第 15 节
作者:水王      更新:2021-12-07 09:35      字数:9322
  the very best way of dealing with their foe; provided they could have kept
  him quiet while the conflagration was going forward。
  But no sooner did Hercules begin to be scorched; than up he started;
  with his hair in a red blaze。
  〃What's   all   this?〃   he   cried;   bewildered   with   sleep;   and   staring   about
  him as if he expected to see another Giant。
  At that moment the twenty thousand archers twanged their bowstrings;
  and the arrows came whizzing; like so many winged mosquitoes; right into
  the face of Hercules。 But I doubt whether more than half a dozen of them
  punctured the skin; which was remarkably tough; as you know the skin of
  a hero has good need to be。
  〃Villain!〃 shouted all the Pygmies at once。 〃You have killed the Giant
  Antaeus; our great brother; and the ally of our nation。 We declare bloody
  war against you; and will slay you on the spot。〃
  Surprised at the shrill piping of so many little voices; Hercules; after
  putting out the conflagration of his hair; gazed all round about; but could
  see nothing。 At last; however; looking narrowly on the ground; he espied
  the innumerable assemblage of Pygmies at his feet。 He stooped down; and
  taking up   the   nearest   one between   his   thumb   and   finger;   set   him  on   the
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  palm of his left hand; and held him at a proper distance for examination。 It
  chanced to be the very identical Pygmy who had spoken from the top of
  the toadstool; and had offered himself as a champion to meet Hercules in
  single combat。
  〃What in the world; my little fellow;〃 ejaculated Hercules; 〃may you
  〃I   am   your   enemy;〃   answered      the   valiant   Pygmy;    in   his  mightiest
  squeak。     〃You    have    slain  the   enormous     Antaeus;     our   brother   by   the
  mother's side; and for ages the faithful ally of our illustrious nation。 We are
  determined to put you to death; and for my own part; I challenge you to
  instant battle; on equal ground。〃
  Hercules     was   so   tickled  with   the   Pygmy's    big   words    and   warlike
  gestures;    that  he   burst  into   a  great  explosion     of  laughter;   and   almost
  dropped the poor little mite of a creature off the palm of his hand; through
  the ecstasy and convulsion of his merriment。
  〃Upon my word;〃 cried he; 〃I thought I had seen wonders before to…
  dayhydras   with   nine   heads;   stags   with   golden   horns;   six…legged   men;
  three…headed   dogs;   giants   with   furnaces   in   their   stomachs;   and   nobody
  knows what besides。 But here; on the palm of my hand; stands a wonder
  that outdoes them all! Your body; my little friend; is about the size of an
  ordinary man's finger。 Pray; how big may your soul be?〃
  〃As big as your own!〃 said the Pygmy。
  Hercules   was   touched   with   the   little   man's   dauntless   courage;     and
  could not help   acknowledging such a brotherhood with him  as one hero
  feels for another。
  〃My good little people;〃 said he; making a low obeisance to the grand
  nation; 〃not for all the world would I do an intentional injury to such brave
  fellows as you! Your hearts seem to me so exceedingly great; that; upon
  my   honor;   I   marvel   how   your   small   bodies   can   contain   them。   I   sue   for
  peace; and; as a condition of it; will take five strides; and be out of your
  kingdom at the sixth。 Good…bye。 I shall pick my steps carefully; for fear of
  treading upon some fifty of you; without knowing it。 Ha; ha; ha! Ho; ho;
  ho! For once; Hercules acknowledges himself vanquished。〃
  Some writers say; that Hercules gathered up the whole race of Pygmies
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  in   his   lion's   skin;   and   carried   them   home   to   Greece;   for   the   children   of
  King Eurystheus to play with。 But this is a mistake。 He left them; one and
  all; within their own territory; where; for aught I can tell; their descendants
  are   alive   to   the   present   day;  building   their   little houses;   cultivating   their
  little fields; spanking their little children; waging their little warfare with
  the   cranes;   doing   their   little   business;   whatever   it   may   be;   and   reading
  their little histories of ancient times。 In those histories; perhaps; it stands
  recorded;   that;   a   great   many   centuries   ago;   the   valiant   Pygmies   avenged
  the death of the Giant Antaeus by scaring away the mighty Hercules。
  … Page 51…
  Cadmus; Phoenix; and Cilix; the three sons of King Agenor; and their
  little sister Europa (who was a very beautiful child); were at play together
  near the seashore in their father's kingdom of Phoenicia。 They had rambled
  to some distance from the palace where their parents dwelt; and were now
  in a verdant meadow; on one side of which lay the sea; all sparkling and
  dimpling   in   the   sunshine;   and   murmuring   gently   against   the   beach。   The
  three   boys   were   very   happy;   gathering   flowers;   and   twining   them   into
  garlands; with which they adorned the little Europa。 Seated on the grass;
  the  child   was   almost   hidden under   an   abundance  of   buds   and   blossoms;
  whence her   rosy  face   peeped   merrily  out; and; as   Cadmus   said;   was   the
  prettiest of all the flowers。
  Just then; there came a splendid butterfly; fluttering along the meadow;
  and Cadmus; Phoenix; and Cilix set off in pursuit of it; crying out that it
  was a flower with wings。 Europa; who was a little wearied with playing all
  day long; did not chase the butterfly with her brothers; but sat still where
  they   had   left   her;   and   closed   her   eyes。   For   a   while;   she   listened   to   the
  pleasant murmur of   the sea;  which was like   a voice saying 〃Hush!〃   and
  bidding her go to sleep。 But the pretty child; if she slept at all; could not
  have slept more than a moment; when she heard something trample on the
  grass; not far from her; and; peeping out from the heap of flowers; beheld
  a snow…white bull。
  And whence could this bull have com ? Europa and her brothers had
  been a long time playing in the meadow; and had seen no cattle; nor other
  living thing; either there or on the neighboring hills。
  〃Brother   Cadmus!〃   cried   Europa;  starting   up out   of   the   midst   of   the
  roses   and   lilies。  〃Phoenix!  Cilix! Where   are  you   all?   Help!  Help!   Come
  and drive away this bull!〃
  But her brothers were too far off to hear; especially as the fright took
  away Europa's voice; and hindered her from calling very loudly。 So there
  she stood; with her pretty mouth wide open; as pale as the white lilies that
  were twisted among the other flowers in her garlands。
  Nevertheless; it was the suddenness with which she had perceived the
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  bull; rather than anything frightful in his appearance; that caused Europa
  so much alarm。 On looking at him more attentively; she began to see that
  he    was    a  beautiful    animal;    and   even    fancied    a   particularly    amiable
  expression in his face。 As for his breaththe breath of cattle; you know; is
  always sweetit was as fragrant as if he had been grazing on no other food
  than   rosebuds;   or   at   least;   the   most   delicate   of   clover   blossoms。   Never
  before did a bull have such bright and tender eyes; and such smooth horns
  of ivory; as this one。 And the bull ran little races; and capered sportively
  around the child; so that she quite forgot how big and strong he was; and;
  from the gentleness and playfulness of his actions; soon came to consider
  him as innocent a creature as a pet lamb。
  Thus; frightened as she at   first was;  you   might   by and by have   seen
  Europa stroking the bull's forehead with her small white hand; and taking
  the garlands off her own head to hang them on his neck and ivory horns。
  Then she pulled up some blades of grass; and he ate them out of her hand;
  not   as   if   he   were   hungry;   but   because   he   wanted   to   be   friends   with   the
  child; and took pleasure in eating what she had touched。 Well; my stars!
  was   there   ever such   a gentle;   sweet;   pretty;   and   amiable   creature   as   this
  bull; and ever such a nice playmate for a little girl?
  When the animal saw (for the bull had so much intelligence that it is
  really   wonderful   to   think   of);   whe