第 6 节
作者:风格1      更新:2021-09-29 13:03      字数:9322
  traffic in the avenue below her; answered with indifference; 〃A
  pen holder。〃
  〃Yes; what about it?〃 snapped Vance。
  〃Gold pen holder;〃 Vera answered more rapidly。 〃Much engraving
  initials S。 H。  Mr。 Hallowell's initials  〃
  〃There is a date too。 Can you  〃
  〃December  〃 Vera hesitated。
  〃Go on;〃 commanded Vance。
  〃Twenty…five; one; eight; eight; six; one thousand eight hundred
  and eighty…six。〃 She moved her shoulders impatiently。
  〃Oh; tell him to think of something difficult;〃 she said。
  From behind Mr。 Hallowell's chair Rainey signaled to Vance to
  take from the table a photograph frame of silver which held the
  picture of a woman。
  Vance picked it up; holding it close to him。
  〃What have I here; Vera?〃 he asked。
  Hallowell; seeing what Vance held in his hand; leaned forward。
  〃Put that down!〃 he commanded。 But Vera had already begun to
  〃A picture; a picture of a young woman。 Ask him to think of who
  it is and I will tell him。〃
  At the words Mr。 Hallowell hesitated; frowned; and then nodded。
  〃It is his sister;〃 called Vera。 〃Her name was  I seem to get
  a Catherine  yes; that's it; Catherine Coates。 She is no
  longer with us。 She passed into the spirit world three years
  ago。〃 The girl turned suddenly and approached the table; holding
  her head high; as though offended。
  〃How do you explain that trick?〃 she demanded。
  Mr。 Hallowell moved uneasily in his chair。 〃Oh; the picture's
  been on my desk each time you've been here;〃 he answered
  dubiously。 〃Rainey could have told you。〃
  〃As a matter of fact; I didn't;〃 said Rainey。
  Hallowell's eyes lightened with interest。 〃Didn't you?〃 he
  asked。 He turned to Vera。 〃If you can read my mind;〃 he
  challenged  〃you;〃 he added; pointing at Vance; 〃keep out of
  this now  tell me of what I am thinking。〃 As Vance drew back;
  Rainey and himself exchanged a quick glance of apprehension; but
  the girl promptly closed her eyes; and at once; in a dull;
  measured tone; began to speak。
  〃You were thinking you would like to ask a question of some one
  in the spirit;〃 she recited。 〃But you are afraid。 You do not
  trust me。 You will wait until I give you a sign; then you will
  ask that question of some one dear to you; who has passed
  beyond; and she will answer; and your troubles will be at an
  end。〃 She opened her eyes and stared at Mr。 Hallowell like one
  coming out of a dream。 〃What did I say?〃 she asked。 〃Was I
  Hallowell slank back in his chair; shaking his head。
  〃Yes;〃 he began grudgingly; 〃but  〃
  With an eagerness hardly concealed; Vance interrupted。
  〃What is the question you wish to ask?〃 he begged。
  With a frown of suspicion; Hallowell turned from him to Rainey。
  〃I don't think I ought to let them know;〃 he questioned; 〃do
  you?〃 But his attention was sharply diverted。
  Vera; in a hushed and solemn voice; called for silence。
  〃My control;〃 she explained  her tone was deep and awestruck
  〃is trying to communicate with me。〃
  Vance gave an exclamation of concern。 The prospect of the
  phenomena Vera promised seemed to fill him with delightful
  expectations。 〃Be very quiet;〃 he cautioned; 〃do not disturb
  Deeply impressed; Mr。 Hallowell struggled from his chair。
  Unaided; he moved to below the table and leaning against it
  looked; with unwilling but fascinated interest; at Vera's
  uplifted face。
  〃Some one in the spirit;〃 Vera chanted; in an unemotional;
  drugged voice; 〃wishes to speak to Mr。 Hallowell。 Give me your
  〃Quick!〃 directed Vance; 〃give her your hand。 Take her hand。〃
  〃Yes; he is here;〃 Vera continued。 〃A woman has a message for
  you; she is standing close beside you。 She is holding out her
  arms。 And she is trying; so hard; to tell you something。 What is
  it?〃 the girl questioned。 〃Oh; what is it? Tell me;〃 she begged。
  〃Can't you tell me?〃
  Hallowell eyed her greedily; waiting almost without breathing
  for her words。 The hand with which he held hers crushed her
  rings into her fingers。
  〃What sort?〃  whispered the old man。 〃What sort of a woman?〃
  With eyes still closed; swaying slightly and with abrupt
  shudders running down her body; the girl continued in dull;
  fateful tones。
  〃She is a fair woman; about forty…five。 She is speaking。 She
  calls to you; Brother; brother。〃 Vera's voice rose excitedly。
  〃It is the woman in the picture; your sister! Catherine! I see
  it written above her head  Catherine。 In letters of light。〃
  She turned suddenly and fiercely。 〃Ask her your question!〃 she
  commanded。 〃Ask her your question; now!〃
  By the sudden swaying forward of Vance and Rainey; in the intent
  look in their eyes; it was evident that a crisis had approached。
  But Mr。 Hallowell; terrified and trembling; shrank back。 His
  voice broke hysterically。 〃No; no!〃 he pleaded。 Both anger and
  disappointment showed in the face of Vance and Rainey; but the
  girl; as though detached from any human concerns; continued
  unmoved。 〃I see another figure;〃 she recited。 〃A young girl; but
  she is of this world。 I seem to get an H。 Yes。 Helen; in letters
  of fire。〃
  〃My niece; Helen!〃 Hallowell whispered hoarsely。
  〃Yes; your niece;〃 chanted the girl。 Her voice rose and
  thrilled。 〃And I see much gold;〃 she cried。 〃Between the two
  women; heaps of gold。 Everywhere I look I see gold。 And; now;
  the other woman; your sister; is trying to speak to you。 Listen!
  She calls to you; Brother!〃
  So centered was the interest of those in the room; so compelling
  the sound of the girl's voice; that; unnoticed; the sliding
  doors to the library were slipped apart。 Unobserved; Judge
  Gaylor and Winthrop halted in the doorway。 To the Judge the
  meaning of the scene was instantly apparent。 His face flushed
  furiously。 Winthrop; uncomprehending; gazed unconcerned over
  Gaylor's shoulder。 The voice of Vera rose hysterically to her
  〃She bids me tell you;〃 Vera cried; 〃 Tell my brother  〃
  Gaylor swept toward her。
  〃What damned farce is this?〃 he shouted。
  The effect of the interruption was instant and startling。 Mr。
  Hallowell; who; in the last few minutes; had believed he was
  listening to a voice from the dead; collapsed upon the shoulder
  of Rainey; who sprang to support him。 Like a somnambulist
  wrenched from sleep; Vera gave a scream of fright; half genuine;
  half assumed; and swayed as though about to fall。 Vance caught
  her in his arms。 He turned on Gaylor; his cunning red eyes
  flashing evilly。
  〃You brute!〃 he cried; 〃you might have killed her。〃
  Between her sobs; Vera; her head upon the shoulder of Vance;
  whispered a question。 As quickly; under cover of muttered
  sympathy; Vance answered: 〃Gaylor。 The Judge。〃
  Still slightly swaying; Vera stood upright。 She passed her hand
  vaguely before her eyes。 〃Where am I?〃 she asked feebly。 〃Where
  am I?〃
  Gaylor shook his fist at the girl。
  〃You know where you are!〃 he thundered; 〃and you know where
  you're going  you're going to jail!〃
  In the hush that followed Vera drew herself to her full height。
  She regarded Gaylor wonderingly; haughtily; as though he were
  some drunken intruder from the street。
  〃Are you speaking to me?〃 she asked。
  〃Yes; to you;〃 shouted the lawyer。 〃You're an imposter; and a
  swindler; and  and  〃
  Winthrop pushed between them。
  〃Yes; and she's a woman;〃 he said briskly。 〃If you want a row;
  talk to the man。〃
  To this point the scene had brought to Vera no emotion save the
  excitement that is felt by the one who is struggling to escape。
  The appearance of a champion added a new interest。 Through no
  fault of her own; she had learned by experience that to the one
  man who annoyed her there always were six to spring to her
  protection。 So the glance she covertly turned upon Winthrop was
  one less of gratitude than curiosity。
  But at the first sight of him the girl started; her eyes lit
  with recognition; her face flushed。 And then; although the man
  was in no way regarding her; her eyes filled; and in
  mortification and dismay she blushed crimson。
  His anger still unsatisfied; Gaylor turned upon Vance。
  〃And you;〃 he cried; 〃you're going to jail too。 I'll drive  〃
  The voice of Mr。 Hallowell; shaken with pain and distress; rose
  feebly; beseechingly。 〃Henry!〃 he begged。 〃I can't stand it!〃
  〃Judge Gaylor!〃 thundered Rainey; 〃I won't be responsible if you
  keep this up。〃
  With an exclamation of remorse; Vera ran to the side of the old
  man。 With Rainey on his other hand; she raised him upright upon
  his feet。
  〃Lean on me;〃 begged the girl breathlessly。 〃I'm very strong。
  Lean on me。〃
  Mr。 Hallowell shook his head。 〃No; child;〃 he protested; 〃not
  you。〃 He turned to his old friend。 〃You help me; Henry;〃 he
  With the authority of the medical man; Rainey waved Vance into
  the bedroom。 〃Close those windows;〃 he ordered。 〃You help me!〃
  he commanded of Gaylor。 〃Put your arm under him。〃
  Mr。 Hallowell; protesting feebly and leaning heavily upon the
  two men; stumbled into the bedroom ; and the door was shut
  behind him。
  For a moment the girl and the man stood in silence; and then; as
  though suddenly conscious of her presence; Winthrop turned and
  The girl did not answer his smile。 From under the shadow of the
  picture hat and the ostrich feathers her eyes rega