第 24 节
作者:冬恋      更新:2021-04-30 17:00      字数:9322
  〃All right。    Never mind。〃
  She laid the letter carefully on the chimney… piece of the kitchen。                 〃I
  reckon     it's  somethin'    mo'   'bout   the   taxes;〃   she   thought;    〃or   maybe
  somebody wants to buy one er my lots。              Rena'll be back terreckly; an' she
  kin read it an' find out。      I'm glad my child'en have be'n to school。             They
  never could have got where they are now if they hadn't。〃
  … Page 83…
  Mention has been   made of certain   addressed envelopes which   John
  Warwick;   on     the  occasion    of   his  visit  to  Patesville;   had  left  with  his
  illiterate   mother;   by   the   use   of   which   she   might   communicate   with   her
  children from time to time。        On one occasion; Mis' Molly; having had a
  letter written; took one of these envelopes from the chest where she kept
  her   most   valued   possessions;   and   was   about   to   inclose   the   letter   when
  some one knocked at the back door。           She laid the envelope and letter on a
  table in her bedroom; and went to answer the knock。              The wind; blowing
  across the room through the open windows; picked up the envelope   and
  bore it into the street。    Mis' Molly; on her return; missed it; looked for it;
  and being unable to find it; took another envelope。            An hour or two later
  another gust of wind lifted the bit of paper from the ground and carried it
  into the open door of the cooper shop。          Frank picked it up; and observing
  that    it  was    clean   and    unused;    read   the   superscription。      In   his
  conversations with Mis' Molly; which were often about Rena;the subject
  uppermost in both their minds;he had noted the mystery maintained by
  Mis'   Molly   about   her   daughter's   whereabouts;   and   had   often   wondered
  where she might be。        Frank was an intelligent fellow; and could put this
  and    that  together。   The    envelope    was   addressed    to  a  place  in  South
  Carolina。     He was aware; from some casual remark of Mis' Molly's; that
  Rena had gone to live in South Carolina。          Her son's name was John that
  he had changed his last name was more than likely。              Frank was not long
  in reaching the conclusion that Rena was to be found near the town named
  on the envelope; which he carefully preserved for future reference。
  For a whole year Frank had yearned for a smile or a kind word from
  the only woman in the world。         Peter; his father; had rallied him somewhat
  upon his moodiness after Rena's departure。
  〃Now 's de time; boy; fer you ter be lookin' roun' fer some nice gal er
  yo' own color; w'at'll 'preciate you; an' won't be 'shamed er you。             You're
  wastin' time; boy; wastin' time; shootin' at a mark outer yo' range。〃
  But Frank said nothing in reply; and afterwards the old man; who was
  … Page 84…
  not without discernment; respected his son's mood and was silent in turn;
  while Frank fed his memory with his imagination; and by their joint aid
  kept hope alive。
  Later    an  opportunity     to  see   her  presented    itself。   Business     in  the
  cooper shop was dull。         A barrel factory had been opened in the town; and
  had   well…nigh   paralyzed   the   cooper's   trade。      The   best   mechanic   could
  hardly compete with a machine。             One man could now easily do the work
  of Peter's shop。       An agent appeared in town seeking laborers for one of
  the   railroads   which   the   newly   organized   carpet…bag   governments   were
  promoting。       Upon   inquiry   Frank   learned   that   their   destination   was   near
  the town of Clarence; South Carolina。             He promptly engaged himself for
  the service; and was soon at work in the neighborhood of Warwick's home。
  There   he   was   employed   steadily   until   a   certain   holiday;   upon   which   a
  grand   tournament   was   advertised   to   take   place   in   a   neighboring   town。
  Work was suspended; and foremen and laborers attended the festivities。
  Frank had surmised that Rena would be present on such an occasion。
  He   had   more   than   guessed;   too;  that   she   must   be   looked   for   among   the
  white people rather than among the black。              Hence the interest with which
  he had scanned the grand stand。             The result has already been recounted。
  He had recognized her sweet face; he had seen her enthroned among the
  proudest   and   best。    He   had   witnessed   and   gloried   in   her   triumph。    He
  had seen her cheek flushed with pleasure; her eyes lit up with smiles。                  He
  had followed her carriage; had made the acquaintance of Mimy the nurse;
  and     had   learned    all   about    the   family。    When       finally   he   left  the
  neighborhood to return to Patesville; he had learned of Tryon's attentions;
  and had heard the servants' gossip with reference to the marriage; of which
  they knew the details long before the principals had approached the main
  fact。    Frank went away without having received one smile or heard one
  word from Rena; but he had seen her: she was happy; he was content in
  the knowledge of her happiness。             She was doubtless secure in the belief
  that her secret was unknown。           Why should he; by revealing his presence;
  sow  the   seeds of   doubt or   distrust   in   the garden   of her   happiness?       He
  sacrificed   the   deepest   longing   of   a   faithful   heart;   and   went   back   to   the
  cooper shop lest perchance she might accidentally come upon him some
  … Page 85…
  day and suffer the shock which he had sedulously spared her。
  〃I would n' want ter skeer her;〃 he mused; 〃er make her feel bad; an'
  dat's w'at I'd mos' lackly do ef she seed me。               She'll be better off wid me
  out'n   de   road。   She'll   marry   dat   rich   w'ite   gent'eman;   he   won't   never
  know de diffe'nce;an' be a w'ite lady; ez she would 'a' be'n; ef some ole
  witch   had   n'   changed   her   in   her   cradle。   But   maybe   some   time   she'll
  'member   de   little   nigger   w'at use'   ter nuss   her   w'en   she   woz   a   chile;   an'
  fished her out'n de ole canal; an' would 'a' died fer her ef it would 'a' done
  any good。〃
  Very generously too; and with a fine delicacy; he said nothing to Mis'
  Molly of his having seen her daughter; lest she might be disquieted by the
  knowledge   that   he   shared   the   family  secret;no   great   mystery  now;   this
  pitiful secret; but more far… reaching in its consequences than any blood…
  curdling crime。        The taint of black blood was the unpardonable sin; from
  the    unmerited      penalty     of   which     there    was    no   escape     except     by
  concealment。        If there be a dainty reader of this tale who scorns a lie; and
  who writes the story of his life upon his sleeve for all the world to read; let
  him uncurl his scornful lip and come down from the pedestal of superior
  morality; to which assured position and wide opportunity have lifted him;
  and put himself in the place of Rena and her brother; upon whom God had
  lavished his   best   gifts;   and   from  whom  society  would   have   withheld   all
  that   made     these   gifts  valuable。     To    undertake     what    they   tried   to  do
  required     great   courage。      Had     they   possessed     the   sneaking;     cringing;
  treacherous character traditionally ascribed to people of mixed bloodthe
  character   which   the   blessed   institutions   of   a   free   slave…holding   republic
  had been well adapted to foster among them; had they been selfish enough
  to   sacrifice   to   their   ambition   the   mother   who   gave   them   birth;   society
  would   have   been   placated   or   humbugged;   and   the   voyage   of   their   life
  might have been one of unbroken smoothness。
  When Rena came back unexpectedly at the behest of her dream; Frank
  heard   again   the   music   of   her   voice;   felt   the   joy  of   her   presence   and   the
  benison   of   her   smile。     There   was;   however;   a   subtle   difference   in   her
  bearing。     Her words were not less kind; but they seemed to come from a
  remoter source。        She was kind; as the sun is warm or the rain refreshing;
  … Page 86…