第 2 节
作者:负债赌博      更新:2021-09-25 11:12      字数:9322
  the paternal mansion of Gorgon Castle; and rejoiced in the name and title
  of Sir George Grimsby Gorgon。
  He; too; like his younger brother; had married a lady beneath his own
  rank in life; having espoused the daughter and heiress of Mr。 Hicks; the
  great brewer at Oldborough; who held numerous mortgages on the Gorgon
  property; all of which he yielded up; together with his daughter Juliana; to
  the care of the baronet。
  What     Lady    Gorgon     was    in  character;    this  history   will   show。    In
  person; if she may be compared to any vulgar animal; one of her father's
  heavy; healthy;   broad…flanked; Roman…nosed  white dray…horses   might; to
  the poetic mind; appear to resemble her。               At twenty she was a splendid
  creature; and though not at her full growth; yet remarkable for strength and
  sinew;   at   forty…five   she   was   as   fine   a   woman   as   any   in   His   Majesty's
  dominions。       Five feet seven in height; thirteen stone; her own teeth and
  hair;   she   looked   as   if   she   were   the   mother   of   a   regiment   of   Grenadier
  Guards。      She had three daughters of her own size; and at length; ten years
  after   the   birth   of   the   last   of   the   young   ladies;   a   sonone   sonGeorge
  Augustus Frederick Grimsby Gorgon; the godson of a royal duke; whose
  steady officer in waiting Sir George had been for many years。
  It is needless to say; after entering so largely into a description of Lady
  Gorgon;   that   her   husband   was   a   little   shrivelled   wizen…faced   creature;
  eight inches shorter than her Ladyship。              This is the way of the world; as
  every   single     reader   of  this  book    must    have   remarked;     for  frolic   love
  delights   to   join   giants   and   pigmies   of   different   sexes   in   the   bonds   of
  matrimony。        When   you   saw   her   Ladyship   in   flame…coloured   satin   and
  gorgeous toque and feathers; entering the drawing…room; as footmen along
  the stairs shouted melodiously; 〃Sir George and Lady Gorgon;〃 you beheld
  in   her   company  a   small   withered   old   gentleman;   with   powder   and   large
  royal household buttons; who tripped at her elbow as a little weak…legged
  … Page 6…
  colt does at the side of a stout mare。
  The   little   General   had   been   present   at   about   a   hundred   and   twenty
  pitched battles on Hounslow Heath and Wormwood Scrubs; but had never
  drawn his sword against an enemy。              As might be expected; therefore; his
  talk and tenue were outrageously military。              He had the whole Army List
  by heartthat is; as far as the field…officers:          all below them he scorned。
  A bugle at Gorgon Castle always sounded at breakfast; and dinner:                    a gun
  announced sunset。         He clung to his pigtail for many years after the army
  had forsaken that ornament; and could never be brought to think much of
  the Peninsular men for giving it up。           When he spoke of the Duke; he used
  to   call   him   〃MY     LORD      WELLINGTONI             RECOLLECT          HIM     AS
  CAPTAIN         WELLESLEY。〃           He    swore    fearfully    in  conversation;     was
  most regular at church; and regularly read to his family and domestics the
  morning and evening prayer; he bullied his daughters; seemed to bully his
  wife;   who   led   him   whither   she   chose;   gave   grand   entertainments;   and
  never   asked   a   friend   by   chance;   had   splendid   liveries;   and   starved   his
  people; and was as dull; stingy; pompous; insolent; cringing; ill…tempered a
  little creature as ever was known。
  With such qualities you may fancy that he was generally admired   in
  society   and   by   his   country。   So   he   was:    and   I   never   knew   a   man   so
  endowed whose way through life was not safewho had fewer pangs of
  consciencemore positive enjoymentsmore respect shown to himmore
  favours granted to him; than such a one as my friend the General。
  Her   Ladyship   was   just   suited   to   him;   and   they   did   in   reality   admire
  each   other   hugely。     Previously   to   her   marriage   with   the   baronet;   many
  love…passages   had   passed   between   her   and   William   Pitt   Scully;   Esquire;
  the   attorney;    and   there   was   especially    one   story;  a  propos    of   certain
  syllabubs and Sally…Lunn cakes; which seemed to show that matters had
  gone   very   far。    Be   this   as   it   may;   no   sooner   did   the   General  (Major
  Gorgon he was then) cast an eye on her; than Scully's five years' fabric of
  love was instantly dashed to the ground。             She cut him pitilessly; cut Sally
  Scully; his sister; her dearest friend and confidante; and bestowed her big
  person upon the little aide…de…camp at the end of a fortnight's wooing。                  In
  the   course   of   time   their   mutual   fathers   died;   the   Gorgon   estates   were
  … Page 7…
  unencumbered:         patron of both the seats in the borough of Oldborough;
  and    occupant      of  one;   Sir   George     Grimsby     Gorgon;     Baronet;     was    a
  personage of no small importance。
  He   was;  it   scarcely  need to   be said;  a Tory;   and this   was   the   reason
  why     William     Pitt  Scully;   Esquire;   of   the  firm   of  Perkins    and   Scully;
  deserted     those   principles    in  which     he  had   been    bred   and   christened;
  deserted that church which he had frequented; for he could not bear to see
  Sir George and my Lady flaunting in their grand pew;deserted; I say; the
  church; adopted the conventicle; and became one of the most zealous and
  eloquent supporters that Freedom has known in our time。                     Scully; of the
  house of Scully and Perkins; was a dangerous enemy。                   In five years from
  that   marriage;   which   snatched   from   the   jilted   solicitor   his   heart's   young
  affections;   Sir   George   Gorgon   found   that   he   must   actually   spend   seven
  hundred pounds to keep his two seats。             At the next election; a Liberal was
  set up against his man; and actually ran him hard; and finally; at the end of
  eighteen   years;   the   rejected   Scullythe   mean   attorneywas   actually   the
  FIRST   Member   for   Oldborough;   Sir   George   Grimsby   Gorgon;   Baronet;
  being only the second!
  The agony of that day cannot be imaginedthe dreadful curses of Sir
  George; who saw fifteen hundred a year robbed from under his very nose
  the religious resignation of my Ladythe hideous window…smashing that
  took place at the 〃Gorgon Arms;〃 and the discomfiture of the pelted Mayor
  and   Corporation。       The   very   next   Sunday;   Scully   was   reconciled   to   the
  church     (or  attended     it  in  the  morning;    and    the  meeting     twice   in  the
  afternoon); and as Doctor Snorter uttered the prayer for the High Court of
  Parliament;   his     eye;   the   eye  of  his   whole   partyturned     towards    Lady
  Gorgon   and   Sir   George   in   a   most   unholy   triumph。        Sir   George   (who
  always stood during prayers; like a military man) fairly sank down among
  the hassocks; and Lady Gorgon was heard to sob as audibly as ever did
  little beadle…belaboured urchin。
  Scully;   when     at  Oldborough;      came    from   that   day   forth   to  church。
  〃What;〃 said he; 〃was it to him? were we not all brethren?〃                  Old Perkins;
  however;  kept   religiously  to   the   Squaretoes   congregation。  In   fact;   to   tell
  the truth; this subject had been debated between the partners; who saw the
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  advantage      of   courting    both   the   Establishment      and   the   Dissentersa
  manoeuvre which; I need not say; is repeated in almost every country town
  in   England;     where     a  solicitor's   house    has   this  kind   of   power     and
  Three months after this election came the races at Oldborough; and the
  race…ball。    Gorgon      was   so   infuriated   by   his   defeat;  that   he   gave  〃the
  Gorgon   cup   and   cover;〃   a   matter   of   fifteen   pounds。   Scully;   〃although
  anxious;〃 as he wrote from town; 〃anxious beyond measure to preserve the
  breed   of   horses   for   which   our   beloved   country   has   ever   been   famous;
  could attend no such sports as these; which but too often degenerated into
  vice。〃    It   was   voted   a   shabby   excuse。   Lady   Gorgon   was   radiant   in   he