第 9 节
作者:绝对601      更新:2022-04-16 12:12      字数:9289
  cheerful confidence in   futurity;   against  that  over…anxious   caution
  which seems to insult exertion and distrust Providence!—She had
  been   forced   into  prudence   in   her  youth;  she  learned   romance   as
  she grew older—the natural sequel of an unnatural beginning。
  Classics in Literature: Jane Austen                                            ElecBook
  … Page 36…
  Jane Austen: Persuasion                                36
  With    all  these    circumstances;       recollections    and    feelings;   she
  could not hear that Captain Wentworth’s sister was likely to live at
  Kellynch without a revival of former pain; and many a stroll; and
  many a sigh; were necessary to dispel the agitation of the idea。 She
  often told herself it was folly; before she could harden her nerves
  sufficiently to feel the continual discussion of the Crofts and their
  business      no   evil。  She    was    assisted;    however;      by   that   perfect
  indifference and apparent unconsciousness; among the only three
  of her own friends in the secret of the past; which seemed almost
  to    deny    any    recollection     of   it。  She   could    do    justice   to   the
  superiority   of   Lady   Russell’s   motives   in   this;   over   those       of  her
  father   and   Elizabeth;   she   could   honour   all   the   better   feelings   of
  her   calmness—but   the   general   air   of   oblivion   among   them   was
  highly   important;   from   whatever   it   sprung;   and   in   the   event   of
  Admiral      Croft’s   really   taking    Kellynch     Hall;   she   rejoiced    anew
  over the conviction which had always been most grateful to her; of
  the past being known to those three only among her connexions;
  by whom no syllable; she believed; would ever be whispered; and
  in   the  trust  that  among   his;   the   brother   only   with   whom   he   had
  been   residing;   had   received   any   information   of   their   short…lived
  engagement。—That             brother    had    been    long    removed      from    the
  country—and being a sensible man; and; moreover; a single   man
  at  the   time;   she   had   a  fond dependence   on   no   human   creature’s
  having heard of it from him。
  The     sister;   Mrs。     Croft;   had     then    been     out   of   England;
  accompanying          her   husband     on   a  foreign    station;   and    her  own
  sister; Mary; had been at school while it  all   occurred—and never
  admitted by  the   pride  of  some; and   the   delicacy  of  others;   to  the
  smallest knowledge of it afterwards。
  Classics in Literature: Jane Austen                                            ElecBook
  … Page 37…
  Jane Austen: Persuasion                                37
  With these supports; she hoped that the acquaintance between
  herself and the   Crofts;   which;   with  Lady  Russell; still   resident  in
  Kellynch; and Mary fixed only three miles off; must be anticipated;
  need not involve any particular awkwardness。
  Classics in Literature: Jane Austen                                           ElecBook
  … Page 38…
  Jane Austen: Persuasion                            38
  n   the   morning   appointed   for   Admiral   and   Mrs。   Croft’s
  seeing Kellynch Hall; Anne found it most natural to take
  her almost daily walk to Lady Russell’s; and keep out of
  the   way   till   all   was   over;   when   she   found   it   most   natural   to   be
  sorry that she had missed the opportunity of seeing them。
  This meeting of the two parties proved highly satisfactory; and
  decided the whole business at once。 Each lady was previously well
  disposed for an agreement; and saw  nothing;   therefore;   but  good
  manners in the other; and with regard to the gentlemen; there was
  such an hearty good humour; such an open; trusting liberality on
  the Admiral’s side; as could not but influence Sir Walter; who had
  besides     been    flattered   into  his   very   best  and    most    polished
  behaviour   by   Mr。   Shepherd’s   assurances   of   his   being   known;   by
  report; to the Admiral; as a model of good breeding。
  The     house   and   grounds;     and   furniture;   were   approved;     the
  Crofts   were   approved;   terms;   time;   every   thing;   and   every   body;
  was   right;   and   Mr。   Shepherd’s   clerks   were   set   to   work;   without
  there having been a single preliminary difference to modify of all
  that “This indenture sheweth。”
  Sir  Walter;   without  hesitation; declared   the   Admiral   to   be   the
  best…looking sailor he had ever met with; and went so far as to say;
  that if his own man might have had the arranging of his hair; he
  should not be ashamed of being seen with him any where; and the
  Admiral; with sympathetic cordiality; observed to his wife as they
  drove back through the Park; “I thought we should soon come to a
  Classics in Literature: Jane Austen                                       ElecBook
  … Page 39…
  Jane Austen: Persuasion                               39
  deal;    my   dear;   in  spite   of  what    they   told  us   at  Taunton。     The
  Baronet will never set the Thames on fire; but there seems to be
  no    harm    in  him:”—reciprocal         compliments;      which     would    have
  been esteemed about equal。
  The Crofts were to have possession at Michaelmas; and   as   Sir
  Walter proposed removing to Bath in the course of the preceding
  month;   there   was   no   time   to   be   lost   in   making   every   dependant
  Lady Russell; convinced that Anne would not be allowed to be
  of   any   use;   or   any   importance;   in   the   choice   of   the   house   which
  they were going to secure; was very unwilling to have her hurried
  away   so   soon;   and     wanted    to  make     it  possible   for  her   to  stay
  behind till she might convey her to Bath herself  after  Christmas;
  but   having   engagements   of   her   own   which   must   take   her   from
  Kellynch      for   several    weeks;    she   was    unable    to   give   the   full
  invitation     she   wished;    and   Anne    though     dreading     the   possible
  heats of September in all the white glare of Bath; and grieving to
  forego     all  the  influence    so   sweet   and    so  sad   of  the   autumnal
  months in the country; did not think that; everything considered;
  she wished to remain。 It would be most right; and most wise; and;
  therefore must involve least suffering to go with the others。
  Something       occurred;     however;     to  give   her   a  different    duty。
  Mary; often a little unwell; and always thinking a great deal of her
  own   complaints; and always in   the   habit   of   claiming   Anne   when
  anything was the matter; was indisposed; and foreseeing that she
  should not have a day’s health all the autumn; entreated; or rather
  required   her;   for   it   was   hardly   entreaty;   to   come   to   Uppercross
  Cottage;   and   bear   her   company   as   long   as   she   should   want   her;
  instead of going to Bath。
  Classics in Literature: Jane Austen                                          ElecBook
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  Jane Austen: Persuasion                               40
  “I   cannot   possibly   do   without   Anne;”      was    Mary’s    reasoning;
  and Elizabeth’s reply was; “Then I am sure Anne had better stay;
  for nobody will want her in Bath。”
  To be claimed as a good; though in an improper style; is at least
  better than being rejected as no good at all; and Anne; glad to be
  thought of some use; glad to have anything marked out as a duty;
  and certainly not sorry to have the scene of it in the country; and
  her own dear country; readily agreed to stay。
  This invitation of Mary’s removed all Lady Russell’s difficulties;
  and  it  was consequently  soon settled   that Anne   should   not   go   to
  Bath till Lady Russell took her; and that all   the   intervening  time
  should     be   divided    between      Uppercross      Cottage     and    Kellynch
  So    far  all  was  perfectly    right;   but  Lady    Russell    was   almost
  startled by the wrong of one part of the Kellynch Hall plan; when
  it burst on her; which was; Mrs。 Clay’s being engaged to go to Bath
  with Sir Walter and Elizabeth; as   a  most  important  and   valuable
  assistant to the latter in all the business before her。 Lady Russell
  was     extremely     sorry    that  such    a   measure     should     have    been
  resorted to at all—wondered; grieved; and feared—and the affront
  it  contained  to  Anne; in