第 41 节
作者:铲除不公      更新:2021-10-21 08:52      字数:9322
  authority; that the army at Boulogne is ready; the boats equipped;
  the plans laid; and the First Consul only waits for a tide。  Heaven
  knows what will become o' the men o' these parts!  But most likely
  the women will he spared。  Now I'll show 'ee。'
  He led her across the hall to a stone staircase of semi…circular
  plan; which conducted to the cellars。
  'Down here?' she said。
  'Yes; I must trouble ye to come down here。  I have thought and
  thought who is the woman that can best keep a secret for six months;
  and I say; 〃Anne Garland。〃  You won't be married before then?'
  'O no!' murmured the young woman。
  'I wouldn't expect ye to keep a close tongue after such a thing as
  that。  But it will not be necessary。'
  When they reached the bottom of the steps he struck a light from a
  tinder…box; and unlocked the middle one of three doors which
  appeared in the whitewashed wall opposite。  The rays of the candle
  fell upon the vault and sides of a long low cellar; littered with
  decayed woodwork from other parts of the hall; among the rest stair…
  balusters; carved finials; tracery panels; and wainscoting。  But
  what most attracted her eye was a small flagstone turned up in the
  middle of the floor; a heap of earth beside it; and a
  measuring…tape。  Derriman went to the corner of the cellar; and
  pulled out a clamped box from under the straw。  'You be rather
  heavy; my dear; eh?' he said; affectionately addressing the box as
  he lifted it。  'But you are going to be put in a safe place; you
  know; or that rascal will get hold of ye; and carry ye off and ruin
  me。'  He then with some difficulty lowered the box into the hole;
  raked in the earth upon it; and lowered the flagstone; which he was
  a long time in fixing to his satisfaction。  Miss Garland; who was
  romantically interested; helped him to brush away the fragments of
  loose earth; and when he had scattered over the floor a little of
  the straw that lay about; they again ascended to upper air。
  'Is this all; sir?' said Anne。
  'Just a moment longer; honey。  Will you come into the great
  She followed him thither。
  'If anything happens to me while the fighting is going onit may be
  on these very fieldsyou will know what to do;' he resumed。  'But
  first please sit down again; there's a dear; whilst I write what's
  in my head。  See; there's the best paper; and a new quill that I've
  afforded myself for't。'
  'What a strange business!  I don't think I much like it; Mr。
  Derriman;' she said; seating herself。
  He had by this time begun to write; and murmured as he wrote
  '〃Twenty…three and a half from N。W。  Sixteen and three…quarters from
  N。E。〃There; that's all。  Now I seal it up and give it to you to
  keep safe till I ask ye for it; or you hear of my being trampled
  down by the enemy。'
  'What does it mean?' she asked; as she received the paper。
  'Clk!  Ha! ha!  Why; that's the distance of the box from the two
  corners of the cellar。  I measured it before you came。  And; my
  honey; to make all sure; if the French soldiery are after ye; tell
  your mother the meaning on't; or any other friend; in case they
  should put ye to death; and the secret be lost。  But that I am sure
  I hope they won't do; though your pretty face will be a sad bait to
  the soldiers。  I often have wished you was my daughter; honey; and
  yet in these times the less cares a man has the better; so I am glad
  you bain't。  Shall my man drive you home?'
  'No; no;' she said; much depressed by the words he had uttered。  'I
  can find my way。  You need not trouble to come down。'
  'Then take care of the paper。  And if you outlive me; you'll find I
  have not forgot you。'
  Festus Derriman had remained in the Royal watering…place all that
  day; his horse being sick at stables; but; wishing to coax or bully
  from his uncle a remount for the coming summer; he set off on foot
  for Oxwell early in the evening。  When he drew near to the village;
  or rather to the hall; which was a mile from the village; he
  overtook a slim; quick…eyed woman; sauntering along at a leisurely
  pace。  She was fashionably dressed in a green spencer; with
  'Mameluke' sleeves; and wore a velvet Spanish hat and feather。
  'Good afternoon t'ye; ma'am;' said Festus; throwing a
  sword…and…pistol air into his greeting。  'You are out for a walk?'
  'I AM out for a walk; captain;' said the lady; who had criticized
  him from the crevice of her eye; without seeming to do much more
  than continue her demure look forward; and gave the title as a sop
  to his apparent character。
  'From the town?I'd swear it; ma'am; 'pon my honour I would!'
  'Yes; I am from the town; sir;' said she。
  'Ah; you are a visitor!  I know every one of the regular
  inhabitants; we soldiers are in and out there continually。  Festus
  Derriman; Yeomanry Cavalry; you know。  The fact is; the
  watering…place is under our charge; the folks will be quite
  dependent upon us for their deliverance in the coming struggle。  We
  hold our lives in our hands; and theirs; I may say; in our pockets。
  What made you come here; ma'am; at such a critical time?'
  'I don't see that it is such a critical time?'
  'But it is; though; and so you'd say if you was as much mixed up
  with the military affairs of the nation as some of us。'
  The lady smiled。  'The King is coming this year; anyhow;' said she。
  'Never!' said Festus firmly。  'Ah; you are one of the attendants at
  court perhaps; come on ahead to get the King's chambers ready; in
  case Boney should not land?'
  'No;' she said; 'I am connected with the theatre; though not just at
  the present moment。  I have been out of luck for the last year or
  two; but I have fetched up again。  I join the company when they
  arrive for the season。'
  Festus surveyed her with interest。  'Faith! and is it so?  Well;
  ma'am; what part do you play?'
  'I am mostly the leading ladythe heroine;' she said; drawing
  herself up with dignity。
  'I'll come and have a look at ye if all's well; and the landing is
  put offhang me if I don't!Hullo; hullo; what do I see?'
  His eyes were stretched towards a distant field; which Anne Garland
  was at that moment hastily crossing; on her way from the hall to
  'I must be off。  Good…day to ye; dear creature!' he exclaimed;
  hurrying forward。
  The lady said; 'O; you droll monster!' as she smiled and watched him
  stride ahead。
  Festus bounded on over the hedge; across the intervening patch of
  green; and into the field which Anne was still crossing。  In a
  moment or two she looked back; and seeing the well…known Herculean
  figure of the yeoman behind her felt rather alarmed; though she
  determined to show no difference in her outward carriage。  But to
  maintain her natural gait was beyond her powers。  She spasmodically
  quickened her pace; fruitlessly; however; for he gained upon her;
  and when within a few strides of her exclaimed; 'Well; my darling!'
  Anne started off at a run。
  Festus was already out of breath; and soon found that he was not
  likely to overtake her。  On she went; without turning her head; till
  an unusual noise behind compelled her to look round。  His face was
  in the act of falling back; he swerved on one side; and dropped like
  a log upon a convenient hedgerow…bank which bordered the path。
  There he lay quite still。
  Anne was somewhat alarmed; and after standing at gaze for two or
  three minutes; drew nearer to him; a step and a half at a time;
  wondering and doubting; as a meek ewe draws near to some strolling
  vagabond who flings himself on the grass near the flock。
  'He is in a swoon!' she murmured。
  Her heart beat quickly; and she looked around。  Nobody was in sight;
  she advanced a step nearer still and observed him again。  Apparently
  his face was turning to a livid hue; and his breathing had become
  ''Tis not a swoon; 'tis apoplexy!' she said; in deep distress。  'I
  ought to untie his neck。'  But she was afraid to do this; and only
  drew a little closer still。
  Miss Garland was now within three feet of him; whereupon the
  senseless man; who could hold his breath no longer; sprang to his
  feet and darted at her; saying; 'Ha! ha! a scheme for a kiss!'
  She felt his arm slipping round her neck; but; twirling about with
  amazing dexterity; she wriggled from his embrace and ran away along
  the field。  The force with which she had extricated herself was
  sufficient to throw Festus upon the grass; and by the time that he
  got upon his legs again she was many yards off。  Uttering a word
  which was not exactly a blessing; he immediately gave chase; and
  thus they ran till Anne entered a meadow divided down the middle by
  a brook about six feet wide。  A narrow plank was thrown loosely
  across at the point where the path traversed this stream; and when
  Anne reached it she at once scampered over。  At the other side she
  turned her head to gather the probabilities of the situation; which
  were that Festus Derriman would overtake her even now。  By a sudden
  forethought she stooped; seized the end of the plank; and
  endeavoured to drag it away from the opposite bank。  But the weight
  was too great for her to do more than slightly move it; and with a
  desperate sigh she ran on again; having lost many valuable