第 18 节
作者:铲除不公      更新:2021-10-21 08:52      字数:9322
  numbered in their ranks。  They were cleaning arms; which they leant
  carefully against a rail when the work was complete。
  On their return they passed the mess…house; a temporary wooden
  building with a brick chimney。  As Anne and her companions went by;
  a group of three or four of the hussars were standing at the door
  talking to a dashing young man; who was expatiating on the qualities
  of a horse that one was inclined to buy。  Anne recognized Festus
  Derriman in the seller; and Cripplestraw was trotting the animal up
  and down。  As soon as she caught the yeoman's eye he came forward;
  making some friendly remark to the miller; and then turning to Miss
  Garland; who kept her eyes steadily fixed on the distant landscape
  till he got so near that it was impossible to do so longer。  Festus
  looked from Anne to the trumpet…major; and from the trumpet…major
  back to Anne; with a dark expression of face; as if he suspected
  that there might be a tender understanding between them。
  'Are you offended with me?' he said to her in a low voice of
  repressed resentment。
  'No;' said Anne。
  'When are you coming to the hall again?'
  'Never; perhaps。'
  'Nonsense; Anne;' said Mrs。 Garland; who had come near; and smiled
  pleasantly on Festus。  'You can go at any time; as usual。'
  'Let her come with me now; Mrs。 Garland; I should be pleased to walk
  along with her。  My man can lead home the horse。'
  'Thank you; but I shall not come;' said Miss Anne coldly。
  The widow looked unhappily in her daughter's face; distressed
  between her desire that Anne should encourage Festus; and her wish
  to consult Anne's own feelings。
  'Leave her alone; leave her alone;' said Festus; his gaze
  blackening。  'Now I think of it I am glad she can't come with me;
  for I am engaged;' and he stalked away。
  Anne moved on with her mother; young Loveday silently following; and
  they began to descend the hill。
  'Well; where's Mr。 Loveday?' asked Mrs。 Garland。
  'Father's behind;' said John。
  Mrs。 Garland looked behind her solicitously; and the miller; who had
  been waiting for the event; beckoned to her。
  'I'll overtake you in a minute;' she said to the younger pair; and
  went back; her colour; for some unaccountable reason; rising as she
  did so。  The miller and she then came on slowly together; conversing
  in very low tones; and when they got to the bottom they stood still。
  Loveday and Anne waited for them; saying but little to each other;
  for the rencounter with Festus had damped the spirits of both。  At
  last the widow's private talk with Miller Loveday came to an end;
  and she hastened onward; the miller going in another direction to
  meet a man on business。  When she reached the trumpet…major and Anne
  she was looking very bright and rather flurried; and seemed sorry
  when Loveday said that he must leave them and return to the camp。
  They parted in their usual friendly manner; and Anne and her mother
  were left to walk the few remaining yards alone。
  'There; I've settled it;' said Mrs。 Garland。  'Anne; what are you
  thinking about?  I have settled in my mind that it is all right。'
  'What's all right?' said Anne。
  'That you do not care for Derriman; and mean to encourage John
  Loveday。  What's all the world so long as folks are happy!  Child;
  don't take any notice of what I have said about Festus; and don't
  meet him any more。'
  'What a weathercock you are; mother!  Why should you say that just
  'It is easy to call me a weathercock;' said the matron; putting on
  the look of a good woman; 'but I have reasoned it out; and at last;
  thank God; I have got over my ambition。  The Lovedays are our true
  and only friends; and Mr。 Festus Derriman; with all his money; is
  nothing to us at all。'
  'But;' said Anne; 'what has made you change all of a sudden from
  what you have said before?'
  'My feelings and my reason; which I am thankful for!'
  Anne knew that her mother's sentiments were naturally so versatile
  that they could not be depended on for two days together; but it did
  not occur to her for the moment that a change had been helped on in
  the present case by a romantic talk between Mrs。 Garland and the
  miller。  But Mrs。 Garland could not keep the secret long。  She
  chatted gaily as she walked; and before they had entered the house
  she said; 'What do you think Mr Loveday has been saying to me; dear
  Anne did not know at all。
  'Why; he has asked me to marry him。'
  To explain the miller's sudden proposal it is only necessary to go
  back to that moment when Anne; Festus; and Mrs。 Garland were talking
  together on the down。  John Loveday had fallen behind so as not to
  interfere with a meeting in which he was decidedly superfluous; and
  his father; who guessed the trumpet…major's secret; watched his face
  as he stood。  John's face was sad; and his eyes followed Mrs。
  Garland's encouraging manner to Festus in a way which plainly said
  that every parting of her lips was tribulation to him。  The miller
  loved his son as much as any miller or private gentleman could do;
  and he was pained to see John's gloom at such a trivial
  circumstance。  So what did he resolve but to help John there and
  then by precipitating a matter which; had he himself been the only
  person concerned; he would have delayed for another six months。
  He had long liked the society of his impulsive; tractable neighbour;
  Mrs。 Garland; had mentally taken her up and pondered her in
  connexion with the question whether it would not be for the
  happiness of both if she were to share his home; even though she was
  a little his superior in antecedents and knowledge。  In fact he
  loved her; not tragically; but to a very creditable extent for his
  years; that is; next to his sons; Bob and John; though he knew very
  well of that ploughed…ground appearance near the corners of her once
  handsome eyes; and that the little depression in her right cheek was
  not the lingering dimple it was poetically assumed to be; but a
  result of the abstraction of some worn…out nether millstones within
  the cheek by Rootle; the Budmouth man; who lived by such practices
  on the heads of the elderly。  But what of that; when he had lost two
  to each one of hers; and exceeded her in age by some eight years!
  To do John a service; then; he quickened his designs; and put the
  question to her while they were standing under the eyes of the
  younger pair。
  Mrs。 Garland; though she had been interested in the miller for a
  long time; and had for a moment now and then thought on this
  question as far as; 'Suppose he should; 'If he were to;' and so on;
  had never thought much further; and she was really taken by surprise
  when the question came。  She answered without affectation that she
  would think over the proposal; and thus they parted。
  Her mother's infirmity of purpose set Anne thinking; and she was
  suddenly filled with a conviction that in such a case she ought to
  have some purpose herself。  Mrs。 Garland's complacency at the
  miller's offer had; in truth; amazed her。  While her mother had held
  up her head; and recommended Festus; it had seemed a very pretty
  thing to rebel; but the pressure being removed an awful sense of her
  own responsibility took possession of her mind。  As there was no
  longer anybody to be wise or ambitious for her; surely she should be
  wise and ambitious for herself; discountenance her mother's
  attachment; and encourage Festus in his addresses; for her own and
  her mother's good。  There had been a time when a Loveday thrilled
  her own heart; but that was long ago; before she had thought of
  position or differences。  To wake into cold daylight like this; when
  and because her mother had gone into the land of romance; was
  dreadful and new to her; and like an increase of years without
  living them。
  But it was easier to think that she ought to marry the yeoman than
  to take steps for doing it; and she went on living just as before;
  only with a little more thoughtfulness in her eyes。
  Two days after the visit to the camp; when she was again in the
  garden; Soldier Loveday said to her; at a distance of five rows of
  beans and a parsley…bed
  'You have heard the news; Miss Garland?'
  'No;' said Anne; without looking up from a book she was reading。
  'The King is coming to…morrow。'
  'The King?' She looked up then。
  'Yes; to Gloucester Lodge; and he will pass this way。  He can't
  arrive till long past the middle of the night; if what they say is
  true; that he is timed to change horses at Woodyates Innbetween
  Mid and South Wessexat twelve o'clock;' continued Loveday;
  encouraged by her interest to cut off the parsley…bed from the
  distance between them。
  Miller Loveday came round the corner of the house。
  'Have ye heard about the King coming; Miss Maidy Anne?' he said。
  Anne said that she had just heard of it; and the trumpet…major; who
  hardly welcomed his father at such a moment; explained what he knew
  of the matter。
  'And you will go with your regiment to meet 'en; I suppose?' said
  old Loveday。
  Young Loveday said that the men of the German Legion were to perform
  that duty。  And turning half from his father; and half towards Anne;
  he added; in a tentative tone; tha