第 48 节
作者:无组织      更新:2021-04-30 16:03      字数:8100
  one of the Kaffirs pushed him away。 Back he went; still back; till he
  struck the further wall and stood there; perhaps for half a minute。 He
  lifted his hand and pointed first to those ancient footprints; some of
  which still remained in the dust of the floor; and next; as they
  thought; at Benita。 His lips moved fast; he seemed to be pleading;
  remonstrating; yetand this was the ghastliest part of itfrom them
  there came no sound。 Lastly; his eyes rolled up until only the whites
  of them were visible; his face became wet as though water had been
  poured over it; and; still without a sound; he fell forward and moved
  no more。
  So terrible was the scene that with a howl of fear the two Kaffirs
  turned and fled up the stairway。 Robert sprang to the Jew; dragged him
  over on to his back; put his hand upon his breast and lifted his
  〃Dead;〃 he said。 〃Stone dead。 Privation; brain excitement; heart
  failurethat's the story。〃
  〃Perhaps;〃 answered Benita faintly; 〃but really I think that I begin
  to believe in ghosts also。 Look; I never noticed them before; and I
  didn't walk there; but those footsteps seem to lead right up to him。〃
  Then she turned too and fled。
  Another week had gone by。 The waggons were laden with a burden more
  precious perhaps than waggons have often borne before。 In one of them;
  on a veritable bed of gold; slept Mr。 Clifford; still very weak and
  ill; but somewhat better than he had been; and with a good prospect of
  recovery; at any rate for a while。 They were to trek a little after
  dawn; and already Robert and Benita were up and waiting。 She touched
  his arm and said to him:
  〃Come with me。 I have a fancy to see that place once more; for the
  last time。〃
  So they climbed the hill and the steep steps in the topmost wall that
  Meyer had blockedre…opened nowand reaching the mouth of the cave;
  lit the lamps which they had brought with them; and entered。 There
  were the fragments of the barricade that Benita had built with
  desperate hands; there was the altar of sacrifice standing cold and
  grey as it had stood for perhaps three thousand years。 There was the
  tomb of the old monk who had a companion now; for in it Jacob Meyer
  lay with him; his bones covered by the /débris/ that he himself had
  dug out in his mad search for wealth; and there the white Christ hung
  awful on His cross。 Only the skeletons of the Portuguese were gone;
  for with the help of his Kaffirs Robert had moved them every one into
  the empty treasure…chamber; closing the trap beneath; and building up
  the door above; so that there they might lie in peace at last。
  In this melancholy place they tarried but a little while; then;
  turning their backs upon it for ever; went out and climbed the granite
  cone to watch the sun rise over the broad Zambesi。 Up it came in
  glory; that same sun which had shone upon the despairing Benita da
  Ferreira; and upon the English Benita when she had stood there in
  utter hopelessness; and seen the white man captured by the Matabele。
  Now; different was their state indeed; and there in that high place;
  whence perhaps many a wretched creature had been cast to death; whence
  certainly the Portuguese maiden had sought her death; these two happy
  beings were not ashamed to give thanks to Heaven for the joy which it
  had vouchsafed to them; and for their hopes of life full and long to
  be travelled hand in hand。 Behind them was the terror of the cave;
  beneath them were the mists of the valley; but above them the light
  shone and rolled and sparkled; and above them stretched the eternal
  They descended the pillar; and near the foot of it saw an old man
  sitting。 It was Mambo; the Molimo of the Makalanga: even when they
  were still far away from him they knew his snow…white head and thin;
  ascetic face。 As they drew near Benita perceived that his eyes were
  closed; and whispered to Robert that he was asleep。 Yet he had heard
  them coming; and even guessed her thought。
  〃Maiden;〃 he said in his gentle voice; 〃maiden who soon shall be a
  wife; I do not sleep; although I dream of you as I have dreamt before。
  What did I say to you that day when first we met? That for you I had
  good tidings; that though death was all about you; you need not fear;
  that in this place you who had known great sorrow should find
  happiness and rest。 Yet; maiden; you would not believe the words of
  the Munwali; spoken by his prophet's lips; as he at your side; who
  shall be your husband; would not believe me in years past when I told
  him that we should meet again。〃
  〃Father;〃 she answered; 〃I thought your rest was that which we find
  only in the grave。〃
  〃You would not believe;〃 he went on without heeding her; 〃and
  therefore you tried to fly; and therefore your heart was torn with
  terror and with agony; when it should have waited for the end in
  confidence and peace。〃
  〃Father; my trial was very sore。〃
  〃Maiden; I know it; and because it was so sore that patient Spirit of
  Bambatse bore with you; and through it all guided your feet aright。
  Yes; with you has that Spirit gone; by day; by night; in the morning
  and in the evening。 Who was it that smote the man who lies dead yonder
  with horror and with madness when he would have bent your will to his
  and made you a wife to him? Who was it that told you the secret of the
  treasure…pit; and what footsteps went before you down its stair? Who
  was it that led you past the sentries of the Amandabele and gave you
  wit and power to snatch your lord's life from Maduna's bloody hand?
  Yes; with you it has gone and with you it will go。 No more shall the
  White Witch stand upon the pillar point at the rising of the sun; or
  in the shining of the moon。〃
  〃Father; I have never understood you; and I do not understand you
  now;〃 said Benita。 〃What has this spirit to do with me?〃
  He smiled a little; then answered slowly:
  〃That I may not tell you; that you shall learn one day; but never
  here。 When you also have entered into silence; then you shall learn。
  But I say to you that this shall not be till your hair is as white as
  mine; and your years are as many。 Ah! you thought that I had deserted
  you; when fearing for your father's life you wept and prayed in the
  darkness of the cave。 Yet it was not so; for I did but suffer the doom
  which I had read to fulfil itself as it must do。〃
  He rose to his feet and; resting on his staff; laid one withered hand
  upon the head of Benita。
  〃Maiden;〃 he said; 〃we meet no more beneath the sun。 Yet because you
  have brought deliverance to my people; because you are sweet and pure
  and true; take with you the blessing of Munwali; spoken by the mouth
  of his servant Mambo; the old Molimo of Bambatse。 Though from time to
  time you must know tears and walk in the shade of sorrows; long and
  happy shall be your days with him whom you have chosen。 Children shall
  spring up about you; and children's children; and with them also shall
  the blessing go。 The gold you white folk love is yours; and it shall
  multiply and give food to the hungry and raiment to those that are
  a…cold。 Yet in your own heart lies a richer store that cannot melt
  away; the countless treasure of mercy and of love。 When you sleep and
  when you wake Love shall take you by the hand; till at length he leads
  you through life's dark cave to that eternal house of purest gold
  which soon or late those that seek it shall inherit;〃 and with his
  staff he pointed to the glowing morning sky wherein one by one little
  rosy clouds floated upwards and were lost。
  To Robert and to Benita's misty eyes they looked like bright…winged
  angels throwing wide the black doors of night; and heralding that
  conquering glory at whose advent despair and darkness flee away。