第 6 节
作者:插翅难飞      更新:2021-04-30 17:18      字数:9322
  〃Oh; Etienne; Etienne; they will kill you。          Lorenzo is there。〃
  〃The old greybeard?〃
  〃No; no; a young dark man。           He loved me; and I thought I loved him
  untiluntil   I   learned   what   love   is;   Etienne。 He   will   never   forgive   you。
  He has a heart of stone。〃
  〃Let them do what they like。          They cannot rob me of the past; Lucia。
  But youwhat about you?〃
  〃It will be nothing; Etienne。        Only a pang for an instant and then all
  over。    They mean it as a badge of infamy; dear; but I will carry it like a
  crown of honour since it was through you that I gained it。〃
  Her    words    froze  my   blood    with   horror。   All    my   adventures     were
  insignificant   compared   to   this   terrible   shadow   which   was   creeping   over
  my soul。
  〃Lucia!     Lucia!〃 I cried。     〃For pity's sake tell me what these butchers
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  are about to do。      Tell me; Lucia!
  Tell me!〃
  〃I   will   not   tell   you;   Etienne;   for   it   would   hurt   you   far   more   than   it
  would      me。    Well;    well;   I  will  tell  you   lest  you   should    fear   it  was
  something worse。         The president has ordered that my ear be cut off; that I
  may be marked for ever as having loved a Frenchman。〃
  Her ear!      The dear little ear which I had kissed so often。              I put my
  hand to each little velvet shell to make certain that this sacrilege had not
  yet been committed。
  Only over my dead body should they reach them。                    I swore it to her
  between my clenched teeth。
  〃You must not care; Etienne。           And yet I love that you should care all
  the same。〃
  〃They shall not hurt youthe fiends!〃
  〃I have hopes; Etienne。         Lorenzo is there。      He was silent while I was
  judged; but he may have pleaded for me after I was gone。〃
  〃He did。     I heard him。〃
  〃Then he may have softened their hearts。〃
  I knew that it was not so; but how could I bring myself to tell her?                  I
  might   as   well   have   done   so;   for   with   the   quick   instinct   of   woman   my
  silence was speech to her。
  〃They would not listen to him!           You need not fear to tell me; dear; for
  you will find that I am worthy to be loved by such a soldier。                   Where is
  Lorenzo now?〃
  〃He left the hall。〃
  〃Then he may have left the house as well。〃
  〃I believe that he did。〃
  〃He     has   abandoned      me   to  my    fate。   Etienne;     Etienne;    they   are
  Afar   off   I   heard   those   fateful   steps   and   the   jingle   of   distant   keys。
  What   were   they  coming   for now;   since there   were no   other   prisoners   to
  drag   to   judgment?     It   could   only  be   to   carry  out   the  sentence  upon   my
  I   stood   between   her   and   the   door;   with   the   strength   of   a   lion   in   my
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  limbs。    I would tear the house down before they should touch her。
  〃Go back!      Go back!〃 she cried。        〃They will murder you; Etienne。
  My life; at least; is safe。     For the love you bear me; Etienne; go back。             It
  is nothing。     I will make no sound。        You will not hear that it is done。〃
  She   wrestled   with   me;   this   delicate   creature;   and   by   main   force   she
  dragged me to the opening between the cells。              But a sudden thought had
  crossed my mind。
  〃We may yet be saved;〃 I whispered。            〃Do what I tell you at once and
  without argument。        Go into my cell。
  I pushed her through the gap and helped her to replace the planks。                  I
  had   retained   her   cloak   in   my   hands;   and   with   this   wrapped   round   me   I
  crept into the darkest corner of her cell。          There I lay when the door was
  opened and several men came in。             I had reckoned that they would bring
  no lantern; for they had none with them before。
  To their eyes I was only a dark blur in the corner。
  〃Bring a light;〃 said one of them。
  〃No; no; curse it!〃 cried a rough voice; which I knew to be that of the
  ruffian; Matteo。      〃It is not a job that I like; and the more I saw it the less I
  should like it。     I am sorry; signora; but the order of the tribunal has to be
  My impulse was to spring to my feet and to rush through them all and
  out by the open door。        But how would that help Lucia?             Suppose that I
  got clear away; she would be in their hands until I could come back with
  help; for single…handed I could not hope to clear a way for her。                 All this
  flashed through my mind in an instant; and I saw that the only course for
  me was to lie still;   take what came; and   wait my chance。               The   fellow's
  coarse    hand    felt  about   among    my    curlsthose   curls   in  which    only   a
  woman's fingers had ever wandered。             The next instant he gripped my ear
  and a pain shot through me as if I had been touched with a hot iron。                 I bit
  my lip to stifle a cry; and I felt the blood run warm down my neck and
  〃There;    thank    Heaven;    that's  over;〃   said   the  fellow;   giving   me    a
  friendly  pat   on   the   head。  〃You're   a   brave   girl;   signora;   I'll   say  that   for
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  you;   and   I   only   wish   you'd   have   better   taste   than   to   love   a   Frenchman。
  You can blame him and not me for what I have done。〃
  What     could   I  do  save   to  lie  still  and  grind   my   teeth  at  my    own
  helplessness?       At   the   same   time   my    pain   and   my   rage   were   always
  soothed by the reflection that I had suffered for the woman whom I loved。
  It is the custom of men to say to ladies that they would willingly endure
  any pain for their sake; but it was my privilege to show that I had said no
  more than I meant。        I thought also how nobly I would seem to have acted
  if ever the story came to be told; and how proud the regiment of Conflans
  might   well   be   of   their   colonel。 These   thoughts   helped   me   to   suffer   in
  silence while the blood still trickled over my neck and dripped upon the
  stone floor。     It was that sound which nearly led to my destruction。
  〃She's bleeding fast;〃 said one of the valets。           〃You had best fetch a
  surgeon or you will find her dead in the morning。〃
  〃She lies very still and she has never opened her mouth;〃 said another。
  〃The shock has killed her。〃
  〃Nonsense; a young woman does not die so easily。〃 It was Matteo who
  spoke。     〃Besides; I did   but   snip   off  enough to leave  the tribunal's   mark
  upon her。     Rouse up; signora; rouse up!〃
  He   shook   me   by   the   shoulder;   and   my   heart   stood   still   for   fear   he
  should feel the epaulet under the mantle。
  〃How is it with you now?〃 he asked。
  I made no answer。
  〃Curse it; I wish I had to do with a man instead of a woman; and the
  fairest woman in Venice;〃 said the gondolier。              〃Here; Nicholas; lend me
  your handkerchief and bring a light。〃
  It was all over。      The worst had happened。           Nothing could save me。
  I still crouched in the corner; but I was tense in every muscle; like a wild
  cat about to spring。
  If I had to die I was determined that my end should be worthy of my
  One of them had gone for a lamp and Matteo was stooping over me
  with a handkerchief。        In another instant my secret would be discovered。
  But he suddenly drew himself straight and stood motionless。                 At the same
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  instant there came a confused murmuring sound through the little window
  far above my head。         It was the rattle of oars and the buzz of many voices。
  Then there was a crash upon the door upstairs; and a terrible voice roared:
  〃Open! Open in the name of the Emperor!〃
  The   Emperor!      It   was   like   the   mention   of   some   saint   which;   by   its
  very sound; can frighten the demons。
  Away they ran with cries of terrorMatteo; the valets; the steward; all
  of   the   murderous   gang。     Another   shout   and   then   the   crash   of   a   hatchet
  and the splintering of planks。         There were the ratt