第 8 节
作者:乐乐陶陶      更新:2021-08-28 17:12      字数:9321
  some degrees of revenge; we now begin with the last in ours; and at the
  first meeting nothing is to be said but; kill?  What is this but
  Every one is sensible that there is more bravery and disdain in subduing
  an enemy; than in cutting; his throat; and in making him yield; than in
  putting him to the sword: besides that the appetite of revenge is better
  satisfied and pleased because its only aim is to make itself felt: And
  this is the reason why we do not fall upon a beast or a stone when they
  hurt us; because they are not capable of being sensible of our revenge;
  and to kill a man is to save him from the injury and offence we intend
  him。  And as Bias cried out to a wicked fellow; 〃I know that sooner or
  later thou wilt have thy reward; but I am afraid I shall not see it〃;
  'Plutarch; on the Delay in Divine Justice; c。 2。' and pitied the
  Orchomenians that the penitence of Lyciscus for the treason committed
  against them; came at a season when there was no one remaining alive of
  those who had been interested in the offence; and whom the pleasure of
  this penitence should affect: so revenge is to be pitied; when the person
  on whom it is executed is deprived of means of suffering under it: for as
  the avenger will look on to enjoy the pleasure of his revenge; so the
  person on whom he takes revenge should be a spectator too; to be
  afflicted and to repent。  〃He will repent it;〃 we say; and because we
  have given him a pistol…shot through the head; do we imagine he will
  repent?  On the contrary; if we but observe; we shall find; that he makes
  mouths at us in falling; and is so far from penitency; that he does not
  so much as repine at us; and we do him the kindest office of life; which
  is to make him die insensibly; and soon: we are afterwards to hide
  ourselves; and to shift and fly from the officers of justice; who pursue
  us; whilst he is at rest。  Killing is good to frustrate an offence to
  come; not to revenge one that is already past; and more an act of fear
  than of bravery; of precaution than of courage; of defence than of
  enterprise。  It is manifest that by it we lose both the true end of
  revenge and the care of our reputation; we are afraid; if he lives he
  will do us another injury as great as the first; 'tis not out of
  animosity to him; but care of thyself; that thou gettest rid of him。
  In the kingdom of Narsingah this expedient would be useless to us; where
  not only soldiers; but tradesmen also; end their differences by the
  sword。  The king never denies the field to any who wish to fight; and
  when they are persons of quality; he looks on; rewarding the victor with
  a chain of gold;for which any one who pleases may fight with him again;
  so that; by having come off from one combat; he has engaged himself in
  If we thought by virtue to be always masters of our enemies; and to
  triumph over them at pleasure; we should be sorry they should escape from
  us as they do; by dying: but we have a mind to conquer; more with safety
  than honour; and; in our quarrel; more pursue the end than the glory。
  Asnius Pollio; who; as being a worthy man; was the less to be excused;
  committed a like; error; when; having written a libel against Plancus; he
  forbore to publish it till he was dead; which is to bite one's thumb at a
  blind man; to rail at one who is deaf; to wound a man who has no feeling;
  rather than to run the hazard of his resentment。  And it was also said of
  him that it was only for hobgoblins to wrestle with the dead。
  He who stays to see the author die; whose writings he intends to
  question; what does he say but that he is weak in his aggressiveness?
  It was told to Aristotle that some one had spoken ill of him: 〃Let him
  do more;〃 said he; 〃let him whip me too; provided I am not there。〃
  Our fathers contented themselves with revenging an insult with the lie;
  the lie with a box of the ear; and so forward; they were valiant enough
  not to fear their adversaries; living and provoked we tremble for fear so
  soon as we see them on foot。  And that this is so; does not our noble
  practice of these days; equally to prosecute to death both him that has
  offended us and him we have offended; make it out?  'Tis also a kind
  of cowardice that has introduced the custom of having seconds; thirds;
  and fourths in our duels; they were formerly duels; they are now
  skirmishes; rencontres; and battles。  Solitude was; doubtless; terrible
  to those who were the first inventors of this practice:
  〃Quum in se cuique minimum fiduciae esset;〃
  for naturally any company whatever is consolatory in danger。  Third
  persons were formerly called in to prevent disorder and foul play only;
  and to be witness of the fortune of the combat; but now they have brought
  it to this pass that the witnesses themselves engage; whoever is invited
  cannot handsomely stand by as an idle spectator; for fear of being
  suspected either of want of affection or of courage。  Besides the
  injustice and unworthiness of such an action; of engaging other strength
  and valour in the protection of your honour than your own; I conceive it
  a disadvantage to a brave man; and who wholly relies upon himself; to
  shuffle his fortune with that of a second; every one runs hazard enough
  himself without hazarding for another; and has enough to do to assure
  himself in his own valour for the defence of his life; without intrusting
  a thing so dear in a third man's hand。  For; if it be not expressly
  agreed upon before to the contrary; 'tis a combined party of all four;
  and if your second be killed; you have two to deal withal; with good
  reason; and to say that it is foul play; it is so indeed; as it is; well
  armed; to attack a man who has but the hilt of a broken sword in his
  hand; or; clear and untouched; a man who is desperately wounded: but if
  these be advantages you have got by fighting; you may make use of them
  without reproach。  The disparity and inequality are only weighed and
  considered from the condition of the combatants when they began; as to
  the rest; you must take your chance: and though you had; alone; three
  enemies upon you at once; your two companions being killed; you have no
  more wrong done you; than I should do in a battle; by running a man
  through whom I should see engaged with one of our own men; with the like
  advantage。  The nature of society will have it so that where there is
  troop against troop; as where our Duke of Orleans challenged Henry; king
  of England; a hundred against a hundred; three hundred against as many;
  as the Argians against the Lacedaemonians; three to three; as the Horatii
  against the Curiatii; the multitude on either side is considered but as
  one single man: the hazard; wherever there is company; being confused and
  I have a domestic interest in this discourse; for my brother; the Sieur
  de Mattecoulom; was at Rome asked by a gentleman with whom he had no
  great acquaintance; and who was a defendant challenged by another; to be
  his second; in this duel he found himself matched with a gentleman much
  better known to him。  (I would fain have an explanation of these rules of
  honour; which so often shock and confound those of reason。)  After having
  despatched his man; seeing the two principals still on foot and sound; he
  ran in to disengage his friend。  What could he do less? should he have
  stood still; and if chance would have ordered it so; have seen him he was
  come thither to defend killed before his face? what he had hitherto done
  helped not the business; the quarrel was yet undecided。  The courtesy
  that you can; and certainly ought to shew to your enemy; when you have
  reduced him to an ill condition and have a great advantage over him; I do
  not see how you can do it; where the interest of another is concerned;
  where you are only called in as an assistant; and the quarrel is none of
  yours: he could neither be just nor courteous; at the hazard of him he
  was there to serve。  And he was therefore enlarged from the prisons of
  Italy at the speedy and solemn request of our king。  Indiscreet nation!
  we are not content to make our vices and follies known to the world by
  report only; but we must go into foreign countries; there to show them
  what fools we are。  Put three Frenchmen into the deserts of Libya; they
  will not live a month together without fighting; so that you would say
  this peregrination were a thing purposely designed to give foreigners the
  pleasure of our tragedies; and; for the most part; to such as rejoice and
  laugh at our miseries。  We go into Italy to learn to fence; and exercise
  the art at the expense of our lives before we have learned it; and yet;
  by the rule of discipline; we should put the theory before the practice。
  We discover ourselves to be but learners:
  〃Primitae juvenum miserae; bellique futuri
  Dura rudimenta。〃
  '〃Wretched the elementary trials of youth; and hard the
  rudiments of approaching war。〃Virgil; AEneid; xi。 156。'
  I know that fencing is an art very useful to its end (in a duel betwixt
  two princes; cousin…germans; in Spain; the elder; says Livy; by his skill
  and dexterity in arms; easily overcoming the greater and more awkward
  strength of the younger);