第 49 节
作者:插翅难飞      更新:2021-04-30 17:18      字数:9321
  How my eyes devoured it!           How my soul flew in front of the vesselflew
  on and on to tell him that he was not forgotten; that after many days one
  faithful servant was coming to his side。           Every instant the dark blur upon
  the water grew harder and clearer。
  Soon   I   could   see   plainly   enough   that   it   was   indeed   a   mountainous
  island。    The night fell; but still I knelt upon the deck; with my eyes fixed
  upon   the   darkness   which   covered   the   spot   where   I   knew   that   the   great
  Emperor was。        An hour passed and another one; and then suddenly a little
  golden twinkling light shone out exactly ahead of us。                It was the light of
  the window of some houseperhaps of his house。                  It could not be more
  than a mile or two away。          Oh; how I held out my hands to it!they were
  the hands of Etienne Gerard; but it was for all France that they were held
  … Page 165…
  Every  light   had   been   extinguished   aboard our   ship;  and   presently;   at
  the  direction   of   Captain   Fourneau;   we   all   pulled   upon   one  of   the   ropes;
  which had the effect of swinging round one of the sticks above us; and so
  stopping the vessel。       Then he asked me to step down to the cabin。
  〃You understand everything now; Colonel Gerard;〃 said he; 〃and you
  will forgive me if I did not take you into my complete confidence before。
  In a matter of such importance I make no man my confidant。                   I have long
  planned   the   rescue   of   the   Emperor;   and   my   remaining   in   England   and
  joining   their   merchant   service   was   entirely   with   that   design。    All   has
  worked      out   exactly   as   I  expected。    I   have    made    several   successful
  voyages to the West Coast of Africa; so that there was no difficulty in my
  obtaining the command of this one。              One by one I got these old French
  man…of…war's…men among   the hands。              As to   you; I   was anxious to have
  one tried fighting man in case of resistance; and I also desired to have a
  fitting   companion   for   the   Emperor   during   his   long   homeward   voyage。
  My cabin is already fitted up for his use。             I trust that before to…morrow
  morning he will be inside it; and we out of sight of this accursed island。〃
  You can think of my emotion; my friends; as I listened to these words。
  I embraced the brave Fourneau; and implored him to tell me how I could
  assist him。
  〃I must leave it all in your hands;〃 said he。          〃Would that I could have
  been the first to pay him homage; but it would not be wise for me to go。
  The glass is falling; there is a storm brewing; and we have the land under
  our lee。     Besides; there are three English cruisers near the island   which
  may be upon us at any moment。             It is for me; therefore; to guard the ship
  and for you to bring off the Emperor。〃
  I thrilled at the words。
  〃Give me your instructions!〃 I cried。
  〃I can only spare you one man; for already I can hardly pull round the
  yards;〃 said he。      〃One of the boats has been lowered; and this man will
  row you ashore and await your return。             The light which you see is indeed
  the light of Longwood。         All who are in the house are your friends; and all
  may be depended upon to aid the Emperor's escape。                 There is a cordon of
  … Page 166…
  English sentries; but they are not very near to the house。                Once you have
  got   as   far   as   that   you   will   convey   our   plans   to   the   Emperor;   guide   him
  down to the boat; and bring him on board。〃
  The    Emperor      himself    could   not   have    given   his  instructions     more
  shortly and clearly。       There was not a moment to be lost。              The boat with
  the   seaman     was    waiting    alongside。     I  stepped    into   it;  and  an   instant
  afterward we had pushed off。           Our little boat danced over the dark waters;
  but always shining before my eyes was the light of Longwood; the light of
  the   Emperor;   the   star   of   hope。  Presently  the   bottom   of   the   boat   grated
  upon the pebbles of the beach。            It was a deserted cove; and no challenge
  from   a   sentry   came   to   disturb   us。  I   left   the   seaman   by   the   boat   and   I
  began to climb the hillside。
  There was a goat track winding in and out among the rocks; so I had
  no difficulty in finding my way。            It stands to reason that all paths in St。
  Helena would lead to the Emperor。              I came to a gate。        No sentryand I
  passed   through。       Another   gatestill   no   sentry!     I   wondered   what   had
  become of this cordon of which Fourneau had spoken。                     I had come now
  to the   top   of   my   climb;   for   there   was   the   light   burning   steadily  right   in
  front of me。       I concealed myself and took a good look round; but still I
  could see no sign of the enemy。           As I approached I saw the house; a long;
  low building with a veranda。           A man was walking up and down upon the
  path in front。     I crept nearer and had a look at him。
  Perhaps it was this cursed Hudson Lowe。                What a triumph if I could
  not   only   rescue   the   Emperor;   but   also   avenge   him!      But   it   was   more
  likely  that   this   man   was   an   English   sentry。  I   crept   nearer   still;   and   the
  man stopped in front of the lighted window; so that I could see him。                    No;
  it   was   no   soldier;   but   a   priest。 I   wondered   what   such   a   man   could   be
  doing   there   at   two   in   the   morning。   Was   he   French   or   English?     If   he
  were one of the  household I might take   him into my confidence。                      If  he
  were English he might ruin all my plans。
  I crept a little nearer still; and at that moment he entered the house; a
  flood of light pouring out through the open door。                 All was clear for me
  now and I understood that not an instant was to be lost。                 Bending myself
  double I ran swiftly forward to the lighted window。
  … Page 167…
  Raising my head I peeped through; and there was the Emperor lying
  dead before me。
  My friends; I fell down upon the gravel walk as senseless as if a bullet
  had passed through my brain。           So great was the shock that I wonder that I
  survived it。
  And yet in half an hour I had staggered to my feet again; shivering in
  every limb; my teeth chattering; and there I stood staring with the eyes of a
  maniac into that room of death。
  He   lay   upon   a   bier   in   the   centre   of   the   chamber;   calm;   composed;
  majestic;   his   face   full   of   that   reserve   power   which   lightened   our   hearts
  upon the day of battle。        A half…smile was fixed upon his pale lips; and his
  eyes;   half…opened;   seemed   to   be   turned   on   mine。     He   was   stouter   than
  when I had seen him at Waterloo; and there was a gentleness of expression
  which   I   had   never   seen   in   life。 On   either   side   of   him   burned   rows   of
  candles;   and   this   was   the   beacon   which   had   welcomed   us   at   sea;   which
  had guided me over the water; and which I had hailed as my star of hope。
  Dimly I became conscious that many people were kneeling in the room;
  the little Court; men and women; who had shared his fortunes; Bertrand;
  his wife; the priest; Montholonall were there。             I would have prayed too;
  but my heart was too heavy and bitter for prayer。                And yet I must leave;
  and I could not leave him without a sign。               Regardless of whether I was
  seen or not; I drew myself erect before my dead leader; brought my heels
  together; and raised my hand in a last salute。             Then I turned and hurried
  of through the darkness; with the picture of the wan; smiling lips and the
  steady grey eyes dancing always before me。
  It had seemed to me but a little time that I had been away; and yet the
  boatman told me that it was hours。
  Only when he spoke of it did I observe that the wind was blowing half
  a   gale   from  the   sea   and   that the   waves   were   roaring   in   upon the   beach。
  Twice we tried to push out our little boat; and twice it was thrown back by
  the   sea。    The   third   time   a   great   wave   filled   it   and   stove   the