第 21 节
作者:管他三七二十一      更新:2021-12-07 09:25      字数:9321
  visit; Rosa tried to change the conversation。  Mrs。 Turner
  instantly got up; and went away。  She could not bear the sound of
  the human voice; unless it was talking about her and her affairs。
  And now Staines began to feel downright uneasy。  Income was going
  steadily out: not a shilling coming in。  The lame; the blind; and
  the sick frequented his dispensary; and got his skill out of him
  gratis; and sometimes a little physic; a little wine; and other
  things that cost him money: but of the patients that pay; not one
  came to his front door。
  He walked round and round his little yard; like a hyena in its
  cage; waiting; waiting; waiting: and oh! how he envied the lot of
  those who can hunt for work; instead of having to stay at home and
  wait for others to come; whose will they cannot influence。  His
  heart began to sicken with hope deferred; and dim forebodings of
  the future; and he saw; with grief; that his wife was getting
  duller and duller; and that her days dragged more heavily; far than
  his own; for he could study。
  At last his knocker began to show signs of life: his visitors were
  physicians。  His lectures on 〃Diagnosis〃 were well known to them;
  and one after another found him out。  They were polite; kind; even
  friendly; but here it ended: these gentlemen; of course; did not
  resign their patients to him; and the inferior class of
  practitioners avoided his door like a pestilence。
  Mrs。 Staines; who had always lived for amusement; could strike out
  no fixed occupation; her time hung like lead; the house was small;
  and in small houses the faults of servants run against the
  mistress; and she can't help seeing them; and all the worse for
  her。  It is easier to keep things clean in the country; and Rosa
  had a high standard; which her two servants could never quite
  attain。  This annoyed her; and she began to scold a little。  They
  answered civilly; but in other respects remained imperfect beings;
  they laid out every shilling they earned in finery; and; this; I am
  ashamed to say; irritated Mrs。 Staines; who was wearing out her
  wedding garments; and had no excuse for buying; and Staines had
  begged her to be economical。  The more they dressed; the more she
  scolded; they began to answer。  She gave the cook warning; the
  other; though not on good terms with the cook; had a gush of esprit
  de corps directly; and gave Mrs。 Staines warning。
  Mrs。 Staines told her husband all this: he took her part; though
  without openly interfering; and they had two new servants; not so
  good as the last。
  This worried Rosa sadly; but it was a flea…bite to the deeper
  nature; and more forecasting mind of her husband; still doomed to
  pace that miserable yard; like a hyena; chafing; seeking; longing
  for the patient that never came。
  Rosa used to look out of his dressing…room window; and see him pace
  the yard。  At first; tears of pity stood in her eyes。  By and by
  she got angry with the world; and at last; strange to say; a little
  irritated with him。  It is hard for a weak woman to keep up all her
  respect for the man that fails。
  One day; after watching him a long time unseen; she got excited;
  put on her shawl and bonnet; and ran down to him: she took him by
  the arm: 〃If you love me; come out of this prison; and walk with
  me; we are too miserable。  I shall be your first patient if this
  goes on much longer。〃  He looked at her; saw she was very excited;
  and had better be humored; so he kissed her and just said; with a
  melancholy smile; 〃How poor are they that have not patience!〃  Then
  he put on his hat; and walked in the Park and Kensington Gardens
  with her。  The season was just beginning。  There were carriages
  enough; and gay Amazons enough; to make poor Rosa sigh more than
  Christopher heard the sigh; and pressed her arm; and said;
  〃Courage; love; I hope to see you among them yet。〃
  〃The sooner the better;〃 said she; a little hardly。
  〃And; meantime; which of them all is as beautiful as you?〃
  〃All I know is; they are more attractive。  Who looks at me; walking
  tamely by?〃
  Christopher said nothing: but these words seemed to imply a thirst
  for admiration; and made him a little uneasy。
  By and by the walk put the swift…changing Rosa in spirits; and she
  began to chat gayly; and hung prattling and beaming on her
  husband's arm; when they entered Curzon Street。  Here; however;
  occurred an incident; trifling in itself; but unpleasant。  Dr。
  Staines saw one of his best Kentish patients get feebly out of his
  carriage; and call on Dr。 Barr。  He started; and stopped。  Rosa
  asked what was the matter。  He told her。  She said; 〃We ARE
  Staines said nothing; he only quickened his pace; but he was
  greatly disturbed。  She expected him to complain that she had
  dragged him out; and lost him that first chance。  But he said
  nothing。  When they got home; he asked the servant had anybody
  〃No; Sir。〃
  〃Surely you are mistaken; Jane。  A gentleman in a carriage!〃
  〃Not a creature have been since you went out; sir。〃
  〃Well; then; dearest;〃 said he sweetly; 〃we have nothing to
  reproach ourselves with。〃  Then he knit his brow gloomily。  〃It is
  worse than I thought。  It seems even one's country patients go to
  another doctor when they visit London。  It is hard。  It is hard。〃
  Rosa leaned her head on his shoulder; and curled round him; as one
  she would shield against the world's injustice; but she said
  nothing; she was a little frightened at his eye that lowered; and
  his noble frame that trembled a little; with ire suppressed。
  Two days after this; a brougham drove up to the door; and a
  tallish; fattish; pasty…faced man got out; and inquired for Dr。
  He was shown into the dining…room; and told Jane he had come to
  consult the doctor。
  Rosa had peeped over the stairs; all curiosity; she glided
  noiselessly down; and with love's swift foot got into the yard
  before Jane。  〃He is come! he is come!  Kiss me。〃
  Dr。 Staines kissed her first; and then asked who was come。
  〃Oh; nobody of any consequence。  ONLY the first patient。  Kiss me
  Dr。 Staines kissed her again; and then was for going to the first
  〃No;〃 said she; 〃not yet。  I met a doctor's wife at Dr。 Mayne's;
  and she told me things。  You must always keep them waiting; or else
  they think nothing of you。  Such a funny woman!  'Treat 'em like
  dogs; my dear;' she said。  But I told her they wouldn't come to be
  treated like dogs or any other animal。〃
  〃You had better have kept that to yourself; I think。〃
  〃Oh! if you are going to be disagreeable; good…by。  You can go to
  your patient; sir。  Christie; dear; if he is veryvery illand
  I'm sure I hope he isoh; how wicked I am; may I have a new
  〃If you really want one。〃
  On the patient's card was 〃Mr。 Pettigrew; 47 Manchester Square。〃
  As soon as Staines entered the room; the first patient told him who
  and what he was; a retired civilian from India; but he had got a
  son there still; a very rising man; wanted to be a parson; but he
  would not stand that; bad profession; don't rise by merit; very
  hard to rise at all;no; India was the place。  〃As for me; I made
  my fortune there in ten years。  Obliged to leave it nowinvalid
  this many years; no TONE。  Tried two or three doctors in this
  neighborhood; heard there was a new one; had written a book on
  something。  Thought I would try HIM。〃
  To stop him; Staines requested to feel his pulse; and examine his
  tongue and eye。
  〃You are suffering from indigestion;〃 said he。  〃I will write you a
  prescription; but if you want to get well; you must simplify your
  diet very much。〃
  While he was writing the prescription; off went this patient's
  tongue; and ran through the topics of the day and into his family
  history again。
  Staines listened politely。  He could afford it; having only this
  At last; the first patient; having delivered an octavo volume of
  nothing; rose to go; but it seems that speaking an 〃infinite deal
  of nothing〃 exhausts the body; though it does not affect the mind;
  for the first patient sank down in his chair again。  〃I have
  excited myself too muchfeel rather faint。〃
  Staines saw no signs of coming syncope; he rang the bell quietly;
  and ordered a decanter of sherry to be brought; the first patient
  filled himself a glass; then another; and went off; revived; to
  chatter elsewhere。  But at the door he said; 〃I had always a
  running account with Dr。 Mivar。  I suppose you don't object to that
  system。  Double fee the first visit; single afterwards。〃
  Dr。 Staines bowed a little stiffly; he would have preferred the
  money。  However; he looked at the Blue Book; and found his visitor
  lived at 47 Manchester Square; so that removed his anxiety。
  The first patient called every other day; chattered nineteen to the
  dozen; was exhausted; drank two glasses of sherry; and drove away。
  Soon after this a second patient called。  This one was a deputy
  patientCollett; a retired butlerkept a lodging…house; and
  waited at parties; he lived close by; but had a married daughter in
  Chelsea。  Would the doctor visit her; and HE would be responsible?
  Staines paid the woman a visit or two; and treated her so
  effectually; that soon her visits were paid