第 5 节
作者:尘小春      更新:2021-04-30 15:45      字数:5460
  If the author had done dramatically (and his doing is mainly
  dramatic) no more than this; he would have established his right
  to be taken seriously; but he has done very much more; and has
  made us acquainted with types and characters which we do not
  readily forget; and with characters much more real than their
  ambient。  For instance; the Old Cambridge in which the Vassalls
  live is not the Old Cambridge of fact; but the Vassalls are the
  Vassalls of fact; though the ancestral halls in which they dwell
  are of a baroniality difficult of verification。  Their honor;
  their righteousness; their purity are veracious; though their
  social state is magnified beyond any post…revolutionary
  experience。  The social Boston of the novel is more like; its
  difference from an older Boston is sensitively felt; and finely
  suggested; especially on the side of that greater lawlessness in
  which it is not the greater Boston。  Petrina Faneuil; the
  heroine; is derivatively of the older Boston which has passed
  away; and actually of the newer Boston which will not be so much
  regretted when it passes; the fast Boston; the almost rowdy
  Boston; the decadent Boston。  It is; of course; a Boston much
  worse in the report than in the fact; but it is not unimaginably
  bad to the student who notes that the lapse from any high ideals
  is to a level lower than that of people who have never had them。
  As for Petrina herself; who was in Boston more than of it; she is
  so admirably analyzed in the chapter devoted to the task that I
  am tempted to instance it as the best piece of work in the book;
  though it does not make one hold one's breath like some of the
  dramatic episodes:  〃Whatever religious instinct had been in the
  family had spent itself at least two generations before her time。
  She was a pagana tolerant; indifferent; slightly scornful
  pagan。。。。 But she was none the less a Puritan。  Certain of her
  ways of thought and habits of life; had survived the beliefs
  which had given them birth; as an effect will often outlive its
  cause。 If she was a pagan; she was a serious one; a pagan with a
  New England conscience。〃
  This is mighty well said; and the like things that are said of
  Petrina's sister…in…law; who has married an English title; are
  mighty well; too。  〃She had inherited a countenance whose
  expression was like the light which lingers in the sky long after
  sunsetthe light of some ancestral fire gone out。  If in her
  face there were prayers; they had been said by Pepperells and
  Vassalls now sleeping in Massachusetts churchyards。  If in her
  voice there were tears; they had been shed by those who would
  weep no more。  She mirrored the emotions she had never felt; and
  all that was left of joys and sorrows and spiritual aspirations
  which had once thrilled human hearts was in that plaintive echo
  they had given to this woman's tone; and the light of petition
  they had left burning in her eyes。〃
  No one who reads such passages can deny that the author of 〃Let
  Not Man Put Asunder〃 can think subtly as well as say clearly; and
  the book abounds in proofs of his ability to portray human nature
  in its lighter aspects。  Lady de Bohun; with her pathetic face;
  is a most amusing creature; with all her tragedy; and she is on
  the whole the most perfectly characterized personality in the
  story。  The author gives you a real sense of her beauty; her
  grace; her being always charmingly in a hurry and always late。
  The greatest scene is hers: the scene in which she meets her
  divorced husband with his second wife。  One may suspect some of
  the other scenes; but one must accept that scene as one of
  genuine dramatic worth。  Too much of the drama in the book is
  theatre rather than drama; and yet the author's gift is
  essentially dramatic。  He knows how to tell a story on his stage
  that holds you to the fall of the curtain; and makes you almost
  patient of the muted violins and the limelight of the closing
  scene。  Such things; you say; do not happen in Brookline; Mass。;
  whatever happens in London or in English country houses; and yet
  the people have at one time or other convinced you of their
  verity。  Of the things that are not natural; you feel like saying
  that they are supernatural rather than unnatural; and you own
  that at its worst the book is worth while in a time when most
  novels are not worth while。
  〃The Right of Way。〃 A Novel。  By Gilbert Parker。 Harper & Brothers。
  〃The Ruling Passion。 Tales of nature and human nature。〃  By Henry
  Van Dyke。 Charles Scribner's Sons。
  〃Spoils and Stratagems Stories of love and politics。〃  By Wm。
  Allen White。 Charles Scribner's Sons。
  〃Foma Gordyeeff。〃  By Maxim Gorky。 Translated from the Russian by
  Isabel F。 Hapgood。 Charles Scribner's Sons。
  〃Circumstances。〃  By S。 Weir Mitchell; M。D。 The Century Company。
  〃A Japanese Nightingale。〃  By Onoto Watana。 Harper & Brothers。
  〃The Marrow of Tradition。〃  By Charles W。 Chesnutt。 Houghton;
  Mifflin & Co。
  〃Lay Down Your Arms。 The autobiography of Martha von Tilling。〃
  By Bertha von Suttner。 Authorized Translation。 By T。 Holmes。
  Longmans; Green & Co。
  〃Let Not Man Put Asunder。〃  By Basil King。 Harper & Brothers。