第 43 节
作者:旅游巴士      更新:2021-10-16 18:45      字数:9322
  … Page 148…
  somewhere; and this particular cob drew it at travelling               wild beast shows。
  Of   course   my   sister   didn't   know   that;   but   she   knew   it   very   distinctly
  when she turned a sharp          corner and found herself in a mixed company of
  camels;     piebald   horses;   and   canary…coloured   vans。        The   dogcart      was
  overturned   in   a   ditch   and   kicked   to   splinters;   and the   cob   went   home
  across    country。     Neither    my    sister  nor   the    groom   was     hurt;  but   the
  problem   of   how   to   get   to   the Nineveh   garden…party;   some   three   miles
  distant;    seemed      rather    difficult  to  solve;   once    there;   of  course;    my
  sister   would   easily   find   some   one   to   drive   her   home。  'I   suppose   you
  wouldn't   care   for   the   loan   of   a   couple   of   my camels?'   the   showman
  suggested; in humorous sympathy。               '  I would;' said my sister; who had
  ridden   camel…back   in       Egypt;   and   she   overruled   the   objections   of   the
  groom;      who     hadn't。    She     picked    out  two    of  the   most   presentable…
  looking   of   the   beasts   and   had   them   dusted   and   made   as    tidy   as   was
  possible at short notice; and set out for the           Nineveh mansion。         You may
  imagine the sensation that her           small but imposing caravan created when
  she   arrived    at  the    hall  door。   The     entire  garden…party   flocked      up   to
  gape。     My sister was rather glad to slip down from her                 camel; and the
  groom   was   thankful   to   scramble   down   from         his。    Then   young   Billy
  Doulton; of the Dragoon Guards;             who has been a lot at Aden and thinks
  he   knows   camel…   language   backwards;   thought   he   would   show   off   by
  making       the   beasts    kneel   down     in  orthodox     fashion。    Unfortunately
  camel   words…of…command   are   not   the   same   all   the   world         over;   these
  were   magnificent   Turkestan   camels;   accustomed            to   stride   up   the   stony
  terraces   of   mountain   passes;   and     when   Doulton   shouted   at   them   they
  went side by side up          the front steps;  into the entrance hall; and up   the
  grand     staircase。     The German governess met them just at the                  turn of
  the    corridor。    The    Ninevehs      nursed    her  with     devoted     attention    for
  weeks;   and   when   I   last   heard   from    them   she   was   well   enough   to   go
  about her duties again;         but the doctor says she will always suffer from
  Hagenbeck        heart。〃
  Amblecope got up from his chair and moved to another                      part of the
  room。      Treddleford   reopened   his   book   and       betook   himself   once   more
  … Page 149…
  The dragon…green; the luminous; the dark; the               serpent…haunted sea。
  For a blessed half…hour he disported himself in                imagination by the
  〃gay Aleppo…Gate;〃 and listened to the              bird…voiced singing…man。            Then
  the   world   of   to…day   called    him   back;   a   page   summoned   him   to   speak
  with a friend on       the telephone。
  As   Treddleford   was   about   to   pass   out   of   the   room   he  encountered
  Amblecope;   also   passing   out;   on   his   way   to     the   billiard…room;   where;
  perchance; some luckless wight             might be secured and held fast to listen
  to   the   number   of    his   attendances   at   the   Grand   Prix;   with   subsequent
  remarks on Newmarket and the Cambridgeshire。                      Amblecope        made as
  if   to   pass   out   first;   but   a   new…born   pride   was surging   in   Treddleford's
  breast and he waved him back。
  〃I   believe   I   take   precedence;〃   he   said   coldly;   〃you   are   merely   the
  club Bore; I am the club Liar。〃
  … Page 150…
  TERESA;        Mrs。    Thropplestance;       was    the   richest    and     most
  intractable old woman in the county of Woldshire。                 In her dealings with
  the world in general her manner          suggested a blend between a Mistress of
  the Robes and a       Master of Foxhounds; with the vocabulary of both。                In
  her    domestic circle she comported herself in the arbitrary             style that one
  attributes;    probably    without    the   least   justification;    to  an   American
  political    Boss    in  the   bosom      of    his  caucus。     The     late  Theodore
  Thropplestance       had   left  her;    some   thirty…five   years   ago;   in  absolute
  possession      of   a  considerable     fortune;   a  large  landed   property;    and   a
  gallery   full   of   valuable   pictures。  In   those   intervening    years   she   had
  outlived     her  son   and   quarrelled    with   her    elder   grandson;     who    had
  married   without   her   consent   or     approval。     Bertie   Thropplestance;   her
  younger grandson;        was the heir…designate to her property; and as such he
  was   a   centre   of   interest   and   concern   to   some   half…hundred   ambitious
  mothers   with   daughters   of   marriageable   age。        Bertie   was   an   amiable;
  easy…going young man; who was              quite ready to marry anyone who was
  favourably      recommended   to   his   notice;   but   he   was   not   going   to   waste
  his   time   in  falling  in  love   with   anyone    who   would    come     under    his
  grandmother's       veto。   The    favourable     recommendation        would    have    to
  come from Mrs。        Thropplestance。
  Teresa's    house…parties     were   always    rounded     off  with    a   plentiful
  garnishing of presentable young women and               alert; attendant mothers; but
  the old lady was       emphatically discouraging whenever any one of her girl
  guests     became     at   all  likely   to  outbid    the   others    as  a    possible
  granddaughter…in…law。         It was the   inheritance of      her   fortune and estate
  that   was   in   question;   and   she   was evidently   disposed   to   exercise   and
  enjoy   her    powers    of   selection    and   rejection   to  the  utmost。    Bertie's
  preferences did not greatly matter; he was of the sort            who can be stolidly
  happy     with   any   kind    of  wife;   he   had    cheerfully     put  up   with   his
  grandmother all his life; so        was not likely to fret and fume over anything
  that might     befall him in the way of a helpmate。
  The party that gathered under Teresa's roof in            Christmas week of the
  … Page 151…
  year   nineteen…hundred…and…something               was   of   smaller   proportions   than
  usual; and   Mrs。 Yonelet;         who formed   one   of the party;  was   inclined to
  deduce       hopeful     augury     from   this   circumstance。       Dora     Yonelet    and
  Bertie   were   so   obviously   made   for   one   another;   she       confided      to  the
  vicar's wife; and if the old lady were            accustomed to seeing them about a
  lot   together she  might       adopt the  view  that   they  would   make   a  suitable
  married      couple。
  〃People   soon   get   used   to   an   idea   if   it   is   dangled constantly   before
  their eyes;〃 said Mrs。 Yonelet          hopefully; 〃and the more often Teresa sees
  those   young      people   together;   happy  in   each   other's   company;  the   more
  she will get to take a kindly interest in Dora as a               possible and desirable
  wife for Bertie。〃
  〃My     dear;〃   said   the  vicar's   wife   resignedly;    〃my    own     Sybil    was
  thrown together with Bertie under the most                romantic circumstances … I'll
  tell   you   about   it   some   day   …   but   it   made   no   impression   whatever   on
  Teresa; she put       her foot down in the most uncompromising fashion; and
  Sybil married an Indian civilian。〃
  〃Quite   right   of   her;〃   said   Mrs。   Yonelet   with   vague     approval;   〃it's
  what any girl of spirit would have done。                 Still; that was a year or two
  ago; I believe; Bertie is       older now; and so is Teresa。          Naturally she must
  be    anxious to see him settled。〃
  The   vicar's   wife   refle