第 67 节
作者:绝对601      更新:2022-04-16 12:12      字数:9298
  “Oh!     my   dear;    it  is  quite  understood;       I  give  you    my   word。
  Captain Harville has no thought but of going。”
  “Do   you   think   so?   But   I   am   afraid;   and   I   should   be   so   very
  sorry。   Will    you   promise   me      to   mention    it;  when    you   see   them
  again?      You    will  see   them     both   this   morning;      I  dare   say。   Do
  promise me。”
  “To   be   sure   I   will;   if   you   wish   it。   Charles;   if   you   see   Captain
  Harville   anywhere;   remember   to   give   Miss   Anne’s   message。   But
  indeed; my dear; you need not be uneasy。 Captain Harville holds
  himself  quite   engaged;   I’ll answer  for  it;   and  Captain   Wentworth
  the same; I dare say。”
  Anne      could    do   no   more;     but    her   heart    prophesied       some
  mischance   to  damp   the   perfection   of   her   felicity。   It   could   not   be
  very  lasting;   however。   Even   if   he   did   not   come   to   Camden…place
  himself; it would be in her power to send an intelligible sentence
  by    Captain      Harville。    Another      momentary         vexation     occurred。
  Charles; in his real concern and good nature; would go home with
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  her; there was no preventing him。 This was almost cruel。 But she
  could not be long ungrateful; he was sacrificing an engagement at
  a gunsmith’s; to be of use to her; and she set off with him; with no
  feeling but gratitude apparent。
  They     were   on   Union…street;      when    a  quicker    step   behind;    a
  something of familiar sound; gave her two  moments’ preparation
  for   the   sight   of   Captain   Wentworth。   He   joined   them;   but;   as     if
  irresolute whether to join or to pass on; said nothing—only looked。
  Anne could command herself enough to receive that look; and not
  repulsively。 The cheeks which had been pale now glowed; and the
  movements which had hesitated were decided。 He walked by her
  side。 Presently; struck by a sudden thought; Charles said—
  “Captain   Wentworth;   which   way   are   you   going?   Only   to   Gay…
  street; or farther up the town?”
  “I hardly know;” replied Captain Wentworth; surprised。
  “Are     you   going    as  high    as  Belmont?      Are    you   going    near
  Camden…place?   Because;   if         you   are;   I  shall  have   no   scruple   in
  asking     you   to  take   my   place;   and    give  Anne     your   arm    to  her
  father’s door。 She is rather done for this morning; and must not go
  so   far  without     help;   and   I  ought   to  be   at  that   fellow’s   in  the
  market…place。 He promised me the sight of a capital gun he is just
  going   to   send   off;  said   he   would    keep    it  unpacked     to  the  last
  possible moment; that I might see it; and if I do not turn back now;
  I have no chance。 By his description; a good deal like the second
  size   double…barrel   of   mine;   which   you   shot   with   one   day   round
  There could not be an objection。 There could be only the most
  proper   alacrity;   a   most   obliging   compliance   for   public   view;   and
  smiles   reined in and   spirits   dancing   in   private   rapture。   In   half   a
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  minute Charles was at the bottom   of  Union…street  again;   and   the
  other     two    proceeding      together;     and    soon    words    enough      had
  passed      between      them     to   decide    their   direction     towards      the
  comparatively  quiet  and   retired   gravel…walk;   where   the   power   of
  conversation would make the present hour a blessing indeed; and
  prepare it for all the immortality which the happiest recollections
  of   their   own    future   lives   could    bestow。    There     they   exchanged
  again   those   feelings   and   those   promises   which   had   once   before
  seemed to secure every thing; but which had been followed by so
  many;      many     years    of  division    and    estrangement。        There    they
  returned again into the past; more exquisitely happy; perhaps; in
  their re…union; than when it had been first projected; more tender;
  more   tried;   more   fixed   in   a knowledge   of  each  other’s   character;
  truth; and attachment; more equal to act; more justified in acting。
  And   there;   as   they   slowly   paced   the   gradual   ascent;   heedless   of
  every   group   around   them;   seeing   neither   sauntering   politicians;
  bustling      housekeepers;        flirting   girls;   nor    nursery…maids        and
  children;       they    could     indulge     in    those     retrospections       and
  acknowledgements;   and   especially   in   those   explanations   of   what
  had     directly    preceded      the    present     moment;      which      were    so
  poignant and so ceaseless in interest。 All the little variations of the
  last   week   were   gone   through;   and   of   yesterday   and   today   there
  could scarcely be an end。
  She had not mistaken him。 Jealousy of Mr。 Elliot had been the
  retarding      weight;    the   doubt;    the   torment。     That    had    begun    to
  operate   in   the   very   hour   of   first   meeting   her   in   Bath;   that   had
  returned;   after   a   short   suspension;   to   ruin   the   concert;   and   that
  had influenced him in everything he had said and done; or omitted
  to   say   and   do;   in  the   last  four…and…twenty        hours。   It  had    been
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  gradually yielding to the better hopes which her  looks;   or  words;
  or actions occasionally encouraged; it had been vanquished at last
  by those sentiments and those tones which had reached him while
  she     talked    with    Captain     Harville;    and     under    the    irresistible
  governance of which he had seized a   sheet  of  paper; and   poured
  out his feelings。
  Of   what   he   had   then   written;   nothing   was   to   be   retracted   or
  qualified。   He   persisted   in      having   loved     none    but   her。  She    had
  never been supplanted。 He never even believed himself to see her
  equal。 Thus much indeed he was obliged to acknowledge—that he
  had been constant unconsciously; nay unintentionally; that he had
  meant to forget her; and believed it to be done。 He had imagined
  himself   indifferent;   when   he   had   only   been   angry;   and   he   had
  been   unjust   to   her   merits;   because   he   had   been   a   sufferer   from
  them。 Her character was now fixed on his mind as perfection itself;
  maintaining the loveliest medium of fortitude and gentleness; but
  he   was   obliged   to   acknowledge   that   only   at   Uppercross   had   he
  learnt     to  do   her   justice;   and    only   at  Lyme      had   he   begun     to
  understand himself。
  At  Lyme;   he   had   received   lessons   of   more   than   one   sort。   The
  passing admiration of Mr。 Elliot had at least roused him; and the
  scenes      on   the   Cobb    and    at   Captain     Harville’s    had    fixed   her
  In his preceding attempts to attach himself to Louisa Musgrove
  (the attempts of angry pride); he protested that he had for ever felt
  it   to   be  impossible;     that   he  had   not   cared;    could    not   care;  for
  Louisa;   though   till   that   day;   till   the   leisure   for   reflection   which
  followed   it;   he   had   not   understood   the   perfect   excellence   of   the
  mind   with   which   Louisa’s   could   so   ill   bear   a   comparison;   or   the
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  perfect  unrivalled   hold it  possessed   over   his   own。   There;   he   had
  learnt  to  distinguish  between  the   steadiness   of   principle   and   the
  obstinacy of self…will; between the darings of heedlessness and the
  resolution   of   a   collected   mind。   There   he   had   seen   everything   to
  exalt in his estimation the woman he had lost; and there begun to
  deplore the pride; the folly; the madness of resentment; which had
  kept him from trying to regain her when thrown in his way。
  From   that  period   his   penance   had   become   s