第 31 节
作者:青词      更新:2021-08-14 15:19      字数:9321
  great results。 A proposition open to discussion。
  It   is   doubtless   satisfactory   to   designate   first   magistrates   who   have
  raised   themselves   from   humble   beginnings   to   that   proud   position;   and
  there are times when it is proper to recall such achievements to the rising
  generation。   But   as   youth   is   proverbially   over…confident   it   might   also   be
  well to point out; without danger of discouraging our sanguine youngsters;
  that   for   one   who   has   succeeded;   about   ten   million   confident   American
  youths;   full   of   ambition   and   lofty   aims;   have   been   obliged   to   content
  themselves   with       being    honest   men     in  humble   positions;   even       as  their
  fathers before them。 A sad humiliation; I grant you; for a self… respecting
  citizen; to end life just where his father did; often the case; nevertheless; in
  this   hard   world;   where   so   many   fine   qualities   go   unappreciated;   …        no
  societies     having     as   yet   been    formed     to   seek   out   〃mute;     inglorious
  Miltons;〃 and ask to crown them!
  To descend abruptly from the sublime; to very near the ridiculous; … I
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  had need last summer of a boy to go with a lady on a trap and help about
  the    stable。    So    I  applied     to   a   friend's   coachman;       a   hard…working
  Englishman;   who   was   delighted   to   get   the   place   for   his   nephew   …   an
  American…born   boy   …   the   child   of   a   sister;   in   great   need。   As   the   boy's
  clothes were hardly presentable; a simple livery was made for him; from
  that   moment   he   pined;   and   finally   announced   he   was   going   to   leave。   In
  answer to my surprised inquiries; I discovered that a friend of his from the
  same tenement…house in which he had lived in New York had appeared in
  the    village;   and   sooner    than    be  seen    in  livery   by   his  play…fellow      he
  preferred   abandoning   his   good   place;   the   chance   of   being   of   aid   to   his
  mother; and learning an honorable way to earn his living。 Remonstrances
  were in vain; to the wrath of his uncle; he departed。 The boy had; at his
  school;     heard    so  much     about    everybody      being    born    equal   and    every
  American   being   a   gentleman   by   right   of   inheritance;   that   he   had   taken
  himself   seriously;   and   despised   a   position   his   uncle   was   proud   to   hold;
  preferring elegant leisure in his native tenement…house to the humiliation
  of a livery。
  When at college I had rooms in a neat cottage owned by an American
  family。 The father was a butcher; as were his sons。 The only daughter was
  exceedingly pretty。 The hard…worked mother conceived high hopes for this
  favorite     child。   She   was    sent   to  a   boarding…     school;    from    which     she
  returned     entirely    unsettled    for   life;  having    learned    little  except   to   be
  ashamed of her parents and to play on the piano。 One of these instruments
  of torture was bought; and a room fitted up as a parlor for the daughter's
  use。 As the family were fairly well…to…do; she was allowed to dress out of
  all keeping with her parents' position; and; egged on by her mother; tried
  her best to marry a rich 〃student。〃 Failing in this; she became discontented;
  unhappy;      and   finally   there   was    a   scandal;   this  poor   victim   of   a   false
  ambition   going   to   swell   the   vast   tide   of   a   city's   vice。   With   a   sensible
  education; based on the idea that her father's trade was honorable and that
  her mission in life was to aid her mother in the daily work until she might
  marry and go to her husband; prepared by experience to cook his dinner
  and keep his house clean; and finally bring up her children to be honest
  men and women; this girl would have found a happy future waiting for her;
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  and have been of some good in her humble way。
  It is useless to multiply illustrations。 One has but to look about him in
  this   unsettled   country   of   ours。   The   other   day   in   front   of   my   door   the
  perennial   ditch   was   being   dug   for   some   gas…pipe   or   other。   Two   of   the
  gentlemen   who   had   consented   to   do   this labor   wore   frock…coats  and top
  hats    …   or  what     had    once    been    those    articles    of   attire   …  instead    of
  comfortable and appropriate overalls。 Why? Because; like the stable…boy;
  to   have   worn   any   distinctive   dress   would   have   been   in   their   minds   to
  stamp themselves as belonging to an inferior class; and so interfered with
  their chances of representing this country later at the Court of St。 James; or
  presiding   over  the   Senate;   …   positions   (to   judge   by  their   criticism  of   the
  present incumbents) they feel no doubt as to their ability to fill。
  The same spirit pervades every trade。 The youth who shaves me is not
  a   barber;    he   has   only    accepted     this   position    until   he   has   time   to   do
  something   better。   The   waiter   who   brings   me   my   chop   at   a   down…town
  restaurant would resign his place if he were requested to shave his flowing
  mustache;       and    is  secretly    studying     law。    I  lose   all  patience     with    my
  countrymen as I think over it! Surely we are not such a race of snobs as
  not   to   recognize that   a good   barber   is   more  to   be   respected   than   a   poor
  lawyer; that; as a French saying goes; IL N'Y A PAS DE SOT METIER。 It
  is only the fool who is ashamed of his trade。
  But enough of preaching。 I had intended … when I took up my pen to…
  day   …   to   write   on   quite   another   form   of   this   modern   folly;   this   eternal
  struggle upward into circles for which the struggler is fitted neither by his
  birth nor his education; the above was to have been but a preface to the
  matter   I   had   in   mind;   viz。;   〃social   climbers;〃   those   scourges   of   modern
  society; the people whom no rebuffs will discourage and no cold shoulder
  chill; whose efforts have done so much to make our countrymen a byword
  As   many   philosophers   teach   that   trouble   only   is   positive;   happiness
  being merely relative; that in any case trouble is pretty equally distributed
  among   the   different   conditions   of   mankind;   that;   excepting   the   destitute
  and   physically   afflicted;   all   God's   creatures   have   a   share   of   joy   in   their
  lives;   would   it   not   be   more   logical;   as   well   as   more   conducive   to   the
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  general good; if a little more were done to make the young contented with
  their lot in life; instead of constantly suggesting to a race already prone to
  be   unsettled;   that  nothing   short   of  the  top  is   worthy   of  an  American
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  Worldly Ways and Byways
  CHAPTER 26 … The Climber
  THAT      form   of   misplaced     ambition;     which    is  the  subject    of  the
  preceding chapter; can only be regarded seriously when it occurs among
  simple   and   sincere   people;   who;   however   derided;   honestly   believe   that
  they are doing their duty to themselves and their families when they move
  heaven   and   earth   to   rise   a   few   steps   in   the   world。 The   moment   we   find
  ambition taking a purely social form; it becomes ridiculous。 The aim is so
  paltry   in   comparison   with   the   effort;   and   so   out   of   proportion   with   the
  energy…exerted        to  attain    it;  that  one    can   only    laugh    and    wonder!
  Unfortunately; signs of this puerile spirit (peculiar to the last quarter of the
  nineteenth century) can be seen on all hands and in almost every society。
  That any man or woman should make it the unique aim and object of
  existence to get into a certain 〃set;〃 not from any hope of profit or benefit;
  nor from the belief that it is composed of brilliant and amusing people; but
  simply because it passes for being exclusive and difficult of access; does
  at first seem incredible。
  That humble young painters or singers should long to know personally
  the   great   lights   of   their   professions;   and  should   strive   to   be  accepted
  among them is easily understood; since