第 56 节
作者:双曲线      更新:2022-04-14 11:08      字数:9320
  and the bribes and extra payments extracted from the vine…growers are
  represented in the gross sum mentioned as amounting to 40 per cent。 upon
  the general produce of the vineyard。 The reforms already established by
  the abolition of the nefarious system of tax…farming have relieved the
  vine…growers from the most serious oppression; but sufficient abuses
  remain to demand a radical change; if the industry for which Cyprus is
  specially adapted by nature is to be encouraged。
  As I have described in outline the rude method of cultivation and the
  manufacture of wine from the first bursting of the young vines; I will
  now examine the system of arbitrary interference to which the vine…
  grower is exposed through the successive stages of his employment。
  The first tax is perfectly fair; as it is calculated according to the
  rateable value of the land; which is divided into three classes。 These
  qualities of soil vary in the valuation from
  No。 1 = 500 piastres the donum (about half an acre) to
  No。 3 = 100 piastres the donum
  The malliea; or annual tax upon these valuations per donum; is 2 per
  When the grapes are nearly ripe; they must be valued before the
  proprietor has a right to gather his crop。 He is obliged to present
  himself at the government office at Limasol; many miles from his estate;
  to petition for the attendance of the official valuer; called the
  〃mahmoor;〃 upon a certain day。 This may or may not be granted; but at
  all events one or two days have been expended in the journey。
  Should the mahmoor arrive; which he frequently does not; at the
  appointed time; the medjlis; or council of the villages; appoints a
  special arbitrator to represent their (the vine…growers) interests; and
  he accompanies the government official during his examination of the
  vineyards。 After a certain amount of haggling and discussion; an
  approximate weight of grapes is agreed upon; the mahmoor declaring the
  ultimate amount far above the actual crop per donum: and the tax is
  determined according to their quality; resolved into two classes:
  No。 1; the commanderia; and other superior varieties; pay 25 paras the oke。
  No。 2; all other grapes pay 16 paras the oke。
  But these taxes。 are modified according to the abundance and quality of
  the grapes in each successive season; being sometimes more or less than
  the figures given。 The crop is generally ripe towards the end of August;
  and the tax; having been determined; may be paid during the following
  January; March; or May。
  The grapes having been officially valued; and the rate of taxation
  established; the proprietor may gather his crop; and press it for wine。
  The rows of enormous jars are at length filled: eventually the wine is
  ready for sale。
  Now comes the necessity for a second journey to Limasol; perhaps thirty
  or forty miles distant; to petition for the government official to
  measure the contents of the jars; without such an examination; no wine
  can be removed from the stores。
  This is another loss of time to the grower; and occasions an expense for
  himself and mule for the journey。
  The jars are at length measured; but before any wine can be removed a
  general examination of the quality of the district produce must be
  completed; and; an average value having been determined; the tax of 10
  per cent。 must be paid ad valorem。
  After these necessary forms have been gone through; with the attendant
  vexatious delays and expensive journeys; entailing loss of time for men
  and mules; the vine…grower wishes to carry his wine to market。
  Before a drop can be removed he must present himself at the official
  quarters; either at Kilani or one other village; to obtain a teskeri; or
  permit; for the quantity that he wishes to convey。 After this trouble
  and delay he returns to his home with the official permit to remove to a
  specified place (generally Limasol) a fixed quantity of wine; which is
  calculated by the load; one load equals 128 okes of 2。75 lbs。
  avoirdupois; and; packed in goat…skins; is carried by two mules。
  The vine…grower himself weighs his wine when the skins are filled; and
  he starts upon his long journey over steep mountain rocky paths to
  Limasol; where he will sell his load to the wine…merchant; who
  subsequently will ship it to the various ports of the Mediteranean。
  The sun is burning; and the wine; contained in tarry goat…skins; is;
  after a few hours' exposure to the heat; about the temperature of the
  hottest bath; thus absorbing the vile smells of the primitive but secure
  package。 The owner is well aware that the value of his wine will depend
  upon the flavour; therefore he hurries his mules forward; in order to
  deliver it as quickly as possible to the merchant; before it shall be
  contaminated by the skins。
  Upon arrival at Limasol it may be late; and nothing can be done。 His
  wine must be weighed by the government official at the public
  weighing…place; specially assigned for the wine trade; and he drives his
  laden and tired mules to the yard。 Here he finds some hundreds of mules
  and their proprietors in a similar position to himself; however; there
  is no help for it; and they must be patient through the night while
  their wine is imbibing the hateful flavour of the goat…skins。 In the
  meantime they must purchase food for their mules and seek quarters for
  When the morning appears the government official has enough to do; and
  as a certain time must be occupied in weighing a given quantity; the day
  wears away。 Every man has to present his teskeri; or permit; for removal
  from his village to Limasol of a specified quantity of wine; and his
  load must weigh that prescribed weight upon delivery。 His scales may not
  have been exactly in harmony with those of the government official; but
  should the quantity exceed the teskeri; the owner must pay DOUBLE THE
  In the meantime; during the wrangles concerning discrepancies in weight;
  mules are arriving with their loads; their owners all desirous of
  despatch; and the hours fast wearing away。 The next day is probably a
  Greek holiday; and all the merchants' stores are shut (there is a Greek
  holiday at least once a week;generally twice)。 The unfortunate
  vine…grower; after waiting patiently in despair; discovers that he must
  wait still longer。 At length; after vexations and delays; he draws a
  sample of wine into a gourd…shell from his skins; and hands it to the
  merchant; who; having made a wry face and spat it out; advises him to
  〃throw his wine into the sea; as it is undrinkable;〃 having remained too
  long in the goat…skins exposed to the sun。 A most respectable informant
  related to me the total loss of a large quantity of first…class wine
  from the delay thus occasioned at Limasol。 。 。 。
  The refuse; after pressing the grapes; is calculated to yield upon
  distillation a proportion of 100 okes of spirit for every ten loads
  (1280 okes) of wine。 This pays a tax of eight paras the oke; which;
  added to the 10 per cent。 upon the wine; makes a total of 15 per cent。
  upon wine and spirit included。
  The vine…grower; irrespective of the size of his vineyard; is allowed
  200 okes duty free for his own consumption; and when his jars are
  measured to determine the contents for taxation an allowance is deducted
  for the muddy deposit at the bottom。
  It will at once be seen by this enumeration of the delays and vexations
  occasioned by this arbitrary system; that it is barely possible for the
  vine…grower to calculate the actual cost of his wine; as the loss of
  time; expense of journeys; and uncertainty of the amount of delays are
  entirely beyond his control。 It is therefore extremely difficult to
  discover the exact financial position of the cultivator; but from the
  data in my possession it is nearly as follows:
  One donum of land; which is supposed to measure a square of fifty yards;
  would be about half an English acre; and this area is calculated to
  yield an average of one load and a half of wine = 192 okes = 528 lbs。
  The value of the ordinary wine of the country will average about 90
  piastres the load; wholesale price; therefore one donum will represent a
  gross value of I。5 load at 90 。。 = 135 piastres (Cr。)
  Against this annual produce the natives
  calculate as follows:
  Per donumExpenses of cultivating the
  land; i。e。 ploughing; weeding; &c。 。 。 。 。 。 。 25
  Pruning vines  。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 10
  Gathering crop 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 10
  Feeding labourers  。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 10
  Carriage of wine to market 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 25
  TOTAL government dues; including malliea 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 25
  ___  ___
  (Dr。) 105  135 (Cr。)
  This leaves a balance in favour of the producer of only 30 piastres;
  about 5 shillings per donum。
  But it must be remembered that in the above calculation his own personal
  labour has not been considered; neither the wear and tear of implements;
  jars; loss by accidents of seasons; when the wine turns sour; neither is
  any margin allowed for extraneous casualties。