第 15 节
作者:负债赌博      更新:2021-09-25 11:12      字数:1759
  breakfast should take place in Baker Street。〃
  〃It shall be in Mecklenburgh Square;〃 said John Perkins stoutly; and in
  Mecklenburgh Square it was。
  … Page 50…
  William     Pitt   Scully;   Esquire;    was;   as   Mr。   Crampton      said;  hugely
  annoyed at the loss of the place for his nephew。                 He had still; however;
  his   hopes   to   look   forward   to;   but   these   were   unluckily   dashed   by   the
  coming in of the Whigs。          As for Sir George Gorgon; when he came to ask
  about his peerage; Hawksby told him that they could not afford to lose him
  in the Commons; for a Liberal Member would infallibly fill his place。
  And now that the Tories are out and the Whigs are in; strange to say a
  Liberal   does   fill   his   place。   This   Liberal   is   no   other   than   Sir   George
  Gorgon   himself;   who   is   still   longing   to   be   a   lord;   and   his   lady   is   still
  devout     and    intriguing。     So    that  the   Members       for  Oldborough       have
  changed   sides;   and   taunt   each   other   with   apostasy;   and   hate   each   other
  cordially。     Mr。    Crampton      still  chuckles   over    the  manner     in  which    he
  tricked them both; and talks of those five minutes during which he stood
  on    the   landing…place;      and   hatched     and    executed     his   〃Bedford…Row
  End    of  Project    Gutenberg     Etext    The   Bedford…Row        Conspiracy;     by