第 27 节
作者:白寒      更新:2021-04-30 16:59      字数:9317
  him; even though his imagination toyed with the possibilities it might offer
  to build a sure foundation of fortune。
  〃You should go to New York;〃 she told him once after he had sketched;
  with the touch of eloquence so native to him; a plan for a line of steamers
  between Verden and the Orient。
  〃To be submerged in the huddle of humanity。 No; thank you。〃
  〃But the opportunities are so much greater there for a man of ability。〃
  〃Oh; ability!〃 he derided。 〃New York is loaded to the water line with
  ability in garrets living on crusts。 To win out there a man must have a pull;
  or   he   must   have   the   instinct   for   making   money   breed;   for   taking   what
  other men earn。〃
  She studied him; a good…looking; alert American; sheet…armored in the
  twentieth   century   polish   of   selfishness;   with   an   inordinate   appetite   for
  success。 Certainly he looked every inch a winner。
  〃I believe  you   could do   it。 You're not   too   scrupulous to   look out   for
  yourself。〃 Her daring impudence mocked him lightly。
  … Page 104…
  〃I'm not so sure about that。〃 James liked to look his conscience in the
  face occasionally。 〃I respect the rights of my fellows。 In the money centers
  you can't do that and win。 And you've got to win。 It doesn't matter how。
  Make good make good! Get moneyany way you can。 People will soon
  forget how you got it; if you have it。〃
  〃Dear me! I didn't know you were so given to moral reflections。〃 To
  Alice; who had just come into the room to settle where they should spend
  their   Sunday;   Valencia   explained   with   mock   demureness   the   subject   of
  their talk。 〃Mr。 Farnum and I are deploring the immoral money madness of
  New   York   and   the   debilitating   effects   of   modern   civilization。   Will   you
  deplore with us; my dear?〃
  The younger woman's glance included the cigarette James had thrown
  away and the one her cousin was still smoking。 〃Why go as far as New
  York?〃 she asked quietly。
  Farnum flushed。 She was right; he silently agreed。 He had no business
  futtering   away  his   time   in   a   pink   boudoir。   Nor   could   he   explain   that   he
  hoped his time was not being wasted。
  〃I must be going;〃 he said as casually as he could。
  〃Don't   let   me   drive   you   away;   Mr。   Farnum。   I   dropped   in   only   for   a
  〃Not at all。 I have an appointment with my cousin。〃
  〃With Mr。 Jefferson Farnum?〃 Alice asked in awakened interest。 〃I've
  just been reading a magazine article about him。 Is he really a remarkable
  〃I don't think you would call him remarkable。 He gets things done; in
  spite of being an idealist。〃
  〃Why; in spite of it?〃
  〃Aren't reformers usually unpractical?〃
  〃Are they? I don't know。 I have never met one。〃 She looked straight at
  Farnum with the directness characteristic of her。 〃Is the article in Stetson's
  Magazine true?〃
  〃Substantially; I think。〃
  Alice   hesitated。   She   would   have   liked   to   pursue   the   subject;   but   she
  could not very well do that with his cousin。 For years she had been hearing
  … Page 105…
  of this man as a crank agitator who had set himself in opposition to her
  father   and   his   friends   for   selfish   reasons。   Her   father   had   dropped   vague
  hints    about   his  unsavory     life。  The   Stetson   write…up    had   given   a  very
  different story。 If it told the truth; many things she had been brought up to
  accept without question would bear study。
  James   suavely   explained。   〃The   facts   are   true;   but   not   the   inferences
  from   the    facts。   Jeff  takes   rather  a   one…sided   view   of  a   very   complex
  situation。 But he's perfectly honest in it; so far as that goes。〃
  〃You voted for his bill; didn't you?〃 Alice asked。
  〃Yes; I voted for it。 But I said on the floor I didn't believe in it。 My
  feeling was that the people ought to have a chance to express an opinion in
  regard to it。〃
  〃Why don't you believe in it?〃
  Valencia lifted her perfect eyebrows。 〃Really; my dear; I didn't know
  you were so interested in politics。〃
  Alice waited for the young man's answer。
  〃It would take me some time to give my reasons in full。 But I can give
  you the text of them in a sentence。 Our government is a representative one
  by deliberate choice of its founders。 This bill would tend to make it a pure
  democracy; which would be far too cumbersome for so large a country。〃
  〃So    you'll   vote   against   it  next   time   to   save   the  country;〃    Alice
  suggested lightly。 〃Thank you for explaining it。〃 She turned to her cousin
  with an air of dismissing the subject。 〃Well; Val。 What about the yacht trip
  to Kloochet Island for Sunday? Shall we go? I have to 'phone the captain
  to let him know at once。〃
  〃If you'll promise not to have it rain all the time;〃 the young widow
  shrugged with a little move。 〃Perhaps Mr。 Farnum could join us? I'm sure
  uncle would be pleased。〃
  Alice seconded her cousin's invitation tepidly; without any enthusiasm。
  James; with a face which did not reflect his disappointment; took his cue
  promptly。 〃Awfully sorry; but I'll be out of the city。 Otherwise I should be
  Valencia showed a row of dainty teeth in a low ripple of amusement。
  Alice   flashed   her   cousin   one   look   of   resentment   and   with   a   sentence   of
  … Page 106…
  conventional regret left the room to telephone the sailing master。
  Farnum;   seeking   permission   to   leave;   waited   for   his   hostess   to   rise
  from the divan where she nestled。
  But   Valencia;   her   fingers   laced   in   characteristic   fashion   back   of   her
  neck; leaned back and mocked his defeat with indolent amused eyes。
  〃My engagement;〃 he suggested as a reminder。
  〃Poor boy! Are you hard hit?〃
  〃Your flights of fancy leave me behind。 I can't follow;〃 he evaded with
  an angry flush。
  〃No; but you wish you could follow;〃 she laughed; glancing at the door
  through   which   her   cousin   had   departed。   Then;   with   a   demure   impudent
  little cast of her head; she let him have it straight from the shoulder。 〃How
  long have you been in love with Alice? And how will you like to see Ned
  Merrill win?〃
  〃Am I in love with Miss Frome?〃
  〃Aren't you?〃
  〃If you say so。 It happens to be news to me。〃
  〃As if I believed that; as if you believed it yourself;〃 she scoffed。
  Her   pretty   pouting   lips;   the   long   supple   unbroken   lines   of   the   soft
  sinuous     body;    were   an   invitation   to   forget   all  charms    but   hers。  He
  understood       that   she   was    throwing      out   her   wiles;    consciously     or
  unconsciously;   to   strike   out   from   him   a   denial   that   would   convince   her。
  His mounting vanity drove away his anger。 He forgot everything but her
  sheathed      loveliness;    the   enticement      of   this  lovely    creature    whose
  smoldering eyes invited。 Crossing the room; he stood behind her divan and
  looked down at her with his hands on the back of it。
  〃Can a man care much for two women at the same time?〃 he asked in
  a low voice。
  She laughed with slow mockery。
  Her faint perfume was wafted to his brain。 He knew a besieging of the
  blood。 Slowly he leaned forward; holding her eyes till the mockery faded
  from them。 Then; very deliberately; he kissed her。
  〃How dare you!〃 she voiced softly in a kind of wonder not free from
  resentment。 For with all her sensuous appeal the daughter of Joe Powers
  … Page 107…
  was not a woman with whom men took liberties。
  〃By the gods; why shouldn't I dare? We played a game and both of us
  have lost。 You were to beckon and coolly flit; while I followed safely at a
  distance。 Do you think me a marble statue? Do you think me too wooden
  for   the   strings   of   my   heart   to   pulsate?   By   heaven;   my   royal   Hebe;   you
  have blown the fire in me to life。 You must pay forfeit。〃
  〃Pay forfeit?〃
  〃Yes。 I'm your servant no longer; but your lover and your master and
  I intend to marry you。〃
  〃How ridiculous;〃 she derided。 〃Have you forgotten Alice?〃
  〃I   have   forgotten   everything   but   youand   that   I'm   going   to   marry