence that
  there is any connection between the beating of a second and the
  movement of the hour…hand。  When we say that rain comes from the
  condensation of moisture in the atmosphere; they demand of us a
  rain…drop from moisture not yet condensed。  If they stickle for
  proof and cavil on the ninth part of a hair; as they do when we
  bring forward what we deem excellent instances of the transmission
  of an acquired characteristic; why may not we; too; demand at any
  rate some evidence that the unmodified beetles actually did always;
  or nearly always; get blown out to sea; during the reduction above
  referred to; and that it is to this fact; and not to the masterly
  inactivity of their fathers and mothers; that the Madeira beetles
  owe their winglessness?  If we began stickling for proof in this
  way; our opponents would not be long in letting us know that
  absolute pro