第 29 节
作者:绝对601      更新:2022-04-16 12:12      字数:9276
  suddenly began again; with;
  “Oh! yes;—I am quite convinced that; with very few exceptions;
  the sea…air always does good。 There can be no doubt of its having
  been   of   the   greatest   service   to   Dr。   Shirley;   after   his   illness;   last
  spring   twelve…month。   He   declares   himself;   that   coming   to   Lyme
  for   a   month;   did   him   more   good   than   all   the   medicine   he   took;
  and;   that   being   by   the   sea;   always   makes   him   feel   young   again。
  Now; I cannot help thinking it a pity that he does not live entirely
  by the sea。 I do think he had better leave Uppercross entirely; and
  fix at Lyme。—Do not you; Anne?—Do not you agree with me; that
  it   is  the   best   thing    he   could    do;  both    for   himself    and    Mrs。
  Shirley?—She           has     cousins      here;     you     know;      and     many
  acquaintance;   which   would   make   it   cheerful   for   her;—and   I   am
  sure   she   would   be   glad   to   get   to   a   place   where   she   could   have
  medical attendance at hand; in case of his having another seizure。
  Indeed I think it quite melancholy to have such excellent people as
  Dr。   and   Mrs。   Shirley;   who   have   been   doing   good   all   their   lives;
  wearing   out   their   last   days     in  a  place    like  Uppercross;      where;
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  excepting our family; they seem shut out from all the world。 I wish
  his friends would propose it to him。 I really think they ought。 And;
  as to procuring a dispensation; there could be no difficulty at his
  time   of   life;   and   with   his   character。   My   only   doubt   is;   whether
  anything   could   persuade   him   to   leave   his   parish。   He   is   so   very
  strict  and   scrupulous   in   his   notions;   over…scrupulous   I   must   say。
  Do  not  you  think;   Anne;   it  is   being  over…scrupulous?   Do  not   you
  think it is quite a mistaken point of conscience; when a clergyman
  sacrifices   his   health  for  the   sake   of   duties;   which   may   be   just   as
  well    performed       by   another     person?—And         at  Lyme      too;—only
  seventeen miles off;—he would be near enough to hear; if people
  thought there was anything to complain of。”
  Anne smiled more than once to herself during this speech; and
  entered into the subject; as ready to do good by entering into the
  feelings  of  a   young lady as   of  a  young  man;—though  here   it   was
  good   of   a   lower   standard;   for   what   could   be   offered   but   general
  acquiescence?—She   said   all   that   was   reasonable   and   proper   on
  the business; felt the claims of Dr。 Shirley to repose; as she ought;
  saw   how   very   desirable   it   was   that   he   should   have   some   active;
  respectable       young     man;    as   a  resident     curate;    and    was    even
  courteous       enough     to   hint   at  the    advantage      of  such    resident
  curate’s being married。
  “I wish;” said Henrietta; very well pleased with her companion;
  “I wish Lady Russell lived at Uppercross; and were intimate with
  Dr。 Shirley。 I have always heard of Lady Russell as a woman of the
  greatest influence with everybody! I always look upon her as able
  to persuade a person to anything! I am afraid of her; as I have told
  you before; quite afraid of her; because she is so very clever; but I
  respect     her   amazingly;      and   wish    we   had   such    a  neighbour      at
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  Anne was amused by Henrietta’s manner of being grateful; and
  amused   also   that   the   course   of   events   and   the   new   interests   of
  Henrietta’s   views   should   have   placed   her   friend   at   all   in   favour
  with any of the Musgrove family; she had only time; however; for a
  general   answer;   and   a     wish   that   such   another   woman        were   at
  Uppercross; before all subjects suddenly ceased; on seeing Louisa
  and Captain Wentworth coming towards them。 They came also for
  a    stroll   till  breakfast     was    likely   to   be   ready;     but   Louisa
  recollecting;   immediately   afterwards   that   she   had   something   to
  procure   at   a   shop;   invited   them   all   to   go   back   with   her   into   the
  town。 They were all at her disposal。
  When they came to the steps; leading upwards from the beach;
  a   gentleman;      at  the   same     moment      preparing     to   come    down;
  politely drew back; and stopped to give them way。 They ascended
  and  passed   him; and as   they  passed;  Anne’s   face   caught  his   eye;
  and he looked at her  with  a degree  of  earnest admiration;   which
  she could not be insensible of。 She   was looking  remarkably  well;
  her    very   regular;    very   pretty    features;   having     the  bloom     and
  freshness      of  youth   restored     by  the   fine  wind    which    had    been
  blowing on her complexion; and by the animation of eye which it
  had also produced。 It was evident that the gentleman; (completely
  a    gentleman      in   manner)      admired      her    exceedingly。      Captain
  Wentworth looked round at her instantly in a way which shewed
  his   noticing  of  it。   He   gave   her  a   momentary  glance;—a   glance   of
  brightness; which seemed to say; “That man is struck with you;—
  and even I; at this moment; see something like Anne Elliot again。”
  After     attending     Louisa    through     her   business;    and    loitering
  about a little longer; they returned to the inn; and Anne; in passing
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  afterwards   quickly   from   her   own   chamber   to   their   dining…room;
  had nearly run against the very same gentleman; as he came out of
  an adjoining  apartment。 She   had  before   conjectured   him   to be   a
  stranger      like  themselves;      and    determined       that   a  well…looking
  groom;   who   was   strolling   about   near   the   two   inns   as   they   came
  back;     should    be   his  servant。     Both    master    and    man    being    in
  mourning assisted the idea。 It was now proved that he belonged to
  the same   inn   as   themselves;   and   this   second meeting; short  as   it
  was; also proved again by the gentleman’s looks;   that  he   thought
  hers     very   lovely;   and    by   the   readiness     and    propriety     of  his
  apologies;   that   he   was   a   man   of   exceedingly   good   manners。   He
  seemed about thirty; and though not handsome; had an agreeable
  person。 Anne felt that she should like to know who he was。
  They had nearly done breakfast; when the sound of a carriage;
  (almost   the   first   they   had   heard   since   entering   Lyme)   drew   half
  the    party    to  the   window。      “It  was    a   gentleman’s      carriage—a
  curricle—but only coming round from the stable…yard to the front
  door。—Somebody            must     be   going    away。—It      was    driven    by   a
  servant in mourning。”
  The   word   curricle   made   Charles   Musgrove   jump   up   that   he
  might   compare   it   with   his   own;   the   servant   in   mourning   roused
  Anne’s curiosity; and the whole six were collected to look; by the
  time the owner of the curricle was to be seen issuing from the door
  amidst   the   bows   and   civilities   of   the   household;   and   taking   his
  seat; to drive off。
  “Ah!”     cried   Captain     Wentworth;       instantly;    and   with    half   a
  glance at Anne; “it is the very man we passed。”
  The Miss Musgroves agreed to it; and having all kindly watched
  him as far up the hill as they could; they returned to the breakfast
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  table。 The waiter came into the room soon afterwards。
  “Pray;” said Captain Wentworth; immediately; “can you tell us
  the name of the gentleman who is just gone away?”
  “Yes; Sir; a   Mr。   Elliot; a   gentleman   of large   fortune;—came   in
  last  night   from   Sidmouth;—dare   say   you   heard   the   carriage;   sir;
  while you were at dinner; and going on now for Crewkherne; in his
  way to Bath and London。”