第 32 节
作者:淋雨      更新:2021-12-07 09:32      字数:7592
  pleases   unless   he   can   find   for   himself   a   real   reason   for   refraining。  In
  short; though you can intimidate him; you cannot bluff him。                    But you can
  always bluff the romantic person: indeed his grasp of real considerations is
  so feeble that you find it necessary to bluff him even when you have solid
  considerations   to   offer   him   instead。      The   campaigns   of   Napoleon;   with
  their    atmosphere      of   glory;   illustrate   this。   In    the   Russian     campaign
  Napoleon's marshals achieved miracles of bluff; especially Ney; who; with
  a handful of men; monstrously outnumbered; repeatedly kept the Russian
  troops   paralyzed   with   terror   by   pure   bounce。       Napoleon   himself;   much
  more a realist than Ney (that was why he dominated him); would probably
  have   surrendered;   for   sometimes   the   bravest   of   the   brave   will   achieve
  successes never attempted by the cleverest of the clever。 Wellington was a
  completer       realist   than    Napoleon。        It   was     impossible      to   persuade
  Wellington   that   he   was   beaten   until   he   actually   was   beaten。        He   was
  unbluffable;   and   if   Napoleon   had   understood   the   nature   of   Wellington's
  strength instead of returning Wellington's snobbish contempt for him by an
  academic   contempt   for   Wellington;   he   would   not   have   left   the   attack   at
  Waterloo to Ney and D'Erlon; who; on that field; did not know when they
  were beaten; whereas Wellington knew precisely when he was not beaten。
  The     unbluffable      would     have     triumphed      anyhow;      probably;     because
  Napoleon was an academic soldier; doing the academic thing (the attack in
  columns       and    so   forth)   with    superlative     ability    and    energy;    whilst
  Wellington   was   an   original   soldier   who;   instead   of   outdoing   the   terrible
  academic       columns      with    still  more     terrible   and    academic      columns;
  outwitted      them    with    the   thin   red   line;   not   of   heroes;    but;   as  this
  uncompromising realist never hesitated to testify; of the scum of the earth。
  … Page 125…
  Government by Bullies
  These picturesque martial incidents are being reproduced every day in
  our   ordinary   life。    We   are   bluffed   by   hardy   simpletons   and   headstrong
  bounders   as   the  Russians   were bluffed by  Ney;   and   our Wellingtons   are
  threadbound       by   slave…democracy        as  Gulliver    was    threadbound      by   the
  Lilliputians。      We are a mass of people living in a submissive routine to
  which   we   have   been   drilled   from   our   childhood。       When   you   ask   us   to
  take   the   simplest   step   outside   that   routine;   we   say   shyly;   〃Oh;   I   really
  couldnt;〃 or 〃Oh; I shouldnt like to;〃 without being able to point out the
  smallest harm that could possibly ensue:              victims; not of a rational fear of
  real dangers; but of pure abstract fear; the quintessence of cowardice; the
  very   negation   of   〃the   fear   of   God。〃   Dotted   about   among   us   are   a   few
  spirits   relatively   free   from   this   inculcated   paralysis;   sometimes   because
  they  are   half…witted;   sometimes   because   they  are   unscrupulously  selfish;
  sometimes because they are realists as to money and unimaginative as to
  other   things;   sometimes   even   because   they   are   exceptionally   able;   but
  always      because     they   are   not  afraid    of  shadows      nor   oppressed     with
  nightmares。       And we see these few rising as if by magic into power and
  affluence; and forming; with the millionaires who have accidentally gained
  huge riches by the occasional windfalls of our commerce; the governing
  class。    Now nothing is more disastrous than a governing class that does
  not know how to govern。            And how can this rabble of the casual products
  of   luck;   cunning;   and   folly;   be   expected   to   know  how   to   govern?     The
  merely   lucky   ones   and   the   hereditary   ones   do   not   owe   their   position   to
  their qualifications at all。        As to the rest; the realism which seems their
  essential     qualification    often    consists   not   only    in  a  lack   of   romantic
  imagination;       which    lack   is  a  merit;   but   of  the  realistic;   constructive;
  Utopian      imagination;     which     lack   is  a  ghastly   defect。    Freedom       from
  imaginative      illusion    is  therefore   no   guarantee     whatever     of  nobility   of
  character:      that   is  why    inculcated    submissiveness       makes     us  slaves   to
  people     much     worse    than   ourselves;     and   why    it  is  so  important     that
  submissiveness should no longer be inculcated。
  And yet as long as you have the compulsory school as we know it; we
  … Page 126…
  shall    have   submissiveness      inculcated。     What     is  more;    until  the  active
  hours of child life are organized separately from the active hours of adult
  life;   so   that   adults   can   enjoy   the   society   of   children   in   reason   without
  being tormented; disturbed; harried; burdened; and hindered in their work
  by them as they would be now if there were no compulsory schools and no
  children hypnotized into the belief that they must tamely go to them and
  be imprisoned and beaten and over…tasked in them; we shall have schools
  under one pretext or another; and we shall have all the evil consequences
  and all the social hopelessness that result from turning a nation of potential
  freemen and freewomen into a  nation of two…legged spoilt spaniels   with
  everything crushed out of their nature except dread of the whip。                   Liberty
  is the  breath   of   life   to   nations;   and   liberty  is   the  one   thing   that   parents;
  schoolmasters; and rulers spend their lives in extirpating for the sake of an
  immediately quiet and finally disastrous life。
  End    of  Project    Gutenberg's     Etext   of   A   Treatise   on   Parents    and
  This   text  was    taken   from   a   printed   volume     containing    the   plays
  〃Misalliance〃; 〃The Dark Lady of the Sonnets〃; 〃Fanny's First Play〃; and
  the essay 〃A Treatise on Parents and Children〃。
  Notes on the editing:       Italicized text is delimited with underlines (〃_〃)。
  Punctuation and spelling retained as in the printed text。 Shaw intentionally
  spelled   many  words   according   to   a   non…standard system。           For   example;
  〃don't〃   is   given   as   〃dont〃   (without   apostrophe);   〃Dr。〃   is   given   as   〃Dr〃
  (without a period at the end); and 〃Shakespeare〃 is given as 〃Shakespear〃
  (no 〃e〃 at the end)。        The pound (currency) symbol has been replaced by
  the word 〃pounds〃。