第 47 节
作者:笑傲网络      更新:2021-12-13 08:43      字数:9322
  the Ottawas with Harry and Lieutenant De Lacy; from their perilous
  The girls had the story from Harry's lips; and in his telling of it;
  Ranald's courage and skill certainly lost nothing; but to Maimie;
  while it was pleasant enough for her to hear of Ranald's prowess;
  and while she enjoyed the reflected glory that came to her as his
  friend; the whole incident became altogether hateful and distressing。
  She found herself suddenly famous in her social world; every one was
  talking of her; but to her horror; was connecting Ranald's name with
  her's in a most significant way。  It was too awful; and if her Aunt
  Frances should hear of it; the consequences would be quite too
  terrible for her to imagine。  She must stop the talk at once。  Of
  course she meant to be kind to Ranald; he had done her great service;
  and he was her Aunt Murray's friend; and besides; she liked him; how
  much she hardly cared to say to herself。  She had liked him in
  Glengarry。  There was no doubt of that; but that was two years ago;
  and in Glengarry everything was different!  There every one was just
  as good as another; and these people were all her Aunt Murray's
  friends。  Here the relations were changed。  She could not help
  feeling that however nice he might be; and however much she might
  like him; Ranald was not of her world。
  〃Well; tell him so; let him see that;〃 said Kate; with whom Maimie
  was discussing her difficulty。
  〃Yes; and then he would fly off and Iwe would never see him
  again;〃 said Maimie。  〃He's as proud asany one!〃
  〃Strange; too;〃 said Kate; 〃when he has no money to speak of!〃
  〃You know I don't mean that; and I don't think it's very nice of
  you。  You have no sympathy with me!〃
  〃In what way?〃
  〃Well; in this very unpleasant affair; every one is talking about
  Ranald and me; as if Ias if we had some understanding。〃
  〃And have you not?  I thought〃  Kate hesitated to remind Maimie
  of certain confidences she had received two years ago after her
  friend had returned from Glengarry。
  〃Oh; absurdjust a girl and boy affair;〃 said Maimie; impatiently。
  〃Then there's nothing at all;〃 said Kate; with a suspicion of
  eagerness in her voice。
  〃No; of course notthat is; nothing really serious。〃
  〃Serious?  You mean you don't care for him at all?〃  Kate looked
  straight at her friend。
  〃Oh; you are so awfully direct。  I don't know。  I do care; he's
  nice in many ways; and he'sI know he likes me andI would hate
  to wound him; but then you know he's not just one of us。  You know
  what I mean!〃
  〃Not exactly;〃 said Kate; quietly。  〃Do you mean he is not educated?〃
  〃Oh; no; I don't mean education altogether。  How very tiresome you
  are!  He has no culture; and manners; and that sort of thing。〃
  〃I think he has very fine manners。  He is a little quaint; but you
  can't call him rude。〃
  〃Oh; no; he's never rude; rather abrupt; but oh; dear; don't you
  know?  What would Aunt Frank say to him?〃
  Kate's lip curled a little。  〃I'm very sure I can't say; but I can
  imagine how she would look。〃
  〃Well; that's it〃
  〃But;〃 went on Kate; 〃I can imagine; too; how Ranald would look
  back at her if he caught her meaning。〃
  〃Well; perhaps;〃 said Maimie; with a little laugh; 〃and that's just
  it。  Oh; I wish he were〃
  〃A lieutenant?〃 suggested Kate。
  〃Well; yes; I do;〃 said Maimie; desperately。
  〃And if he were; you would marry him;〃 said Kate; a shade of contempt
  in her tone that Maimie failed to notice。
  〃Yes; I would。〃
  Kate remained silent。
  〃There now; you think I am horrid; I know;〃 said Maimie。  〃I suppose
  you would marry him if he were a mere nobody!〃
  〃If I loved him;〃 said Kate; with slow deliberation; and a slight
  tremor in her voice; 〃I'd marry him if he werea shantyman!〃
  〃I believe you would;〃 said Maimie; with a touch of regret in her
  voice; 〃but then; you've no Aunt Frank!〃
  〃Thank Providence;〃 replied Kate; under her breath。
  〃And I'm sure I don't want to offend her。  Just listen to this。〃
  Maimie pulled out a letter; and turning over the pages; found the
  place and began to read:  〃'I am so glad to hear that you are
  enjoying your stay in Quebec'um…um…um'fine old city'um…um…um
  'gates and streets;' 'old days'um…um…um'noble citadel;'
  'glorious view'um…um…um…um'finest in the world'No; that isn't
  itOh; yes; here it is:  'The De Lacys are a very highly connected
  English family and very old friends of my friends; the Lord Archers;
  with whom I visited in England; you know。  The mother is a dear old
  ladyso stately and so very particularwith old…fashioned ideas
  of breeding and manners; and of course; very wealthy。  Her house in
  Quebec is said to be the finest in the Province; and there are some
  English estates; I believe; in their line。  Lieutenant De Lacy is
  her only son; and from what you say; he seems to be a very charming
  young man。  He will occupy a very high place someday。  I suppose
  Kate will'um…um…um'Oh yes; and if Mrs。 De Lacy wishes you to
  visit her you might accept'um…um… um'and tell Kate that I should
  be delighted if she could accompany me on a little jaunt through the
  Eastern States。  I have asked permission of her father; but she
  wrote you herself about that; didn't she?um…um…umAnd then listen
  to this!  'How very odd you should have come across the young man
  from Glengarry againMac Lennon; is it?  Mac…something…or…other!
  Your Aunt Murray seems to consider him a very steady and worthy
  young man。  I hope he may not degenerate in his present circumstances
  and calling; as so many of his class do。  I am glad your father was
  able to do something for him。  These people ought to be encouraged。'
  Now you see!〃  Maimie's tone was quite triumphant。
  〃Yes;〃 said Kate!  〃I do see!  These people should be encouraged to
  make our timber for us that we may live in ease and luxury; and
  even to save us from fire and from blood…thirsty mobs; as occasions
  may offer; but as for friendships and that sort of thing〃
  〃Oh; Kate;〃 burst in Maimie; almost in tears; 〃you are so very
  unkind。  You know quite well what I mean。〃
  〃Yes; I know quite well; you would not invite Ranald; for instance;
  to dine at your house; to meet your Aunt Frank and the Evanses and
  the Langfords and the Maitlands;〃 said Kate; spacing her words with
  deliberate indignation。
  〃Well; I would not; if you put it in that way;〃 said Maimie;
  petulantly; 〃and you wouldn't either!〃
  〃I would ask him to meet every Maitland of them if I could;〃 said
  Kate; 〃and it wouldn't hurt them either。〃
  〃Oh; you are so peculiar;〃 said Maimie; with a sigh of pity。
  〃Am I;〃 said Kate; 〃ask Harry;〃 she continued; as that young man
  came into the room。
  〃No; you needn't mind;〃 said Maimie; 〃I know well he will just side
  with you。  He always does。〃
  〃How very amiable of me;〃 said Harry; 〃but what's the particular
  〃Ranald;〃 said Kate。
  〃Then I agree at once。  Besides; he is coming to supper next Sunday
  〃Oh; Harry;〃 exclaimed Maimie; in dismay; 〃on Sunday evening?〃
  〃He can't get off any other night; works all night; I believe; and
  would work all Sunday; too; if his principles didn't mercifully
  interfere。  He will be boss of the concern before summer is over。〃
  〃Oh; Harry;〃 said Maimie; in distress; 〃and I asked Lieutenant De
  Lacy and his friend; Mr。 Sims; for Sunday evening〃
  〃Sims;〃 cried Harry; 〃little cad!〃
  〃I'm sure he's very nice;〃 said Maimie; 〃and his family〃
  〃Oh; hold up; don't get on to your ancestor worship;〃 cried Harry;
  impatiently。  〃Anyway; Ranald's coming up Sunday evening。〃
  〃Well; it will be very awkward;〃 said Maimie。
  〃I don't see why;〃 said Kate。
  〃Oh;〃 cried Harry; scornfully; 〃he will have on his red flannel
  shirt and a silk handkerchief; and his trousers will be in his
  boots; that's what Maimie is thinking of!〃
  〃You are very rude; Harry;〃 said Maimie。  〃You know quite well that
  Ranald will not enjoy himself with the others。  He has nothing in
  common with them。〃
  〃Oh; I wouldn't worry about that Maimie;〃 said Kate; 〃I will talk
  to Ranald。〃  But Maimie was not quite sure how she should like
  〃You are just your Aunt Frank over again;〃 said Harry; in a
  disgusted tone; 〃clothes and people!〃
  Maimie was almost in tears。
  〃I think you are both very unkind。  You know Ranald won't enjoy it。
  He will be quite miserable; andthey'll just laugh at him!〃
  〃Well; they'd better laugh at him when he isn't observing;〃 said
  〃Do you think Ranald would really mind?〃 interposed Kate; addressing
  Harry。  〃Do you think he will feel shy and awkward?  Perhaps we'd
  better have him another evening。〃
  〃No;〃 said Harry; decidedly; 〃he is coming; and he's coming on
  Sunday evening。  He can't get off any other night; and besides; I'd
  have to lie to him; and he has an unpleasant way of finding you out
  when you are doing it; and once he does find out why he is not
  asked for Sunday evening; then you may say good by to him for good
  and all。〃
  〃Oh; no fear of that;〃 said Maimie; confidently; 〃Ranald has good
  sense; and I know he will come again。〃
  〃Well;〃 cried Harry; 〃if you are not going to treat him as you
  would treat De Lacy and that idiotic Sims; I won't bring him!〃  And
  with that he flung out of the room。
  But H