第 7 节
作者:疯狂热线      更新:2021-03-16 00:35      字数:9321
  method;  of steering   their   craft。  One inventor suggested   the hoisting  of   a
  huge sail at the side of the envelope; but when this was done the balloon
  simply   turned   round   with   the   sail   to   the   front。   It   had   no   effect   on   the
  direction     of   flight  of   the   balloon。    〃Would     not   a  rudder     be  of   use?〃
  someone asked。 This plan was also tried; but was equally unsuccessful。
  Perhaps   some   of   us   may   wonder   how   it   is   that   a   rudder   is   not   as
  serviceable   on   a   balloon   as   it   is   on   the   stern   of   a   boat。   Have   you   ever
  found   yourself   in   a   boat   on   a   calm   day;   drifting   idly   down   stream;   and
  going just as fast as the stream goes? Work the rudder how you may; you
  will not alter the boat's course。 But supposing your boat moves faster than
  the stream; or by some means or other is made to travel slower than the
  current; then your rudder will act; and you may take what direction you
  It was soon seen that if some method could be adopted whereby the
  balloon   moved   through   the   air   faster   or   slower   than   the   wind;   then   the
  aeronaut   would   be   able   to   steer   it。   Nowadays   a   balloon's   pace   can   be
  accelerated by means of a powerful motor…engine; but the invention of the
  petrol…engine   is   very   recent。   Indeed;   the   cause   of   the   long   delay   in   the
  construction of a steerable balloon was that a suitable engine could not be
  found。     A   steam…engine;      with    a  boiler   of  sufficient    power    to   propel    a
  … Page 25…
  balloon; is so heavy that it would require a balloon of impossible size to
  lift it。
  One of the first serious attempts to steer a balloon by means of engine
  power was that made by M。 Giffard in 1852。 Giffard's balloon was about
  100 feet long and 40 feet in diameter; and resembled in shape an elongated
  cigar。 A  3…horse…power   steam…engine;   weighing   nearly   500   pounds;   was
  provided   to   work   a   propeller;   but   the   enormous   weight   was   so   great   in
  proportion to the lifting power of the balloon that for a time the aeronaut
  could     not   leave    the   ground。     After   several     experiments      the   inventor
  succeeded   in   ascending;   when   he   obtained   a   speed   against   the   wind   of
  about 6 miles an hour。
  A balloon of great historical interest was that invented by Dtipuy du
  Lonie; in the year 1872。 Instead of using steam he employed a number of
  men to propel the craft; and with this air…ship he hoped to communicate
  with the besieged city of Paris。
  His greatest speed against a moderate breeze was only about 5 miles
  an hour; and   the endurance of the   men did not   allow of   even this   speed
  being kept up for long at a time。
  Dupuy foreshadowed the construction of the modern dirigible air…ship
  by inventing a system of suspension links which connected the car to the
  envelope; and he also used an internal ballonet similar to those described
  in Chapter X。
  In   the   year   1883   Tissandier   invented   a   steerable   balloon   which   was
  fitted   with   an   electric   motor   of   1   1/2   horse…power。   This   motor   drove   a
  propeller;     and   a  speed     of  about    8  miles    an   hour   was    attained。    It  is
  interesting   to   contrast   the   power   obtained   from   this   engine   with   that   of
  recent Zeppelin air…ships; each of which is fitted with three or four engines;
  capable of producing over 800 horse…power。
  The   first   instance   on   record   of   an   air…ship   being   steered   back   to   its
  starting…point   was   that   of   La   France。 This   air…craft   was   the   invention   of
  two   French   army   captains;   Reynard   and   Krebs。   By   special   and   much…
  improved electric motors a speed of about 14 miles an hour was attained。
  Thus;     step   by   step;   progress     was    made;    but   notwithstanding        the
  promising results it was quite evident that the engines were far too heavy
  … Page 26…
  in proportion to the power they supplied。 At length; however; the internal…
  combustion engine; such as is used in motor…cars; arrived; and it became at
  last possible to solve the great problem of constructing a really…serviceable;
  steerable balloon。
  … Page 27…
  CHAPTER IX The Strange Career of Count
  In   Berlin;   on   March   8;   1917;   there passed   away  a   man   whose   name
  will be remembered as long as the English language is spoken。 For Count
  Zeppelin belongs to that little band of men who giving birth to a work of
  genius   have   also   given   their   names   to   the   christening   of   it;   and   so   the
  patronymic will pass down the ages。
  In   the   most   sinister   sense   of   the   expression   Count   Zeppelin   may   be
  said to have left his mark deep down upon the British race。 In course of
  time many old scores are forgiven and forgotten; but the Zeppelin raids on
  England will survive; if only as a curious failure。 Their failure was both
  material and moral。 Anti…aircraft guns and our intrepid airmen brought one
  after another of these destructive monsters blazing to the ground; and their
  work     of  〃frightfulness〃     was    taken   up   by   the  aeroplane;     while    more
  lamentable still was the failure of the Zeppelin as an instrument of terror
  to the civil population。 In the long list of German miscalculations must be
  included   that   which   pictured   the   victims   of   bombardment   from   the   air
  crying out in terror for peace at any price。
  Before the war Count Zeppelin was regarded by the British public as
  rather a picturesque personality。 He appeared in the romantic guise of the
  inventor   struggling   against   difficulties   and   disasters   which   would   soon
  have   overwhelmed   a   man   of   less   resolute   character。   Even   old   age   was
  included in his handicap; for he was verging on seventy when still arming
  against a sea of troubles。
  The ebb and flow of his fortunes were followed with intense interest in
  this country; and it is not too much to say that the many disasters which
  overtook his air…ships in their experimental stages were regarded as world…
  wide calamities。
  When;   finally;   the   Count   stood   on   the   brink   of   ruin   and   the   Kaiser
  stepped forward as his saviour; something like a cheer went up from the
  British public at this theatrical episode。 Little did the audience realize what
  was    to  be   the  outcome     of   the  association    between     these   callous   and
  … Page 28…
  masterful minds。
  And now for a brief sketch of Count Zeppelin's life…story。 He was born
  in   1838;   in   a   monastery   on   an   island   in   Lake   Constance。   His   love   of
  adventure took him to America; and when he was about twenty…five years
  of   age   he   took   part   in   the   American   Civil   War。   Here   he   made   his   first
  aerial ascent in a balloon belonging to the Federal army; and in this way
  made that acquaintance with aeronautics which became the ruling passion
  of his life。
  After the war was over he returned to Germany; only to find another
  war awaiting himthe Austro…Prussian campaign。 Later on he took part in
  the Franco…Prussian War; and in both campaigns he emerged unscathed。
  But   his   heart   was   not   in  the   profession   of   soldiering。   He   had   the
  restless mind of the inventor; and when he retired; a general; after twenty
  years'   military   service;   he   was   free   to   give   his   whole   attention   to   his
  dreams of aerial navigation。 His greatest ambition was to make his country
  pre…eminent in aerial greatness。
  Friends   to   whom   he     revealed    his  inmost    thoughts    laughed     at  him
  behind his back; and considered that he was 〃a little bit wrong in his head〃。
  Certainly his ideas of a huge aerial fleet appeared most extravagant; for it
  must be remembered that the motor…engine had not then arrived; and there
  appeared no reasonable prospect of its invention。
  Perseverance; however; was the dominant feature of Count Zeppelin's
  character; he refused to be beaten。 His difficulties were formidable。 In the
  first   place;   he