第 4 节
作者:公主站记      更新:2021-04-24 09:46      字数:7821
  accrued ine 应计收入
  accrued interest on bonds 应计债券利息
  accrued interest on investment 应计投资利息
  accured interest patable 应计未付利息
  accrued liability 应计负债
  accrued profit 应计利润
  accrued taxes 应计税款
  accumulated amount 累计额
  accumulated earnings 累计收益
  accumulated funds 公积金
  accumulated net ine 累计净收益
  accumulated profit 累计利润
  accumulating capital 累计资本
  accumulating losses 累计损失
  Acid ratio 流动比率
  actual assets 实际资产
  actual cash value 实际现金价值
  actual capital 实际资本
  actual cost 实际成本
  actual depreciation 实际折旧
  actual value 实际价值
  Adjusted 调整后的
  adjusted acquisition cost 调整后购置成本
  adjusted base 调整后基数
  adjusted book balance 调整后的帐面余额
  adjusted gross ine 调整后的净收入
  adjusted net profit 调整后的净利润
  Adjustment 调整
  adjustment account 调整帐户
  Advance 预付
  advance account 预付帐户
  advance charge 预付费用
  advance payment 预先付款
  advance received 暂收款
  Allocated cost 已分摊成本
  Allocated cost of fixed assts 固定资产折旧
  Allocation 分配,分摊
  allocation of market 市场分配
  allocation of purchase price 购置价格分摊(指成套设备)
  allocation of quota 配额分配
  allocation of resources 资源分配
  allocation of shares 股金分配
  allocation optimum 最优配置
  allocations to accounting periods 会计期间内的分摊
  Allotment 拨款
  Amendment 修改
  amendment of register 变更登记
  American Society of Appraisers (ASA) 美国评估师协会
  Amortization 摊销,摊还
  amortization fund 偿债基金
  amortization of bond issued expense 债券发行费摊销
  amortization of fixed asset 固定资产摊销
  amortization of loan 分期偿还贷款
  amortization schedule 摊销表
  Amount 数量,总额,合计
  amount guaranteed 担保额
  amount of investment 投资额
  amount of sales 销售额
  financial statement analysis财务报表分析
  analysis of assets changes 资产变动分析
  analysis of balance sheet 资产负债表分析
  balance sheet evaluation 资产负债表评价
  analysis of business profit 企业利润分析
  analysis of capital changes 资本变动分析
  analysis of changes in financial position 财务状况变动分析
  balance sheet 资产负债表
  balance sheet audit 资产负债表审计
  balance sheet classification 资产负债表分类
  certified financial statement 经会计师证明的财务报表
  classified balance sheet 分类资产负债表
  current account balance sheet 流动资产负债表
  current account balance sheet 流动资产负债表
  analysis of variance 方差分析
  gross profit analysis 毛利分析
  investment analysis 投资分析
  market analysis 市场分析
  macro analysis 微观分析
  qualitative analysis 定性分析
  quantitative analysis 定量分析
  ratio analysis 比率分析
  return analysis 回报分析
  sales analysis 销售分析
  Analytical model 分析模型
  bad account 坏帐,呆帐
  bad debt loss 坏帐损失
  bad debt recovey 呆坏帐收回
  bad title 失效产权
  Balance 余额,结余,差额,平衡
  adverse balance 收支逆差
  balance budget 平衡预算
  balance of international trade 国际贸易差额
  balance of payment 国际收支
  closing balance 期末差额
  credit balance 贷方余额
  foreign currency balance 外汇余额
  keep balance 保持平衡
  loss balance 失去平衡
  negative balance 逆差
  retained balance from foreign exchange revenue 外汇收入留成余额
  book depreciation 帐面折旧
  book…entry securities 记帐证券
  book inventory 帐面库存
  book of account 帐簿
  book profit 帐面利润
  book value per share 每股帐面价值
  Cash 现金
  cash account 现金帐户
  cash assets 现金资本
  cash audit 现金审计
  cash balance 现金余额
  cash equivalent 视同库存现金
  cash flow analysis 现金流量分析
  cash in bank 银行现金
  cash in hold 库存现金
  cash payment 现金支付
  cash purchase 现金购买
  cash transaction 现金交易
  free cash flows 活动现金流
  Certified 注册的,合格的
  certified appraiser 注册评估师
  certified copy 正式核准的副本
  certified financial statement 经会计师证明的财务报表
  certified invoice 证实发票
  certified mortgage 证实抵押
  finance charges 财务费用
  Classification 分类,科目
  classification item 分类项目
  classification of accounts 帐户分类
  classification of assets 资产分类
  classification of property 财产分类
  classification schemes 分类表
  Classified 分成类的
  classified balance sheet 分类资产负债表
  classified depreciation 分类折旧
  coding of account 帐户代码
  coding of assets 资产代码
  Closing 结算,结帐,收盘
  closing account 结帐,结算
  closing cost 成交价
  closing inventory 期末存货
  Consolidated 合并的,综合的
  consolidated balance sheet 合并资产负债表
  consolidated financial statement 合并决算表
  consolidated ine statement 合并损益表,综合损益表
  consolidated profit and loss statement 汇总损益表
  consolidated retained earning 合并留存收益
  consolidated statement 汇总报表
  Cost 成本,费用
  acquisition cost 购置成本
  actual cost 实际成本
  anticipated cost method 预期成本法
  average cost 平均成本
  borrowing… cost 借债成本
  carrying cost 维持成本
  cost account 成本帐户
  cost accounting 成本会计
  cost allocation 成本分摊
  cost analysis 成本分析
  cost and benefit analysis 成本收益分析
  cost approach to fair market value 求得公平市场价值的成本法
  cost control 成本控制
  cost distribution 成本分摊
  cost free 免费
  cost method 成本法
  cost objective 成本目标
  cost of capital 资金成本
  cost of investment 投资成本
  cost of management 管理费
  cost of marketing 营销成本
  cost of replacement 重置成本法
  cost of reproduction less depreciation 重置成本减折旧
  cost of sales 销售成本
  cost…benefit analysis 成本收益分析
  cost…effectiveness 成本效益
  cost…of…living index 生活费指数
  cost plus 成本加价
  indirect cost 间接成本
  marginal cost 边际成本
  material cost 材料成本
  opportunity cost 机会成本
  ordering cost 订货成本
  sunk costs 沉没成本
  variable costs 变动成本
  current assets 流动资产
  current account balance sheet 流动资产负债表
  current account deposits 活期帐户存款
  current asset losses in suspense 待处理流动资产损失
  current debt ratio 流动负债比率
  current fund employed per 100 Yuan of
  sales revenue 每百元销售收入占用流动资金
  current fund employment rate 流动资金占有率
  current fund loan 流动资金借款
  current fund turnover days 流动资金周转天数
  current intangibles 无形流动资产
  current liability 流动负债
  current maturity of long term debt 本年内到期的长期负债
  current…noncurrent method 对国外业务按现行汇率折合算法
  current ratio 流动比率
  current surplus 本期盈余
  current tangible assets 有形流动资产
  current term net loss 本期净损失
  current term net profit or loss 本期净损益
  current assets 流动资产
  current account balance sheet 流动资产负债表
  current account deposits 活期帐户存款
  current asset losses in suspense 待处理流动资产损失
  current debt ratio 流动负债比率
  current fund employed per 100 Yuan of
  sales revenue 每百元销售收入占用流动资金
  current fund employment rate 流动资金占有率
  current fund loan 流动资金借款
  current fund turnover days 流动资金周转天数
  current intangibles 无形流动资产
  current liability 流动负债
  current maturity of long term debt 本年内到期的长期负债
  current…noncurrent method 对国外业务按现行汇率折合算法
  current ratio 流动比率
  current surplus 本期盈余
  current tangible assets 有形流动资产
  current term net loss 本期净损失
  current term net profit or loss 本期净损益
  Earning 收益,收入,工资
  accumulated earnings 积累收益
  annual earnings 年收益
  earning assets 盈利资产
  earning capacity 盈利能力
  earning of capital 资本收益
  earnings after tax 税后收益
  earnings before interest and ine tax (EBIT) 税前收益
  earnings per share (EPS) 每股平均收益
  earnings rate 收益率
  earnings ratio 收益率
  earnings target 收益目标
  gross earnings 毛利,毛收益
  real earnings 实际收益
  retained earnings 留存收益
  Fixed 固定的
  fixed assets accounting 固定资产核算
  fixed assets cost 固定资产成本
  fixed assets depreciation rate 固定资产折旧率
  fixed assets investment 固定资产投资
  fixed assets losses in suspense 待处理固定资产损失
  fixed assets ratio 固定资产比率
  fixed deposit 定期存款
  fixed exchange rate 固定汇率
  fixed mortgage 定期抵押,固定抵押
  fixed transfer price 固定转让价格
  investment in fixed assets 固定资产投资
  Floating 流动的
  floating assets 流动资产
  floating debt 短期债务,流动负债
  floating exchange rate 浮动汇率
  floating liability 流动负债
  floating rate of interest 浮动利率
  Flow 流动,流量
  flow of funds analysis 资金流转分析
  Ine 收入,收益
  gross ine 收入总额
  ine account 收益帐户
  ine approach to fair market value 求得市场公平价格的收益法
  ine before tax 税前收入
  ine from investments 投资收益
  ine gap 收入差距
  ine property 收益财产
  ine statement 收益表
  ine tax law 所得税法
  ine tax return 所得税申报表
  ine to net worth ratio 净值收益率
  property account 财产帐户
  property accounting 财产会计
  property and assets 财产与资产
  property damage 财产损失
  property in land 土地所有权
  property ine 财产收入
  property rights 产权
  property rights transfer agency 产权转让机构(产权交易所)
  property tax 财产税
  Proprietary 所有人的,财产权
  proprietary interest 业组权益
  proprietary lease 产权租赁
  Proprietor 业主
  Proprietorial right 所有权
  Proprietorship 业主权,独资,一人拥有全部财产的
  asset account 资产帐户
  asset depreciation range 资产折旧幅度
  asset disposal 资产处置
  asset holdings 资产持有量
  asset inventory shorts 资产盘亏
  asset inventory surplus 资产盘盈
  asset liability ratio 资产负债比率
  asset retirement 资产报废
  asset revaluation 资产重估
  Assets + Liability = Owner’s Equity 资产加?