第 55 节
作者:铲除不公      更新:2021-10-21 08:52      字数:9322
  and their feet encircled by the stream; which was at its summer
  lowness now。  For some minutes they could hear nothing but the
  babble of the water over their ankles; and round the legs of the
  seat on which Bob slumbered; the sounds being reflected in a musical
  tinkle from the hollow sides of the arch。  Anne's anxiety now was
  lest he should not continue sleeping till the search was over; but
  start up with his habitual imprudence; and scorning such means of
  safety; rush out into their arms。
  A quarter of an hour dragged by; and then indications reached their
  ears that the re…examination of the mill had begun and ended。  The
  well…known tramp drew nearer; and reverberated through the ground
  over their heads; where its volume signified to the listeners that
  the party had been largely augmented by pressed men since the night
  preceding。  The gang passed the arch; and the noise regularly
  diminished; as if no man among them had thought of looking aside for
  a moment。
  Matilda broke the silence。  'I wonder if they have left a watch
  behind?' she said doubtfully。
  'I will go and see;' said Anne。  'Wait till I return。'
  'No; I can do no more。  When you come back I shall be gone。  I ask
  one thing of you。  If all goes well with you and him; and he marries
  youdon't be alarmed; my plans lie elsewherewhen you are his wife
  tell him who helped to carry him away。  But don't mention my name to
  the rest of your family; either now or at any time。'
  Anne regarded the speaker for a moment; and promised; after which
  she waded out from the archway。
  Matilda stood looking at Bob for a moment; as if preparing to go;
  till moved by some impulse she bent and lightly kissed him once。
  'How can you!' cried Anne reproachfully。  When leaving the mouth of
  the arch she had bent back and seen the act。
  Matilda flushed。  'You jealous baby!' she said scornfully。
  Anne hesitated for a moment; then went out from the water; and
  hastened towards the mill。
  She entered by the garden; and; seeing no one; advanced and peeped
  in at the window。  Her mother and Mr。 Loveday were sitting within as
  'Are they all gone?' said Anne softly。
  'Yes。  They did not trouble us much; beyond going into every room;
  and searching about the garden; where they saw steps。  They have
  been lucky to…night; they have caught fifteen or twenty men at
  places further on; so the loss of Bob was no hurt to their feelings。
  I wonder where in the world the poor fellow is!'
  'I will show you;' said Anne。  And explaining in a few words what
  had happened; she was promptly followed by David and Loveday along
  the road。  She lifted her dress and entered the arch with some
  anxiety on account of Matilda; but the actress was gone; and Bob lay
  on the seat as she had left him。
  Bob was brought out; and water thrown upon his face; but though he
  moved he did not rouse himself until some time after he had been
  borne into the house。  Here he opened his eyes; and saw them
  standing round; and gathered a little consciousness。
  'You are all right; my boy!' said his father。  'What hev happened to
  ye?  Where did ye get that terrible blow?'
  'AhI can mind now;' murmured Bob; with a stupefied gaze around。
  'I fell in slipping down the topsail halyardthe rope; that is; was
  too shortand I fell upon my head。  And then I went away。  When I
  came back I thought I wouldn't disturb ye:  so I lay down out there;
  to sleep out the watch; but the pain in my head was so great that I
  couldn't get to sleep; so I picked some of the poppy…heads in the
  border; which I once heard was a good thing for sending folks to
  sleep when they are in pain。  So I munched up all I could find; and
  dropped off quite nicely。'
  'I wondered who had picked 'em!' said Molly。  'I noticed they were
  'Why; you might never have woke again!' said Mrs。 Loveday; holding
  up her hands。  'How is your head now?'
  'I hardly know;' replied the young man; putting his hand to his
  forehead and beginning to doze again。  'Where be those fellows that
  boarded us?  With thissmooth water andfine breeze we ought to
  get away from 'em。  Haul inthe larboard braces; andbring her to
  the wind。'
  'You are at home; dear Bob;' said Anne; bending over him; 'and the
  men are gone。'
  'Come along upstairs:  th' beest hardly awake now;' said his father
  and Bob was assisted to bed。
  In four…and…twenty hours Bob had recovered。  But though physically
  himself again; he was not at all sure of his position as a patriot。
  He had that practical knowledge of seamanship of which the country
  stood much in need; and it was humiliating to find that impressment
  seemed to be necessary to teach him to use it for her advantage。
  Many neighbouring young men; less fortunate than himself; had been
  pressed and taken; and their absence seemed a reproach to him。  He
  went away by himself into the mill…roof; and; surrounded by the
  corn…heaps; gave vent to self…condemnation。
  'Certainly; I am no man to lie here so long for the pleasure of
  sighting that young girl forty times a day; and letting her sight
  mebless her eyes!till I must needs want a press…gang to teach me
  what I've forgot。  And is it then all over with me as a British
  sailor?  We'll see。'
  When he was thrown under the influence of Anne's eyes again; which
  were more tantalizingly beautiful than ever just now (so it seemed
  to him); his intention of offering his services to the Government
  would wax weaker; and he would put off his final decision till the
  next day。  Anne saw these fluctuations of his mind between love and
  patriotism; and being terrified by what she had heard of sea…fights;
  used the utmost art of which she was capable to seduce him from his
  forming purpose。  She came to him in the mill; wearing the very
  prettiest of her morning jacketsthe one that only just passed the
  waist; and was laced so tastefully round the collar and bosom。  Then
  she would appear in her new hat; with a bouquet of primroses on one
  side; and on the following Sunday she walked before him in
  lemon…coloured boots; so that her feet looked like a pair of
  yellow…hammers flitting under her dress。
  But dress was the least of the means she adopted for chaining him
  down。  She talked more tenderly than ever; asked him to begin small
  undertakings in the garden on her account; she sang about the house;
  that the place might seem cheerful when he came in。  This singing
  for a purpose required great effort on her part; leaving her
  afterwards very sad。  When Bob asked her what was the matter; she
  would say; 'Nothing; only I am thinking how you will grieve your
  father; and cross his purposes; if you carry out your unkind notion
  of going to sea; and forsaking your place in the mill。'
  'Yes;' Bob would say uneasily。  'It will trouble him; I know。'
  Being also quite aware how it would trouble her; he would again
  postpone; and thus another week passed away。
  All this time John had not come once to the mill。  It appeared as if
  Miss Johnson absorbed all his time and thoughts。  Bob was often seen
  chuckling over the circumstance。  'A sly rascal!' he said。
  'Pretending on the day she came to be married that she was not good
  enough for me; when it was only that he wanted her for himself。  How
  he could have persuaded her to go away is beyond me to say!'
  Anne could not contest this belief of her lover's; and remained
  silent; but there had more than once occurred to her mind a doubt of
  its probability。  Yet she had only abandoned her opinion that John
  had schemed for Matilda; to embrace the opposite error; that;
  finding he had wronged the young lady; he had pitied and grown to
  love her。
  'And yet Jack; when he was a boy; was the simplest fellow alive;'
  resumed Bob。  'By George; though; I should have been hot against him
  for such a trick; if in losing her I hadn't found a better!  But
  she'll never come down to him in the world:  she has high notions
  now。  I am afraid he's doomed to sigh in vain!'
  Though Bob regretted this possibility; the feeling was not
  reciprocated by Anne。  It was true that she knew nothing of
  Matilda's temporary treachery; and that she disbelieved the story of
  her lack of virtue; but she did not like the woman。  'Perhaps it
  will not matter if he is doomed to sigh in vain;' she said。  'But I
  owe him no ill…will。  I have profited by his doings;
  incomprehensible as they are。'  And she bent her fair eyes on Bob
  and smiled。
  Bob looked dubious。  'He thinks he has affronted me; now I have seen
  through him; and that I shall be against meeting him。  But; of
  course; I am not so touchy。  I can stand a practical joke; as can
  any man who has been afloat。  I'll call and see him; and tell him
  Before he started; Bob bethought him of something which would still
  further prove to the misapprehending John that he was entirely
  forgiven。  He went to his room; and took from his chest a packet
  containing a lock of Miss Johnson's hair; which she had given him
  during their brief acquaintance; and which till now he had quite
  forgotten。  When; at starting; he wished Anne goodbye; it was
  accompanied by such a beaming face; that she knew he was full of an
  idea; and asked what it might be that pleas