第 31 节
作者:一意孤行      更新:2021-10-16 18:41      字数:9321
  development of financial machinery and the more profitable control of that
  machinery by the class of professional financiers
  The   kind   of   way   in   which   such   conditions   tend   toward   war   might
  have been illustrated; if Mr。 Hobson had been writing at a later date; by
  various     more     recent   cases。    A   higher   rate   of  interest    is  obtainable     on
  enterprises in an undeveloped country than in a developed one; provided
  the  risks   connected   with   an   unsettled government   can   be   minimized。 To
  minimize these risks the financiers call in the assistance of the military and
  naval   forces   of   the   country   which   they   are   momentarily   asserting   to   be
  theirs。 In order to have the support of public opinion in this demand they
  have recourse to the power of the Press。
  The Press is the second great factor to which critics of capitalism point
  when they wish to prove that capitalism is the source of modern war。 Since
  the running of a big newspaper requires a large capital; the proprietors of
  important organs necessarily belong to the capitalist class; and it will be a
  rare and exceptional event if they do not sympathize with their own class
  in opinion and outlook。 They are able to decide what news the great mass
  of newspaper readers shall be allowed to have。 They can actually falsify
  the   news;   or;   without   going   so   far   as   that;   they   can   carefully   select   it;
  giving   such     items   as   will   stimulate   the   passions   which   they   desire   to
  stimulate;   and   suppressing   such   items   as   would   provide   the   antidote。   In
  this   way  the   picture of   the   world   in   the   mind   of   the   average   newspaper
  reader is made to be not a true picture; but in the main that which suits the
  interests   of   capitalists。   This   is   true   in   many   directions;   but   above   all   in
  what con… cerns the relations between nations。 The mass of the population
  of a country can be led to love or hate any other country at the will of the
  newspaper proprietors; which is often; directly or indirectly; influenced by
  … Page 97…
  the will of the great financiers。 So long as enmity between England and
  Russia was desired; our newspapers were full of the cruel treatment meted
  out to Russian political prisoners; the oppression of Finland and Russian
  Poland;   and   other   such   topics。   As   soon   as   our   foreign   policy   changed;
  these   items   disappeared   from   the   more   important   newspapers;   and   we
  heard instead of the misdeeds of Germany。 Most men are not sufficiently
  critical to be on their guard against such influences; and until they are; the
  power of the Press will remain。
  Besides these two influences of capitalism in promoting war; there is
  another;   much   less   emphasized   by   the   critics   of   capitalism;   but   by   no
  means less important: I mean the pugnacity which tends to be developed
  in   men   who   have   the   habit   of   command。   So   long   as   capitalist   society
  persists;   an   undue   measure   of   power   will   be   in   the   hands   of   those   who
  have acquired wealth and influence through a great position in industry or
  finance。   Such   men   are   in   the   habit;   in   private   life;   of   finding   their   will
  seldom questioned;   they  are surrounded by  obsequious satellites   and   are
  not   infrequently   engaged   in   conflicts   with   Trade   Unions。   Among   their
  friends and acquaintances are included those who hold high positions   in
  government or administration; and these men equally are liable to become
  autocratic through the habit of giving orders。 It used   to be customary  to
  speak of the ‘‘governing classes;'' but nominal democracy has caused this
  phrase to go out of fashion。 Nevertheless; it still retains much truth; there
  are still in any capitalist community those who command and those who as
  a rule obey。 The outlook of these two classes is very different; though in a
  modern   society   there   is   a   continuous   gradation   from   the   extreme   of   the
  one   to   the   extreme   of   the   other。   The   man   who   is   accustomed   to   find
  submission to his will becomes indignant on the occasions when he finds
  opposition。   Instinctively   he   is   convinced   that   opposition   is   wicked   and
  must   be   crushed。   He   is   therefore   much   more   willing   than   the   average
  citizen to resort to war against his rivals。 Accordingly we find; though; of
  course;   with   very   notable   exceptions;   that   in   the   main   those   who   have
  most   power   are   most   warlike;   and   those   who   have   least   power   are   least
  disposed to hatred of foreign nations。 This is one of the evils inseparable
  from the concentration of power。 It will only be cured by the abolition of
  … Page 98…
  capitalism if the new system is one which allows very much less power to
  single individuals。 It will not be cured by a system which substitutes the
  power   of   Ministers   or   officials   for   the   power   of   capitalists   This   is   one
  reason; additional to those mentioned in the preceding chapter; for desiring
  to see a diminution in the authority of the State。
  Not   only   does   the   concentration   of   power   tend   to   cause   wars;   but;
  equally;     wars    and   the   fear  of   them    bring   about    the   necessity    for   the
  concentration of power。 So long as the community is exposed to sudden
  dangers; the possibility of quick decision is absolutely necessary to self…
  preservation。   The   cumbrous   machinery   of   deliberative   decisions   by   the
  people is impossible in a crisis; and therefore so long as crises are likely to
  occur;     it  is   impossible      to   abolish     the   almost     autocratic     power     of
  governments。 In this case; as in most others; each of two correlative evils
  tends to perpetuate the other。 The existence of men with the habit of power
  increases   the   risk   of   war;   and   the   risk   of   war   makes   it   impossible   to
  establish a system where no man possesses great power。
  So   far   we   have   been   considering   what   is   true   in   the   contention   that
  capitalism causes   modern   wars。 It is time now  to   look at   the  other  side;
  and to ask ourselves whether the abolition of capitalism would; by itself;
  be sufficient to prevent war。
  I   do   not   myself   believe   that   this   is   the   case。   The   outlook   of   both
  Socialists and Anarchists seems to me; in this respect as in some others; to
  be unduly divorced from the fundamental instincts of human nature。 There
  were wars   before  there was   capital…   ism;  and fighting   is   habitual   among
  animals。 The power of the Press in promoting war is entirely due to   the
  fact    that   it  is  able   to   appeal    to   certain    instincts。   Man     is  naturally
  competitive;       acquisitive;    and;   in   a  greater   or   less  degree;    pugnacious。
  When   the   Press   tells   him   that   so…and…so   is   his   enemy;   a   whole   set   of
  instincts   in him  responds to   the   suggestion。  It   is   natural   to   most   men   to
  suppose that they have enemies and to find a certain fulfillment of their
  nature   when      they   embark   upon       a   contest。   What   a   man   believes   upon
  grossly insufficient evidence is an index to his desiresdesires of which he
  himself is often unconscious。 If a man is offered a fact which goes against
  his    instincts;   he   will  scrutinize     it  closely;   and   unless    the  evidence      is
  … Page 99…
  overwhelming;   he   will   refuse   to   believe   it。   If;   on   the   other   hand;   he   is
  offered something which affords a reason for acting in accordance with his
  instincts; he will accept it even on the slenderest evidence。 The origin of
  myths is explained in this way; and much of what is currently believed in
  international affairs is no better than myth。 Although capitalism affords in
  modern   society   the   channel   by   which   the   instinct   of   pugnacity   finds   its
  outlet; there is reason to fear that; if this channel were closed; some other
  would   be   found;   unless   education   and   environment   were   so   changed   as
  enormously   to   diminish   the   strength         of   the   competitive   instinct。   If   an
  economic reorganization can effect this it may pro… vide a real safeguard