第 25 节
作者:绝对601      更新:2022-04-16 12:12      字数:9281
  am interested in; is that they should be firm。 If Louisa   Musgrove
  would   be   beautiful   and   happy   in   her   November   of   life;   she   will
  cherish all her present powers of mind。”
  He  had   done;—and   was   unanswered。   It   would   have   surprised
  Anne if Louisa could have readily answered such a speech—words
  of   such   interest;   spoken   with   such   serious   warmth!—she          could
  imagine what Louisa was feeling。 For herself—she feared to move;
  lest   she   should    be   seen。   While    she   remained;     a  bush    of  low
  rambling   holly   protected   her;   and   they   were   moving   on。   Before
  they were beyond her hearing; however; Louisa spoke again。
  “Mary     is  good…natured      enough     in  many    respects;”    said   she;
  “but she does sometimes provoke me excessively; by her nonsense
  and pride; the Elliot pride。 She   has   a   great deal   too  much  of  the
  Elliot    pride。—We      do   so  wish    that   Charles    had   married     Anne
  instead。—I suppose you know he wanted to marry Anne?”
  After a moment’s pause; Captain Wentworth said;
  “Do you mean that she refused him?”
  “Oh! yes; certainly。”
  “When did that happen?”
  “I do not exactly know; for Henrietta and I were at school at the
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  time; but I believe about a year before he married Mary。 I wish she
  had accepted him。 We should all have liked her a great deal better;
  and papa and mamma always think   it  was  her  great  friend   Lady
  Russell’s   doing;   that  she   did not。—They   think   Charles   might   not
  be   learned   and bookish  enough  to  please   Lady   Russell;   and   that
  therefore; she persuaded Anne to refuse him。”
  The sounds were retreating; and Anne distinguished no  more。
  Her  own   emotions   still   kept   her   fixed。   She   had   much   to   recover
  from; before she could move。 The listener’s proverbial fate was not
  absolutely   hers;   she   had   heard   no   evil   of   herself;—but   she   had
  heard   a   great  deal   of  very  painful   import。   She  saw  how  her  own
  character   was   considered   by   Captain   Wentworth;   and   there   had
  been   just   that   degree   of    feeling   and   curiosity   about   her   in    his
  manner which must give her extreme agitation。
  As   soon   as   she   could; she   went  after  Mary;   and   having  found;
  and walked back with her to their former station; by the stile; felt
  some   comfort  in   their  whole   party  being  immediately   afterwards
  collected;   and   once   more   in   motion   together。   Her   spirits   wanted
  the solitude and silence which only numbers could give。
  Charles       and    Henrietta       returned;      bringing;      as   may      be
  conjectured;       Charles     Hayter     with   them。     The    minutiae     of   the
  business      Anne    could    not   attempt     to  understand;      even    Captain
  Wentworth did not seem admitted to perfect confidence here; but
  that there had been a withdrawing on the gentleman’s side; and a
  relenting   on   the   lady’s;   and   that   they   were   now   very   glad   to   be
  together   again;   did   not   admit   a   doubt。   Henrietta   looked   a   little
  ashamed;       but    very   well   pleased;—Charles          Hayter    exceedingly
  happy: and they were devoted to each other almost from the first
  instant of their all setting forward for Uppercross。
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  Everything      now    marked      out  Louisa    for  Captain     Wentworth;
  nothing      could    be    plainer;    and    where     many     divisions     were
  necessary; or even where they were not; they walked side by side
  nearly as much as the other two。 In a long strip of meadow…land;
  where   there   was   ample   space   for   all;   they   were   thus   divided—
  forming three distinct parties; and to that party of the three which
  boasted least animation; and least complaisance; Anne necessarily
  belonged。 She joined Charles and Mary; and was tired enough to
  be very glad of Charles’s other arm;—but Charles; though in very
  good humour with her; was out of temper with his wife。 Mary had
  shewn      herself    disobliging     to  him;   and    was    now    to  reap    the
  consequence;        which     consequence       was    his   dropping     her    arm
  almost  every  moment  to  cut  off   the   heads   of  some   nettles   in   the
  hedge with his switch; and when Mary began to complain of it; and
  lament   her   being   ill…used;   according   to   custom;   in   being   on   the
  hedge  side;  while Anne   was  never   incommoded   on   the   other;   he
  dropped the arms   of both  to  hunt  after  a   weasel   which  he  had  a
  momentary glance of; and they could hardly get him along at all。
  This long meadow bordered a lane; which their footpath; at the
  end of it was to cross; and when the party had all reached the gate
  of   exit;   the   carriage   advancing   in   the   same   direction;   which   had
  been   some      time   heard;   was    just   coming   up;   and   proved     to  be
  Admiral   Croft’s   gig。—He   and   his   wife   had   taken   their   intended
  drive;   and   were   returning   home。   Upon   hearing   how   long   a   walk
  the young people had engaged in; they kindly offered a seat to any
  lady who might be particularly tired; it would save her a full mile;
  and     they   were    going   through     Uppercross。      The    invitation    was
  general; and generally declined。 The Miss Musgroves were not at
  all tired; and Mary was either offended; by not being asked before
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  any of the others; or what Louisa called the Elliot pride could not
  endure to make a third in a one horse chaise。
  The walking party had crossed the lane; and were surmounting
  an opposite stile; and the Admiral was putting his horse in motion
  again; when Captain Wentworth cleared the hedge in a moment to
  say something to his sister。 The something might be guessed by its
  “Miss Elliot; I am sure you are tired;” cried Mrs。 Croft。 “Do let
  us have the pleasure of taking  you  home。   Here  is  excellent  room
  for three; I assure you。 If we were all like you; I believe we might
  sit four。—You must; indeed; you must。”
  Anne was still in the lane; and though instinctively beginning to
  decline;     she   was   not   allowed     to  proceed。    The    Admiral’s     kind
  urgency came in support of his wife’s; they would not be refused;
  they   compressed   themselves   into   the   smallest   possible   space   to
  leave    her   a  corner;    and   Captain     Wentworth;      without     saying   a
  word; turned to her; and quietly obliged her to be assisted into the
  Yes;—he had done it。 She was in the carriage; and felt that he
  had placed her there; that his will and his hands had done it; that
  she owed it to his perception of her fatigue; and his resolution to
  give    her   rest。  She   was   very   much     affected    by  the   view   of  his
  disposition   towards   her;   which   all   these   things   made   apparent。
  This    little   circumstance     seemed     the   completion     of   all   that  had
  gone before。 She understood him。 He could not forgive her;—but
  he   could not  be   unfeeling。   Though  condemning  her   for   the   past;
  and     considering      it  with   high   and    unjust    resentment;      though
  perfectly     careless     of  her;   and    though     becoming      attached     to
  another;   still   he   could   not   see   her   suffer;   without   the   desire   of
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  giving her relief。 It was a remainder of former sentiment; it was an
  impulse      of  pure;   though     unacknowledged         friendship;    it  was   a
  proof   of   his   own   warm   and   amiable   heart;   which   she   could   not
  contemplate       without   emotions   so   compounded           of  pleasure    and
  pain; that she knew not which prevailed。
  Her     answers      to   the   kindness      and    the    remarks      of   her
  companions were at first unconsciously given。 Th