第 36 节
作者:白寒      更新:2021-04-30 16:59      字数:9322
  before his gas log seem quite what he wanted。 The vagabond streak in him
  was awake; the same potent wanderlust that as a boy had driven him to the
  solitude   of   the   forests   and   the   hills。   This   morning   it   sent   him   questing
  down   Powers Avenue   to   that   lower   town   where   the   derelicts   of   the   city
  floated without a rudder。
  A cold damp mist had crept up from the water front and enwrapped the
  city so that its lights showed like blurred moons。 Some instinct took him
  toward the wharves。 He could hear the distant cough of a tug as it fussed
  across the bay; and as he drew near the big Transcontinental wharves of
  Joe Powers the black hulk of a Japanese liner rose black out of the gray
  fog shadow。 But the freighters; the coasters; tramps that went hither and
  thither   over   the   earth   wherever   fat   cargoes   lured   themthey  were   either
  swallowed in the mist or shadowed to a ghost…like wraith of themselves so
  … Page 140…
  tenuous that all detail was lost in the haze。
  Jeff leaned on a pile and let his imagination people the harbor with the
  wandering children of the earth who had been drawn from all its seafaring
  corners   to   this   Mecca   of   trade。   He   knew   that   here   were   swarthy   little
  Japanese   with   teas   and   silks;   dusky   Kanakas   with   copra;   and   Alaskan
  liners   carrying   gold   and   returning   miners。   There   would   be   brigs   from
  Buenos Ayres and schooners that had nosed into Robert Louis Stevenson's
  magic   South   Sea   islands。   Puffy   London   steamers;   Nome   and   Skagway
  liners condemned long since on the Atlantic Coast; queer rigged hybrids
  from Rio and other South American ports; were gorging themselves with
  lumber   or   wheat   or   provisions   according   to   their   needs。   Here   truly   lay
  before him the romance of the nations。
  The sound of a stealthy footfall warned him of impending danger。 He
  whirled;     and   faced   three   men    who    were    advancing     on   him。   A   vague
  suspicion that had oppressed him more than once in the past week leaped
  to definite conviction in his brain。 He was the victim of a plot to waylay
  perhaps to murder him。 One   of these men was   a huge Swede; another a
  swarthy Italian with rings in his ears。 He had seen them before; lurking in
  the shadows of an alley outside the _World_ building。 Last night he had
  come out from the office with Jenkins; which no doubt had saved him for
  the   time。  This   morning   he   had   played   into   the   hands   of   these   men;   had
  obligingly   wandered   down   to   the   waterfront   where   they   could   so   easily
  conceal murder in a tide running out fast。
  Strangely enough he felt no fear; rather a fierce exultant drumming of
  the blood that braced him for the struggle。 His eyes swept the wharf for a
  weapon and found none。
  〃What do you want?〃 he demanded sharply。
  The man in command ignored his question。 〃Stand by and down him。〃
  The Italian crouched and leaped。 Jeff's fist caught him fairly between
  the   eyes。   He   went   down   like   a   log;   rolled   over   once   and   lay   still。   The
  others closed instantly with Farnum and the three swayed in a fierce silent
  Both   of   his   attackers   were   more   powerful   than   Jeff;   but   he   was   far
  more active。 The darkness; too; aided him and hampered them。 The Swede
  … Page 141…
  he   could   have   managed;   for   the   fellow   was   awkward   as   a   bear。   But   the
  leader stuck to him like a burr。 They went down together over a cleat in
  the flooring; rolling over and over each other as they fought。
  Somehow  Jeff   emerged   out of   the tangle。   He   dragged   himself   to   his
  knees and hammered with his fist at an upturned face beside him。 Battered;
  bleeding;   and   winded;   he   got   to   his   feet   and   shook   off   the   hands   that
  reached for him。 Dodging past; he lurched along the wharf like a drunken
  man。   The     Italian  had   gathered    himself    to  his  knees。    When    Jeff  came
  opposite him he dived like a football tackle and threw his arms around the
  moving        legs。    The     newspaper       man     crashed      heavily     down      to
  When Farnum opened his eyes upon a world strangely hazy he found
  himself lying in a row boat; his head bolstered by a man's knees。
  〃Drink this; mate;〃 ordered a voice that seemed very far away。
  The neck of a bottle was thrust between his lips and tilted so that he
  could not escape drinking。
  〃That dope'll hold him for a while; Say; Johnny Dago; put your back
  into them oars;〃 he heard indistinctly。
  Faintly there came to him the slap of the waves against the side of the
  boat。 These presently died rhythmically away。
  It was daylight when he awakened again。 His throbbing head slowly
  definitized     the  vile  hole   in  which    he   lay  as  the  forecastle    of  a  ship。
  Gradually the facts sifted back to him。 He recalled the fight on the wharf
  and the drink in the boat。 In this last he suspected knockout drops。 That he
  had been shanghaied was beyond suspicion。
  Laboriously he sat up on the side of his bunk and in doing so became
  aware   of   a   sailor   asleep   in   the   crib   opposite。   His   stertorous   breathing
  stirred a doubt in Jeff's mind。 Perhaps the crimps had taken him too。
  The   ship   was   rolling   a   good   deal;   but   by   a   succession   of   tacks   Jeff
  staggered to the scuttle and   climbed the hatchway  to the deck。 A  wintry
  sun was shining; and for a few moments he stood blinking in the light。
  She was a three…masted schooner and was plunging forward into the
  choppy seas outside the jaws of the harbor。 He whiffed the salt tang of the
  air and tasted the flying spray。 An ebb tide was lifting the vessel forward
  … Page 142…
  on   a   freshening   wind;   and   trim   as   a   greyhound   she   slipped   through   the
  A   thickset;    powerful    figure   paced    to  and    fro  on   the  quarter…deck;
  occasionally bellowing an order in a tremendous voice like the roar of a
  bull。 He was getting canvas set for the fresh breeze of the open seas that
  was catching him astern; and the sailors were jumping to obey his orders。
  The   pounding   sails   and   the   singing   cordage;   the   rattling   blocks   and   the
  whipping ropes; would have told Jeff they were scudding along fast; even
  if the heeling of the schooner and its swift forward leaps had not made it
  〃By God; Jones; she's walking;〃 he heard the captain boom across to
  the mate。
  Just   then   a   figure   cut   past   him   and   made   straight   for   the   captain。
  Farnum       recognized     in  it  the   sailor  whom      he   had   left  asleep    in  the
  forecastle   and   even   in   that   fleeting   glance   was   aware   of   the   man's   livid
  fury。 Up the steps he went like a wild beast。
  〃What kind of a boat is this?〃 he panted hoarsely。
  The captain turned toward him。 His eyes were shining wickedly;   but
  his    voice   was    ominously      suave    and   honeyed。      〃This   boat;   son;   is  a
  threemasted   schooner;   name   of   _Nancy   Hanks_   ;   Master   Joshua   Green;
  bound for the Solomon Islands with a cargo of Oregon fir。〃
  〃I've been shanghaied。 This is a nest of crimps;〃 the man screamed。
  Joshua Green's salient jaw came forward。 〃Been shanghaied; have you?
  And we're a nest of crimps; are we? Son; the less I hear of that line of talk
  the better。 Put that in your pipe and smoke it。〃
  The man turned loose a flood of profanity and swore he would rot in
  hell before he would touch a rope on that ship。
  Out   went   Green's   great   gnarled   fist。 The   seaman   shot   back   from  the
  quarterdeck and struck a pile of rope below。 He was up again and down
  again   almost   quicker   than   it   takes   to   tell。  Three   times   he   hit   the   planks
  before he lay still。
  The captain stood over him; his eyes blazing。 He looked the savage;
  barbaric slavedriver he was。
  〃Me; I'm Bully Green; and don't you forget it。 Been shanghaied; have
  … Page 143…
  you?   Not   going   to   touch   a   rope?   Then;   by   thunder;   you   white…livered
  beachcomber;   a   rope   will   touch   you   til