第 24 节
作者:插翅难飞      更新:2021-04-30 17:18      字数:9319
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  we   halted   upon   the   bare   shoulder   of   a   hill   over   which   our   path   curled。
  Looking   back   we   saw   the   red   glow   of   the   embers   of   the   beacon   as   if
  volcanic fires were bursting from the tall peak of Merodal。                 And then; as I
  gazed; I saw something else something which caused me to shriek with
  joy and to fall upon the ground; rolling in my delight。               For; far away upon
  the  southern   horizon;   there   winked   and   twinkled   one   great   yellow   light;
  throbbing and flaming; the light of no house; the light of no star; but the
  answering beacon of Mount d'Ossa; which told that the army of Clausel
  knew what Etienne Gerard had been sent to tell them。
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  V。 How the Brigadier Triumphed in
  I have told you; my friends; how I triumphed over the English at the
  fox…hunt   when   I   pursued   the   animal   so   fiercely   that   even   the   herd   of
  trained dogs   was unable   to keep up;  and alone   with my  own hand   I   put
  him to the sword。        Perhaps I have said too much of the matter; but there
  is a thrill in the triumphs of sport which even warfare cannot give; for in
  warfare you share your successes with your regiment and your army; but
  in   sport   it   is   you   yourself   unaided   who   have   won   the   laurels。 It   is   an
  advantage   which   the   English   have   over   us   that   in   all   classes   they   take
  great interest in every form of sport。          It may be that they are richer than
  we; or it may be that they are more idle: but I was surprised when I was a
  prisoner in that country to observe how widespread was this feeling; and
  how much it filled the minds and the lives of the people。                  A horse that
  will run; a cock that will fight; a dog that will kill rats; a man that will box…
  …they would turn away from the Emperor in all his glory in order to look
  upon any of these。
  I   could   tell   you   many   stories   of   English   sport;   for   I   saw   much   of   it
  during the time that I was the guest of Lord Rufton; after the order for my
  exchange   had   come   to   England。       There   were   months   before   I   could   be
  sent   back   to   France;   and   during   this   time   I   stayed   with   this   good   Lord
  Rufton at his beautiful house of High Combe; which is at the northern end
  of Dartmoor。       He had ridden with the police when they had pursued me
  from Princetown;  and   he   had   felt toward   me   when   I   was   overtaken  as   I
  would     myself    have   felt  had   I;  in  my   own   country;   seen   a  brave   and
  debonair soldier without a friend to help him。              In a word; he took me to
  his house; clad me; fed me; and treated me as if he had been my brother。
  I will say this of the English; that they were always generous enemies; and
  very good people with whom to fight。
  In the Peninsula the Spanish outposts would present their muskets at
  ours; but the British their brandy…flasks。           And of all these generous men
  there was none who was the equal of this admirable milord; who held out
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  so warm a hand to an enemy in distress。
  Ah! what thoughts of sport it brings back to me; the very name of High
  Combe!       I   can   see   it   now;   the   long;   low   brick   house;   warm  and   ruddy;
  with white plaster pillars before the door。            He was a great sportsman; this
  Lord Rufton; and all who were about him were of the same sort。                      But you
  will be pleased to hear that there were few things in which I could not hold
  my own; and in some I excelled。             Behind the house was a wood in which
  pheasants   were   reared;   and   it   was   Lord   Rufton's   joy   to   kill   these   birds;
  which   was   done   by   sending   in   men   to   drive   them   out   while   he   and   his
  friends stood outside and shot them as they passed。                   For my part; I was
  more   crafty;   for   I   studied   the   habits   of   the   bird;   and   stealing   out   in   the
  evening I was able to kill a number of them as they roosted in the trees。
  Hardly a single shot was wasted; but the keeper was attracted by the sound
  of   the   firing;   and   he   implored   me   in   his   rough   English   fashion   to   spare
  those   that   were   left。   That   night   I   was   able   to   place   twelve   birds   as   a
  surprise upon Lord Rufton's supper… table; and he laughed until he cried;
  so overjoyed was he to see them。             〃Gad; Gerard; you'll be the death of me
  yet!〃 he cried。      Often he said the same thing; for at every turn I amazed
  him by the way in which I entered into the sports of the English。
  There is a game called cricket which they play in the summer; and this
  also I learned。      Rudd; the head gardener; was a famous player of cricket;
  and so was Lord Rufton himself。              Before the house was a lawn; and here
  it was that Rudd taught me the game。                It is a brave pastime; a game for
  soldiers; for each tries to strike the other with the ball; and it is but a small
  stick with which you may ward it off。              Three sticks behind show the spot
  beyond which you may not retreat。               I can tell you that it is no game for
  children;   and   I   will   confess   that;   in   spite   of   my   nine   campaigns;   I   felt
  myself turn pale when first the ball flashed past me。               So swift was it that I
  had not time to raise my stick to ward it off; but by good fortune it missed
  me and knocked down the wooden pins which marked the boundary。                              It
  was for Rudd then to defend himself and for me to attack。                   When I was a
  boy  in   Gascony  I   learned to   throw   both   far   and   straight;   so   that   I   made
  sure that I could hit this gallant Englishman。
  With a shout I rushed forward and hurled the ball at him。                    It flew as
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  swift as a bullet toward his ribs; but without a word he swung his staff and
  the   ball   rose   a   surprising   distance   in   the   air。 Lord   Rufton   clapped   his
  hands and cheered。         Again the ball was brought to me; and again it was
  for me to throw。       This time it flew past his head; and it seemed to me that
  it was his turn to look pale。
  But he was a brave man; this gardener; and again he faced me。                     Ah;
  my friends; the hour of my triumph had come!                It was a red waistcoat that
  he wore; and at this I hurled the ball。           You would have said that I was a
  gunner; not a hussar; for never was so straight an aim。               With a despairing
  crythe   cry   of   the   brave   man   who   is   beaten   he   fell   upon   the   wooden
  pegs behind him; and they all rolled upon the ground together。                    He was
  cruel; this English milord; and he laughed so that he could not come to the
  aid of his servant。      It was for me; the victor; to rush forward to embrace
  this intrepid player; and to raise him to his feet with words of praise; and
  encouragement; and hope。           He was in pain and could not stand erect; yet
  the   honest   fellow   confessed   that   there   was   no   accident   in   my   victory。
  〃He did it a…purpose!        He did it a…purpose!〃
  Again and again he said it。         Yes; it is a great game this cricket; and I
  would gladly have ventured upon it again but Lord Rufton and Rudd said
  that it was late in the season; and so they would play no more。
  How foolish of me; the old; broken man; to dwell upon these successes;
  and   yet   I   will   confess   that   my   age   has   been   very   much   soothed   and
  comforted by the memory of the women who have loved me and the men
  whom I have overcome。            It is pleasant to think that five years afterward;
  when Lord Rufton came to Paris after the peace; he was able to assure me
  that my name was   still a famous one in the north   of Devonshire for the
  fine exploits   that   I had performed。        Especially;  he said; they  still   talked
  over my boxing match with the Honourable Baldock。                      It came about in
  this way。     Of an evening many sportsmen would assemble at the house of
  Lord Rufton; where they would drink much wine; make wild bets; and talk
  of   their   horses   and