第 2 节
作者:人生几何      更新:2021-09-25 11:12      字数:9322
  Blushing; he followed Cooley into the coach; to spend five happy
  hours; utterly oblivious of the bright French landscape whirling
  by outside the window。
  There ensued a month of conscientious sightseeing in Paris; and that
  unfriendly city afforded him only one glimpse of the Countess。  She
  whizzed by him in a big touring…car one afternoon as he stood on an
  〃isle of safety〃 at the foot of the Champs Elysees。  Cooley was
  driving the car。  The raffish; elderly Englishman (whose name; Mellin
  knew; was Sneyd) sat with him; and beside Madame de Vaurigard in the
  tonneau lolled a gross…looking manunmistakably an Americanwith a
  jovial; red; smooth…shaven face and several chins。  Brief as the
  glimpse was; Mellin had time to receive a distinctly disagreeable
  impression of this person; and to wonder how Heaven could vouchsafe
  the society of Madame de Vaurigard to so coarse a creature。
  All the party were dressed as for the road; gray with dust; and to
  all appearances in a merry mood。  Mellin's heart gave a leap when
  he saw that the Countess recognized him。  Her eyes; shining under
  a white veil; met his for just the instant before she was quite by;
  and when the machine had passed a little handkerchief waved for a
  moment from the side of the tonneau where she sat。
  With that he drew the full breath of Romance。
  He had always liked to believe that ~〃grandes dames〃~ leaned back
  in the luxurious upholstery of their victorias; landaulettes;
  daumonts or automobiles with an air of inexpressible though languid
  hauteur。  The Newport letter in the Cranston Telegraph often referred
  to it。  But the gayety of that greeting from the Countess' little
  handkerchief was infinitely refreshing; and Mellin decided that
  animation was more becoming than hauteureven to a ~〃grande dame。〃~
  That night he wrote (almost without effort) the verses published in
  the Cranston Telegraph two weeks later。  They began:
  ~Marquise; ma belle~; with your kerchief of
  Awave from your flying car;
  And your slender hand
  The hand to which he referred was the same which had arrested his
  gondola and his heart simultaneously; five days ago; in Venice。  He
  was on his way to the station when Madame de Vaurigard's gondola
  shot out into the Grand Canal from a narrow channel; and at her
  signal both boats paused。
  〃Ah! but you fly away!〃 she cried; lifting her eyebrows mournfully;
  as she saw the steamer…trunk in his gondola。  〃You are goin' return
  to America?〃
  〃No。  I'm just leaving for Rome。〃
  〃Well; in three day' ~I~ am goin' to Rome!〃  She clapped her hands
  lightly and laughed。  〃You know this is three time' we meet jus' by
  chance; though that second time it was so quick~pff~! like that
  we didn't talk much togezzer!  Monsieur Mellin;〃 she laughed again;
  〃I think we mus' be frien's。  Three time'an' we are both goin' to
  Rome!  Monsieur Mellin; you believe in ~Fate~?〃
  With a beating heart he did。
  Thence came the invitation to meet her at the Magnifique for tea;
  and the card she scribbled for him with a silver pencil。  She gave
  it with the prettiest gesture; leaning from her gondola to his as
  they parted。  She turned again; as the water between them widened;
  and with her 〃~Au revoir~〃 offered him a faintly wistful smile to
  All the way to Rome the noises of the train beat out the measure of
  his Parisian verses:
  ~Marquise; ma belle~; with your kerchief of
  Awave from your flying car
  He came out of his reverie with a start。  A dozen men and women;
  dressed for dinner; with a gold…fish officer or two among them;
  swam leisurely through the aquarium on their way to the hotel
  restaurant。  They were the same kind of people who had sat at the
  little tables for teapeople of the great world; thought Mellin:
  no vulgar tourists or 〃trippers〃 among them; and he shuddered at
  the remembrance of his pension (whither it was time to return) and
  its conscientious students of Baedeker; its dingy halls and permanent
  smell of cold food。  Suddenly a high resolve lit his face: he got
  his coat and hat from the brass…and…blue custodian in the lobby;
  and without hesitation entered the 〃bureau。〃
  〃I 'm not quite satisfied where I am stayingwhere I'm stopping;
  that is;〃 he said to the clerk。  〃I think I'll take a room here。〃
  〃Very well; sir。  Where shall I send for your luggage?〃
  〃I shall bring it myself;〃 replied Mellin coldly; 〃in my cab。〃
  He did not think it necessary to reveal the fact that he was staying
  at one of the cheaper pensions; and it may be mentioned that this
  reticence (as well as the somewhat chilling; yet careless; manner
  of a gentleman of the 〃great world〃 which he assumed when he returned
  with his trunk and bag) very substantially increased the rate put
  upon the room he selected at the Magnifique。  However; it was with
  great satisfaction that he found himself installed in the hotel; and
  he was too recklessly exhilarated; by doing what he called the 〃right
  thing;〃 to waste any time wondering what the 〃right thing〃 would do
  to the diminishing pad of express checks he carried in the inside
  pocket of his waistcoat。
  〃Better live a fortnight like a gentleman;〃 he said; as he tossed
  his shoes into a buhl cabinet; 〃than vegetate like a tourist for
  a year。〃
  He had made his entrance into the 〃great world〃 and he meant to
  hold his place in it as one 〃to the manor born。〃  Its people should
  not find him lacking:  he would wear their manner and speak their
  languageno gaucherie should betray him; no homely phrase escape
  his lips。
  This was the chance he had always hoped for; and when he fell asleep
  in his gorgeous; canopied bed; his soul was uplifted with happy
  II。  Music on the Pincio
  The following afternoon found him still in that enviable condition
  as he stood listening to the music on the Pincian Hill。  He had it
  of rumor that the Fashion of Rome usually took a turn there before
  it went to tea; and he had it from the lady herself that Madame
  de Vaurigard would be there。  Presently she came; reclining in a
  victoria; the harness of her horses flashing with gold in the
  sunshine。  She wore a long ermine stole; her hat was ermine; she
  carried a muff of the same fur; and Mellin thought it a perfect
  finish to the picture that a dark gentleman of an appearance most
  distinguished should be sitting beside her。  An Italian noble;
  He saw the American at once; nodded to him and waved her hand。
  The victoria went on a little way beyond the turn of the drive;
  drew out of the line of carriages; and stopped。
  〃Ah; Monsieur Mellin;〃 she cried; as he came up; 〃I am glad!  I
  was so foolish yesterday I didn' give you the address of my little
  apartment an' I forgot to ask you what is your hotel。  I tol' you
  I would come here for my drive; but still I might have lost you
  for ever。  See what many people!  It is jus' that Fate again。〃
  She laughed; and looked to the Italian for sympathy in her kindly
  merriment。  He smiled cordially upon her; then lifted his hat and
  smiled as cordially upon Mellin。
  〃I am so happy to fin' myself in Rome that I forget〃Madame de
  Vaurigard went on〃~ever'sing!~  But now I mus' make sure not to
  lose you。  What is your hotel?〃
  〃Oh; the Magnifique;〃 Mellin answered carelessly。  〃I suppose
  everybody that one knows stops there。  One does stop there; when
  one is in Rome; doesn't one?〃
  〃Everybody go' there for tea; and to eat; sometime; but to ~stay~
  ah; that is for the American!〃 she laughed。  〃That is for you
  who are all so abomin…~ab~…ly rich!〃  She smiled to the Italian
  again; and both of them smiled beamingly on Mellin。
  〃But that isn't always our fault; is it?〃 said Mellin easily。
  〃Aha!  You mean you are of the new generation; of the yo'ng
  American' who come over an' try to spen' these immense fortune'
  those ~'pile'~your father or your gran…father make!  I know
  quite well。  Ah?〃
  〃Well;〃 he hesitated; smiling。  〃I suppose it does look a little
  by way of being like that。〃
  〃Wicked fellow!〃  She leaned forward and tapped his shoulder
  chidingly with two fingers。  〃I know what you wish the mos' in the
  worl'you wish to get into mischief。  That is it!  No; sir; I
  will jus' take you in han'!〃
  〃When will you take me?〃 he asked boldly。
  At this; the pleasant murmur of laughterhalf actual and half
  suggestedwith which she underlined the conversation; became loud
  and clear; as she allowed her vivacious glance to strike straight
  into his upturned eyes; and answered:
  〃As long as a little turn roun' the hill; ~now~。 Cavaliere Corni〃
  To Mellin's surprise and delight the Italian immediately descended
  from the victoria without the slightest appearance of irritation;
  on the contrary; he was urbane to a fine degree; and; upon Madame
  de Vaurigard's formally introducing him to Mellin; saluted the
  latter with grave politeness; expressing in good English a hope
  that they might meet often。  When the American was installed at
  the Countess' side she spoke to the driver in Italian; and they
  began to move slowly along the ilex avenue; the coachman reining
  his horses to a walk。
  〃You speak Italian?〃 she inquired。
  〃Oh; not a great deal more than a smattering;〃 he replied a