第 14 节
作者:绚烂冬季      更新:2021-04-30 16:04      字数:9322
  manners an external and artificial gayety; a way; you know; of
  referring to everything by hints; by unfinished fragments; as if
  everything that one says you knew already; recalled it; and could
  supply the omissions。  Well; he; with his music; was the cause of
  〃At the trial the affair was so represented that everything
  seemed attributable to jealousy。  It is false;that is; not
  quite false; but there was something else。  The verdict was
  rendered that I was a deceived husband; that I had killed in
  defence of my sullied honor (that is the way they put it in their
  language); and thus I was acquitted。  I tried to explain the
  affair from my own point of view; but they concluded that I
  simply wanted to rehabilitate the memory of my wife。  Her
  relations with the musician; whatever they may have been; are now
  of no importance to me or to her。  The important part is what I
  have told you。  The whole tragedy was due to the fact that this
  man came into our house at a time when an immense abyss had
  already been dug between us; that frightful tension of mutual
  hatred; in which the slightest motive sufficed to precipitate the
  crisis。  Our quarrels in the last days were something terrible;
  and the more astonishing because they were followed by a brutal
  passion extremely strained。  If it had not been he; some other
  would have come。  If the pretext had not been jealousy; I should
  have discovered another。  I insist upon this point;that all
  husbands who live the married life that I lived must either
  resort to outside debauchery; or separate from their wives; or
  kill themselves; or kill their wives as I did。  If there is any
  one in my case to whom this does not happen; he is a very rare
  exception; for; before ending as I ended; I was several times on
  the point of suicide; and my wife made several attempts to poison
  〃In order that you may understand me; I must tell you how this
  happened。  We were living along; and all seemed well。  Suddenly
  we began to talk of the children's education。  I do not remember
  what words either of us uttered; but a discussion began;
  reproaches; leaps from one subject to another。  'Yes; I know it。
  It has been so for a long time。' 。 。 。  'You said that。' 。 。 。
  'No; I did not say that。' 。 。 。 'Then I lie?' etc。
  〃And I felt that the frightful crisis was approaching when I
  should desire to kill her or else myself。  I knew that it was
  approaching; I was afraid of it as of fire; I wanted to restrain
  myself。  But rage took possession of my whole being。  My wife
  found herself in the same condition; perhaps worse。  She knew
  that she intentionally distorted each of my words; and each of
  her words was saturated with venom。  All that was dear to me she
  disparaged and profaned。 The farther the quarrel went; the more
  furious it became。  I cried; 'Be silent;' or something like that。
  She bounded out of the room and ran toward the children。  I tried
  to hold her back to finish my insults。  I grasped her by the arm;
  and hurt her。  She cried: 'Children; your father is beating me。'
  I cried: 'Don't lie。'  She continued to utter falsehoods for the
  simple purpose of irritating me further。  'Ah; it is not the
  first time;' or something of that sort。  The children rushed
  toward her and tried to quiet her。  I said: 'Don't sham。'  She
  said: 'You look upon everything as a sham。  You would kill a
  person and say he was shamming。  Now I understand you。  That is
  what you want to do。'  'Oh; if you were only dead!' I cried。
  〃I remember how that terrible phrase frightened me。  Never had I
  thought that I could utter words so brutal; so frightful; and I
  was stupefied at what had just escaped my lips。  I fled into my
  private apartment。  I sat down and began to smoke。  I heard her
  go into the hall and prepare to go out。  I asked her: 'Where are
  you going?  She did not answer。  'Well; may the devil take you!'
  said I to myself; going back into my private room; where I lay
  down again and began smoking afresh。  Thousands of plans of
  vengeance; of ways of getting rid of her; and how to arrange
  this; and act as if nothing had happened;all this passed
  through my head。  I thought of these things; and I smoked; and
  smoked; and smoked。  I thought of running away; of making my
  escape; of going to America。  I went so far as to dream how
  beautiful it would be; after getting rid of her; to love another
  woman; entirely different from her。  I should be rid of her if
  she should die or if I should get a divorce; and I tried to think
  how that could be managed。  I saw that I was getting confused;
  but; in order not to see that I was not thinking rightly; I kept
  on smoking。
  〃And the life of the house went on as usual。 The children's
  teacher came and asked: 'Where is Madame?  When will she return?'
  The servants asked if they should serve the tea。  I entered the
  dining…room。  The children; Lise; the eldest girl; looked at me
  with fright; as if to question me; and she did not come。  The
  whole evening passed; and still she did not come。  Two sentiments
  kept succeeding each other in my soul;hatred of her; since she
  tortured myself and the children by her absence; but would
  finally return just the same; and fear lest she might return and
  make some attempt upon herself。 But where should I look for her?
  At her sister's?  It seemed so stupid to go to ask where one's
  wife is。  Moreover; may God forbid; I hoped; that she should be
  at her sister's!  If she wishes to torment any one; let her
  torment herself first。  And suppose she were not at her sister's。
  Suppose she were to do; or had already done; something。
  〃Eleven o'clock; midnight; one o'clock。 。 。 。 I did not sleep。  I
  did not go to my chamber。  It is stupid to lie stretched out all
  alone; and to wait。  But in my study I did not rest。  I tried to
  busy myself; to write letters; to read。  Impossible!  I was
  alone; tortured; wicked; and I listened。  Toward daylight I went
  to sleep。  I awoke。  She had not returned。  Everything in the
  house went on as usual; and all looked at me in astonishment;
  questioningly。  The children's eyes were full of reproach for me。
  And always the same feeling of anxiety about her; and of hatred
  because of this anxiety。
  〃Toward eleven o'clock in the morning came her sister; her
  ambassadress。  Then began the usual phrases: 'She is in a
  terrible state。  What is the matter?'  'Why; nothing has
  happened。'  I spoke of her asperity of character; and I added
  that I had done nothing; and that I would not take the first
  step。  If she wants a divorce; so much the better!  My
  sister…in…law would not listen to this idea; and went away
  without having gained anything。  I was obstinate; and I said
  boldly and determinedly; in talking to her; that I would not take
  the first step。  Immediately she had gone I went into the other
  room; and saw the children in a frightened and pitiful state; and
  there I found myself already inclined to take this first step。
  But I was bound by my word。  Again I walked up and down; always
  smoking。  At breakfast I drank brandy and wine; and I reached the
  point which I unconsciously desired; the point where I no longer
  saw the stupidity and baseness of my situation。
  〃Toward three o'clock she came。  I thought that she was appeased;
  or admitted her defeat。 I began to tell her that I was provoked
  by her reproaches。  She answered me; with the same severe and
  terribly downcast face; that she had not come for explanations;
  but to take the children; that we could not live together。  I
  answered that it was not my fault; that she had put me beside
  myself。  She looked at me with a severe and solemn air; and said:
  'Say no more。 You will repent it。'  I said that I could not
  tolerate comedies。  Then she cried out something that I did not
  understand; and rushed toward her room。  The key turned in the
  lock; and she shut herself up。  I pushed at the door。  There was
  no response。  Furious; I went away。
  〃A half hour later Lise came running all in tears。  'What!  Has
  anything happened?  We cannot hear Mamma!'  We went toward my
  wife's room。  I pushed the door with all my might。  The bolt was
  scarcely drawn; and the door opened。  In a skirt; with high
  boots; my wife lay awkwardly on the bed。  On the table an empty
  opium phial。  We restored her to life。  Tears and then
  reconciliation!  Not reconciliation; internally each kept the
  hatred for the other; but it was absolutely necessary for the
  moment to end the scene in some way; and life began again as
  before。  These scenes; and even worse; came now once a week; now
  every month; now every day。  And invariably the same incidents。
  Once I was absolutely resolved to fly; but through some
  inconceivable weakness I remained。
  〃Such were the circumstances in which we were living when the MAN
  came。  The man was bad; it is true。  But what!  No worse than we