第 3 节
作者:月寒      更新:2021-04-30 16:10      字数:9321
  fountain。 〃Thou hast been thinking of the story of the three Moorish
  princesses that once inhabited this tower;〃 continued she; 〃and it has
  entered into thy dreams。〃
  〃What story; aunt? I know nothing of it。〃
  〃Thou hast certainly heard of the three princesses; Zayda;
  Zorayda; and Zorahayda; who were confined in this tower by the king
  their father; and agreed to fly with three Christian cavaliers。 The
  two first accomplished their escape; but the third failed in her
  resolution; and; it is said; died in this tower。〃
  〃I now recollect to have heard of it;〃 said Jacinta; 〃and to have
  wept over the fate of the gentle Zorahayda。〃
  〃Thou mayest well weep over her fate;〃 continued the aunt; 〃for
  the lover of Zorahayda was thy ancestor。 He long bemoaned his
  Moorish love; but time cured him of his grief; and he married a
  Spanish lady; from whom thou art descended。〃
  Jacinta ruminated upon these words。 〃That what I have seen is no
  phantasy of the brain;〃 said she to herself; 〃I am confident。 If
  indeed it be the spirit of the gentle Zorahayda; which I have heard
  lingers about this tower; of what should I be afraid? I'll watch by
  the fountain to…night… perhaps the visit will be repeated。〃
  Towards midnight; when every thing was quiet; she again took her
  seat in the hall。 As the bell in the distant watchtower of the
  Alhambra struck the midnight hour; the fountain was again agitated;
  and bubble… bubble… bubble… it tossed about the waters until the
  Moorish female again rose to view。 She was young and beautiful; her
  dress was rich with jewels; and in her hand she held a silver lute。
  Jacinta trembled and was faint; but was reassured by the soft and
  plaintive voice of the apparition; and the sweet expression of her
  pale; melancholy countenance。
  〃Daughter of mortality;〃 said she; 〃what aileth thee? Why do thy
  tears trouble my fountain; and thy sighs and plaints disturb the quiet
  watches of the night?〃
  〃I weep because of the faithlessness of man; and I bemoan my
  solitary and forsaken state。〃
  〃Take comfort; thy sorrows may yet have an end。 Thou beholdest a
  Moorish princess; who; like thee; was unhappy in her love。 A Christian
  knight; thy ancestor; won my heart; and would have borne me to his
  native land and to the bosom of his church。 I was a convert in my
  heart; but I lacked courage equal to my faith; and lingered till too
  late。 For this the evil genii are permitted to have power over me; and
  I remain enchanted in this tower until some pure Christian will
  deign to break the magic spell。 Wilt thou undertake the task?〃
  〃I will;〃 replied the damsel; trembling。
  〃Come hither then; and fear not; dip thy hand in the fountain;
  sprinkle the water over me; and baptize me after the manner of thy
  faith; so shall the enchantment be dispelled; and my troubled spirit
  have repose。〃
  The damsel advanced with faltering steps; dipped her hand in the
  fountain; collected water in the palm; and sprinkled it over the
  pale face of the phantom。
  The latter smiled with ineffable benignity。 She dropped her silver
  lute at the feet of Jacinta; crossed her white arms upon her bosom;
  and melted from sight; so that it seemed merely as if a shower of
  dew…drops had fallen into the fountain。
  Jacinta retired from the hall filled with awe and wonder。 She
  scarcely closed her eyes that night; but when she awoke at daybreak
  out of a troubled slumber; the whole appeared to her like a
  distempered dream。 On descending into the hall; however; the truth
  of the vision was established; for; beside the fountain; she beheld
  the silver lute glittering in the morning sunshine。
  She hastened to her aunt; to relate all that had befallen her; and
  called her to behold the lute as a testimonial of the reality of her
  story。 If the good lady had any lingering doubts; they were removed
  when Jacinta touched the instrument; for she drew forth such ravishing
  tones as to thaw even the frigid bosom of the immaculate Fredegonda;
  that region of eternal winter; into a genial flow。 Nothing but
  supernatural melody could have produced such an effect。
  The extraordinary power of the lute became every day more and more
  apparent。 The wayfarer passing by the tower was detained; and; as it
  were; spell…bound; in breathless ecstasy。 The very birds gathered in
  the neighboring trees; and hushing their own strains; listened in
  charmed silence。
  Rumor soon spread the news abroad。 The inhabitants of Granada
  thronged to the Alhambra to catch a few notes of the transcendent
  music that floated about the Tower of Las Infantas。
  The lovely little minstrel was at length drawn forth from her
  retreat。 The rich and powerful of the land contended who should
  entertain and do honor to her; or rather; who should secure the charms
  of her lute to draw fashionable throngs to their saloons。 Wherever she
  went her vigilant aunt kept a dragon watch at her elbow; awing the
  throngs of impassioned admirers; who hung in raptures on her
  strains。 The report of her wonderful powers spread from city to
  city。 Malaga; Seville; Cordova; all became successively mad on the
  theme; nothing was talked of throughout Andalusia but the beautiful
  minstrel of the Alhambra。 How could it be otherwise among a people
  so musical and gallant as the Andalusians; when the lute was magical
  in its powers; and the minstrel inspired by love!
  While all Andalusia was thus music mad; a different mood prevailed
  at the court of Spain。 Philip V; as is well known; was a miserable
  hypochondriac; and subject to all kinds of fancies。 Sometimes he would
  keep to his bed for weeks together; groaning under imaginary
  complaints。 At other times he would insist upon abdicating his throne;
  to the great annoyance of his royal spouse; who had a strong relish
  for the splendors of a court and the glories of a crown; and guided
  the sceptre of her imbecile lord with an expert and steady hand。
  Nothing was found to be so efficacious in dispelling the royal
  megrims as the power of music; the queen took care; therefore; to have
  the best performers; both vocal and instrumental; at hand; and
  retained the famous Italian singer Farinelli about the court as a kind
  of royal physician。
  At the moment we treat of; however; a freak had come over the mind
  of this sapient and illustrious Bourbon that surpassed all former
  vagaries。 After a long spell of imaginary illness; which set all the
  strains of Farinelli and the consultations of a whole orchestra of
  court fiddlers at defiance; the monarch fairly; in idea; gave up the
  ghost; and considered himself absolutely dead。
  This would have been harmless enough; and even convenient both to
  his queen and courtiers; had he been content to remain in the quietude
  befitting a dead man; but to their annoyance he insisted upon having
  the funeral ceremonies performed over him; and; to their inexpressible
  perplexity; began to grow impatient; and to revile bitterly at them
  for negligence and disrespect; in leaving him unburied。 What was to be
  done? To disobey the king's positive commands was monstrous in the
  eyes of the obsequious courtiers of a punctilious court… but to obey
  him; and bury him alive would be downright regicide!
  In the midst of this fearful dilemma a rumor reached the court; of
  the female minstrel who was turning the brains of all Andalusia。 The
  queen dispatched missions in all haste to summon her to St。 Ildefonso;
  where the court at that time resided。
  Within a few days; as the queen with her maids of honor was
  walking in those stately gardens; intended; with their avenues and
  terraces and fountains; to eclipse the glories of Versailles; the
  far…famed minstrel was conducted into her presence。 The imperial
  Elizabetta gazed with surprise at the youthful and unpretending
  appearance of the little being that had set the world madding。 She was
  in her picturesque Andalusian dress; her silver lute in hand; and
  stood with modest and downcast eyes; but with a simplicity and
  freshness of beauty that still bespoke her 〃the Rose of the Alhambra。〃
  As usual she was accompanied by the ever…vigilant Fredegonda; who
  gave the whole history of her parentage and descent to the inquiring
  queen。 If the stately Elizabetta had been interested by the appearance
  of Jacinta; she was still more pleased when she learnt that she was of
  a meritorious though impoverished line; and that her father had
  bravely fallen in the service of the crown。 〃If thy powers equal their
  renown;〃 said she; 〃and thou canst cast forth this evil spirit that
  possesses thy sovereign; thy fortunes shall henceforth be my care; and
  honors and wealth attend thee。〃
  Impatient to make trial of her skill; she led the way at once to the
  apartment of the moody monarch。
  Jacinta followed with downcast eyes through files of guards and
  crowds of courtiers。 They arrived at length at a great chamber hung
  with black。 The windows were closed to exclude the light of day: a
  number of yellow wax