第 14 节
作者:疯狂热线      更新:2021-03-16 00:35      字数:9319
  if one point were taken on the front of the so…called plane; and another on
  the   back;   a   straight   line   joining   these   two   points   could   not   possibly   lie
  wholly on the surface。
  All   planes   are   not   cambered   to   the   same   extent:   some   have   a   very
  small curvature; in others the curve is greatly pronounced。 Planes of the
  former   type   are   generally  fitted   to   racing   aeroplanes;  because   they   offer
  less resistance to the air than do deeply…cambered planes。 Indeed; it is in
  the degree of camber that the various types of flying machine show their
  chief   diversity;   just   as   the   work   of   certain   shipmasters   is   known   by   the
  … Page 55…
  particular lines of the bow and stern of the vessels which are built in their
  Birds fly by a flapping movement of their wings; or by soaring。 We are
  quite familiar with both these actions: at one time the bird propels itself by
  means of powerful muscles attached to its wings by means of which the
  wings are flapped up and down; at another time the bird; with wings nicely
  adjusted so as to take advantage of all the peculiarities of the air currents;
  keeps them almost stationary; and soars or glides through the air。
  The    method     of   soaring    alone   has   long    since   been   proved     to  be
  impracticable as a means of carrying a machine through the air; unless; of
  course; one describes the natural glide of an aeroplane from a great height
  down to earth as soaring。 But the flapping motion was not proved a failure
  until numerous experiments by early aviators had been tried。
  Probably the most successful attempt at propulsion by this method was
  that of a French locksmith named Besnier。 Over two hundred years ago he
  made for himself a pair of light wooden paddles; with blades at either end;
  somewhat   similar   in   shape   to   the   double   paddle   of   a   canoe。   These   he
  placed over his shoulders; his feet being attached by ropes to the hindmost
  paddles。 Jumping off from some high place in the face of a stiff breeze; he
  violently  worked his   arms   and   legs;   so   that   the  paddles beat   the  air   and
  gave     him   support。     It  is  said  that   Besnier    became     so   expert    in  the
  management of his simple apparatus that he was able to raise himself from
  the   ground;   and   skim   lightly   over   fields   and   rivers   for   a   considerable
  Now it has been shown that the enormous extent of wing required to
  support a man of average weight would be much too large to be flapped by
  man's     arm    muscles。     But   in  this;   as  with    everything     else;  we    have
  succeeded in harnessing the forces of nature into our service as tools and
  And   is   not   this;   after  all;   one  of   the  chief;   distinctions   between   man
  and   the   lower   orders   of   creation?   The   latter   fulfil   most   of   their   bodily
  requirements by muscular effort。 If a horse wants to get from one place to
  another it walks; man can go on wheels。 None of the lower animals makes
  a single tool to assist it in the various means of sustaining life; but man
  … Page 56…
  puts    on  his   〃thinking…cap〃;     and   invents    useful   machines     and   tools   to
  enable him to assist or dispense with muscular movement。
  Thus we find that in aviation man has designed the propeller; which;
  by its rapid revolutions derived from the motive power of the aerial engine;
  cuts   a   spiral   pathway   through   the   air   and   drives   the   light   craft   rapidly
  forward。 The chief use of the planes is for support to the machine; and the
  chief duty of the pilot is to balance and steer the craft by the manipulation
  of the rudder; elevation and warping controls。
  … Page 57…
  CHAPTER XVIII A Great British Inventor of
  Though;      as  we    have    seen;   most   of   the   early   attempts    at  aerial
  navigation were made by foreign engineers; yet we are proud to number
  among   the   ranks   of   the   early   inventors   of   heavier…than…air   machines   Sir
  Hiram Maxim; who; though an American by birth; has spent most of his
  life in Britain and may therefore be called a British inventor。
  Perhaps     to   most    of  us   this  inventor's    name     is  known     more    in
  connection with the famous 〃Maxim〃 gun; which he designed; and which
  was   named   after   him。   But   as   early   as   1894;   when   the   construction   of
  aeroplanes was in a very backward state; Sir Hiram succeeded in making
  an interesting and ingenious aeroplane; which he proposed to drive by a
  particularly light steam…engine。
  Sir Hiram's first machine; which was made in 1890; was designed to
  be guided by a double set of rails; one set arranged below and the other
  above   its   running   wheels。   The   intention   was   to   make   the   machine   raise
  itself just off the ground rails; but yet be prevented from soaring by the set
  of guard rails above the wheels; which acted as a check on it。 The motive
  force was given by a very powerful steam…engine of over 300 horse…power;
  and this drove two enormous propellers; some 17 feet in length。 The total
  weight   of   the   machine   was   8000   pounds;   but   even   with   this   enormous
  weight the engine was capable of raising the machine from the ground。
  For three or four years Sir Hiram made numerous experiments with his
  aeroplane;   but   in   1894   it   broke   through   the   upper   guard   rail   and   turned
  itself over among the surrounding trees; wrecking itself badly。
  But though the Maxim aeroplane did not yield very practical results; it
  proved that if a lighter but more powerful engine could be made; the chief
  difficulty   iii   the   way   of   aerial   flight   would   be   removed。   This   was   soon
  forthcoming       in  the  invention    of  the   petrol   motor。   In  a  lecture   to  the
  Scottish Aeronautical Society; delivered in Glasgow in November; 1913;
  Sir Hiram claimed to be the inventor of the first machine which actually
  rose  from  the   earth。   Before   the  distinguished   inventor   spoke  of   his   own
  … Page 58…
  work   in   aviation   he   recalled   experiments   made   by   his   father   in   1856…7;
  when Sir Hiram was sixteen years of age。 The flying machine designed by
  the elder Maxim consisted of a small platform; which it was proposed to
  lift directly into the air by the action of two screw…propellers revolving in
  reverse directions。 For a motor the inventor intended to employ some kind
  of   explosive     material;   gunpowder       preferred;   but   the  lecturer   distinctly
  remembered that his father said that if an apparatus could be successfully
  navigated through the air it would be of such inevitable value as a military
  engine that no matter how much it might cost to run it would be used by
  Of his own claim as an inventor of air…craft it would be well to quote
  Sir    Hiram's    actual    words;    as   given   by   the   Glasgow      Herald;    which
  contained a full report of the lecture。
  〃Some forty years ago; when I commenced to think of the subject; my
  first   idea   was   to   lift   my   machint   by   vertical   propellers;   and   I   actually
  commenced drawings and made calculations for a machine on that plan;
  using an oil motor; or something like a Brayton engine; for motive power。
  However; I was completely unable to work out any system which would
  not be too heavy to lift itself directly into the air; and it was only when I
  commenced to study the aeroplane system that it became apparent to me
  that   it   would be   possible to   make   a   machine   light   enough   and   powerful
  enough to raise itself without the agency of a balloon。 From the first I was
  convinced that it would be quite out of the question to employ a balloon in
  any form。 At that time the light high…speed petrol motor had no existence。
  The only power available being steam…engines; I made all my calculations
  with a view of using steam as the motive power。 While I was studying the
  question of the possibility of making a flying machine that would actually
  fly; I became convinced that there was but one system to work on; and that
  was   the   aeroplane   system。