第 23 节
作者:插翅难飞      更新:2021-04-30 17:18      字数:9322
  〃What regiments?〃
  〃The 4th Chasseurs; the 9th Hussars; and a regiment of Cuirassiers。〃
  〃Quite right;〃 said he; looking at his note…book。          〃I can tell you speak
  the truth; and Heaven help you if you don't。〃           Then; division by division;
  he went over the whole army; asking the composition of each brigade。
  Need   I   tell   you   that   I   would   have   had   my   tongue   torn   out   before   I
  would have told him such things had I not a greater end in view?               I would
  let him know all if I could but save the army of Clausel。
  At last he closed his note…book and replaced it in his pocket。               〃I am
  obliged to you for this information; which shall reach Lord Wellington to…
  morrow;〃 said he。
  〃You have done your share of the bargain; it is for me now to perform
  mine。     How would you wish to die?           As a soldier you would; no doubt;
  prefer to be shot; but some think that a jump over the Merodal precipice is
  really    an  easier   death。    A    good   few    have   taken   it;  but  we   were;
  unfortunately; never able to get an opinion from them afterward。              There is
  the saw; too; which does not appear to be popular。              We could hang you;
  no   doubt;   but   it   would   involve   the   inconvenience   of   going   down   to   the
  … Page 77…
  wood。     However; a promise is a promise; and you seem to be an excellent
  fellow; so we will spare no pains to meet your wishes。〃
  〃You said;〃 I answered; 〃that I must die before midnight。
  I will choose; therefore; just one minute before that hour。〃
  〃Very   good;〃   said   he。   〃Such   clinging   to   life   is   rather   childish;   but
  your wishes shall be met。〃
  〃As to the method;〃 I added; 〃I love a death which all the world can
  see。    Put   me   on   yonder   pile   of   fagots   and   burn   me   alive;   as   saints   and
  martyrs have been burned before me。              That is no common end; but one
  which an Emperor might envy。〃
  The idea seemed to amuse him very much。               〃Why not?〃 said he。         〃If
  Massena has sent you to spy upon us; he may guess what the fire upon the
  mountain means。〃
  〃Exactly;〃    said   I。  〃You    have   hit  upon   my    very   reason。   He    will
  guess; and all will know; that I have died a soldier's death。〃
  〃I see no objection whatever;〃 said the brigand; with his abominable
  smile。    〃I will send some goat's flesh and wine into your hut。             The sun is
  sinking   and   it   is   nearly   eight   o'clock。 In   four   hours   be   ready   for   your
  It was   a beautiful world   to   be leaving。      I  looked   at the  golden   haze
  below; where the last rays of the sinking sun shone upon the blue waters of
  the   winding     Tagus   and   gleamed     upon    the  white   sails  of  the   English
  Very beautiful it was; and very sad to leave; but there are things more
  beautiful than that。      The death that is died for the sake of others; honour;
  and duty; and loyalty; and lovethese are the beauties far brighter than any
  which the eye can see。        My breast was filled with admiration for my own
  most noble conduct; and with wonder whether any soul would ever come
  to know how I had placed myself in the heart of the beacon which saved
  the army of Clausel。       I hoped so and I prayed so; for what a consolation it
  would be to my mother; what an example to the army; what a pride to my
  Hussars!     When de Pombal came at last into my hut with the food and the
  wine; the first request I made him was that he would write an account of
  my death and send it to the French camp。
  … Page 78…
  He   answered   not   a   word;   but   I   ate   my  supper   with   a   better   appetite
  from the thought that my glorious fate would not be altogether unknown。
  I had been there about two hours when the door opened again; and the
  chief   stood   looking   in。   I   was   in   darkness;   but   a   brigand   with   a   torch
  stood beside him; and I saw his eyes and his teeth gleaming as he peered at
  〃Ready?〃 he asked。
  〃It is not yet time。〃
  〃You stand out for the last minute?〃
  〃A promise is a promise。〃
  〃Very good。      Be it so。    We have a little justice to do among ourselves;
  for one of my fellows has been misbehaving。
  We have a strict rule of our own which is no respecter of persons; as de
  Pombal here could tell you。
  Do you truss him and lay him on the faggots; de Pombal; and I will
  return to see him die。〃
  De Pombal and the man with the torch entered; while I heard the steps
  of the chief passing away。        De Pombal closed the door。
  〃Colonel Gerard;〃 said he; 〃you must trust this man; for he is one of
  my party。      It is neck or nothing。       We   may save you   yet。       But I take a
  great    risk;  and  I  want   a  definite   promise。    If   we   save   you;  will   you
  guarantee that we have a friendly reception in the French camp and that all
  the past will be forgotten?〃
  〃I do guarantee it。〃
  〃And I trust your honour。         Now; quick; quick; there is not an instant
  to lose!    If this monster returns we shall die horribly; all three。〃
  I   stared   in   amazement   at   what   he   did。 Catching   up   a   long   rope   he
  wound it round the body of my dead comrade; and he tied a cloth round
  his mouth so as to almost cover his face。
  〃Do you lie there!〃 he cried; and he laid me in the place of the dead
  body。     〃I have four of my men waiting; and they will place this upon the
  beacon。〃      He    opened     the  door    and   gave   an   order。   Several     of  the
  brigands entered and bore out Duplessis。            For myself I remained upon the
  floor; with my mind in a turmoil of hope and wonder。
  … Page 79…
  Five minutes later de Pombal and his men were back。
  〃You are laid upon the beacon;〃 said he; 〃I defy anyone in the world to
  say it is not you; and you are so gagged and bound that no one can expect
  you to speak or move。          Now; it only remains to carry forth the body of
  Duplessis and to toss it over the Merodal precipice。〃
  Two of them seized me by the head and two by the heels; and carried
  me; stiff and inert; from the hut。        As I came into the open air I could have
  cried out in my amazement。            The moon had risen above the beacon; and
  there;   clear   outlined   against   its   silver   light;   was   the   figure   of   the   man
  stretched     upon    the  top。   The    brigands     were   either   in  their  camp    or
  standing   round   the   beacon;   for   none   of   them   stopped   or   questioned   our
  little party。   De Pombal led them in the direction of the precipice。              At the
  brow we were out of sight; and there I was allowed to use my feet once
  more。     De Pombal pointed to a narrow; winding track。
  〃This is the way down;〃 said he; and then; suddenly;
  〃Dios mio; what is that?〃
  A terrible cry had risen out of the woods beneath us。
  I saw that de Pombal was shivering like a frightened horse。
  〃It is that devil;〃 he whispered。        〃He is treating another as he treated
  me。    But on; on; for Heaven help us if he lays his hands upon us。〃
  One by one we crawled down the narrow goat track。
  At   the   bottom   of   the   cliff   we   were   back   in   the   woods   once   more。
  Suddenly   a   yellow   glare   shone   above   us;   and   the   black   shadows   of   the
  tree…trunks started out in front。
  They had fired the beacon behind us。            Even from where we stood we
  could see that impassive body amid the flames; and the black figures of
  the guerillas as they danced; howling like cannibals; round the pile。                 Ha!
  how I shook my fist at them; the dogs; and how I vowed that one day my
  Hussars and I would make the reckoning level!
  De Pombal knew how the outposts were placed and all the paths which
  led   through   the   forest。   But   to   avoid   these   villains   we   had   to   plunge
  among the hills and walk for many a weary mile。                   And yet how gladly
  would I have walked those extra leagues if only for one sight which they
  brought to my eyes!         It may have been two o'clock in the morning when
  … Page 80…
  we   halted   up