第 7 节
作者:冰点沸点      更新:2021-05-04 17:31      字数:9322
  which the court went; was in reality a little bit of a man; whose
  mother had given him so strange a hide; that when he wanted to laugh
  he used to stretch his cheeks like a cow making water; and this smile
  at court was called the provost's smile。 One day the king; hearing
  this proverbial expression used by certain lords; said jokingly
  〃You are in error; gentlemen; Petit does not laugh; he's short of skin
  below the mouth。〃
  But with his forced laugh Petit was all the more suited to his
  occupation of watching and catching evil…doers。 In fact; he was worth
  what he cost。 For all malice; he was a bit of a cuckold; for all vice;
  he went to vespers; for all wisdom he obeyed God; when it was
  convenient; for all joy he had a wife in his house; and for all change
  in his joy he looked for a man to hang; and when he was asked to find
  one he never failed to meet him; but when he was between the sheets he
  never troubled himself about thieves。 Can you find in all Christendom
  a more virtuous provost? No! All provosts hang too little; or too
  much; while this one just hanged as much as was necessary to be a
  This good fellow had for his wife in legitimate marriage; and much to
  the astonishment of everyone; the prettiest little woman in Bourges。
  So it was that often; while on his road to the execution; he would ask
  God the same question as several others in the town didnamely; why
  he; Petit; he the sheriff; he the provost royal; had to himself;
  Petit; provost royal and sheriff; a wife so exquisitely shapely; said
  dowered with charms; that a donkey seeing her pass by would bray with
  delight。 To this God vouchsafed no reply; and doubtless had his
  reasons。 But the slanderous tongues of the town replied for him; that
  the young lady was by no means a maiden when she became the wife of
  Petit。 Others said she did not keep her affections solely for him。 The
  wags answered; that donkeys often get into fine stables。 Everyone had
  taunts ready which would have made a nice little collection had anyone
  gathered them together。 From them; however; it is necessary to take
  nearly four…fourths; seeing that Petit's wife was a virtuous woman;
  who had a lover for pleasure and a husband for duty。 How many were
  there in the town as careful of their hearts and mouths? If you can
  point out one to me; I'll give you a kick or a half…penny; whichever
  you like。 You will find some who have neither husband nor lover。
  Certain females have a lover and no husband。 Ugly women have a husband
  and no lover。 But to meet with a woman who; having one husband and one
  lover; keeps to the deuce without trying for the trey; there is the
  miracle; you see; you greenhorns; blockheads; and dolts! Now then; put
  the true character of this virtuous woman on the tablets of your
  memory; go your ways; and let me go mine。
  The good Madame Petit was not one of those ladies who are always on
  the move; running hither and thither; can't keep still a moment; but
  trot about; worrying; hurrying; chattering; and clattering; and had
  nothing in them to keep them steady; but are so light that they run
  after a gastric zephyr as after their quintessence。 No; on the
  contrary; she was a good housewife; always sitting in her chair or
  sleeping in her bed; ready as a candlestick; waiting for her lover
  when her husband went out; receiving the husband when the lover had
  gone。 This dear woman never thought of dressing herself only to annoy
  and make other wives jealous。 Pish! She had found a better use for the
  merry time of youth; and put life into her joints in order to make the
  best use of it。 Now you know the provost and his good wife。
  The provost's lieutenant in duties matrimonial; duties which are so
  heavy that it takes two men to execute them; was a noble lord; a
  landowner; who disliked the king exceedingly。 You must bear this in
  mind; because it is one of the principal points of the story。 The
  Constable; who was a thorough Scotch gentleman; had seen by chance
  Petit's wife; and wished to have a little conversation with her
  comfortably; towards the morning; just the time to tell his beads;
  which was Christianly honest; or honestly Christian; in order to argue
  with her concerning the things of science or the science of things。
  Thinking herself quite learned enough; Madame Petit; who was; as has
  been stated; a virtuous; wise; and honest wife; refused to listen to
  the said constable。 After certain arguments; reasonings; tricks and
  messages; which were of no avail; he swore by his great black
  /coquedouille/ that he would rip up the gallant although he was a man
  of mark。 But he swore nothing about the lady。 This denotes a good
  Frenchman; for in such a dilemma there are certain offended persons
  who would upset the whole business of three persons by killing four。
  The constable wagered his big black /coquedouille/ before the king and
  the lady of Sorel; who were playing cards before supper; and his
  majesty was well pleased; because he would be relieved of this noble;
  that displeased him; and that without costing him a Thank You。
  〃And how will you manage the affair?〃 said Madame de Sorel to him;
  with a smile。
  〃Oh; oh!〃 replied the constable。 〃You may be sure; madame; I do not
  wish to lose my big black coquedouille。〃
  〃What was; then; this great coquedouille?〃
  〃Ha; ha! This point is shrouded in darkness to a degree that would
  make you ruin your eyes in ancient books; but it was certainly
  something of great importance。 Nevertheless; let us put on our
  spectacles; and search it out。 /Douille/ signifies in Brittany; a
  girl; and /coque/ means a cook's frying pan。 From this word has come
  into France that of /coquin/a knave who eats; licks; laps; sucks;
  and fritters his money away; and gets into stews; is always in hot
  water; and eats up everything; leads an idle life; and doing this;
  becomes wicked; becomes poor; and that incites him to steal or beg。
  From this it may be concluded by the learned that the great
  coquedouille was a household utensil in the shape of a kettle used for
  cooking things。〃
  〃Well;〃 continued the constable; who was the Sieur of Richmond; 〃I
  will have the husband ordered to go into the country for a day and a
  night; to arrest certain peasants suspected of plotting treacherously
  with the English。 Thereupon my two pigeons; believing their man
  absent; will be as merry as soldiers off duty; and; if a certain thing
  takes place; I will let loose the provost; sending him; in the king's
  name; to search the house where the couple will be; in order that he
  may slay our friend; who pretends to have this good cordelier all to
  〃What does this mean?〃 said the Lady of Beaute。
  〃Friar 。 。 。 fryer 。 。 。 an /equivoque/;〃 answered the king; smiling。
  〃Come to supper;〃 said Madame Agnes。 〃You are bad men; who with one
  word insult both the citizens' wives and a holy order。〃
  Now; for a long time; Madame Petit had longed to have a night of
  liberty; during which she might visit the house of the said noble;
  where she could make as much noise as she liked; without waking the
  neighbours; because at the provost's house she was afraid of being
  overheard; and had to content herself well with the pilferings of
  love; little tastes; and nibbles; daring at the most only to trot;
  while what she desired was a smart gallop。 On the morrow; therefore;
  the lady's…maid went off about midday to the young lord's house; and
  told the loverfrom whom she received many presents; and therefore in
  no way disliked himthat he might make his preparations for pleasure;
  and for supper; for that he might rely upon the provost's better half
  being with him in the evening both hungry and thirsty。
  〃Good!〃 said he。 〃Tell your mistress I will not stint her in anything
  she desires。〃
  The pages of the cunning constable; who were watching the house;
  seeing the gallant prepare for his gallantries; and set out the
  flagons and the meats; went and informed their master that everything
  had happened as he wished。 Hearing this; the good constable rubbed his
  hands thinking how nicely the provost would catch the pair。 He
  instantly sent word to him; that by the king's express commands he was
  to return to town; in order that he might seize at the said lord's
  house an English nobleman; with whom he was vehemently suspected to be
  arranging a plot of diabolical darkness。 But before he put this order
  into execution; he was to come to the king's hotel; in order that he
  might understand the courtesy to be exercised in this case。 The
  provost; joyous at the chance of speaking to the king; used such
  diligence that he was in town just at that time when the two lovers
  were singing the first note of their evening hymn。 The lord of
  cuckoldom and its surrounding lands; who is a strange lord; managed
  things so well; that madame was only conversing with her lord lover at
  the time that her lord spouse was talking to the constable and the