第 71 节
作者:无边的寒冷      更新:2021-03-11 18:29      字数:9322
  why the Permatang Pasir men would not go with us through the jungle to
  A vile fiend called the penangalan takes possession of the forms of
  women; turns them into witches; and compels them to quit the greater
  part of their bodies; and flyaway by night to gratify a vampire craving
  for human blood。 This is very like one of the ghoul stories in the
  _Arabian Nights Entertainments_。 Then they have a specter huntsman with
  demon dogs who roams the forests; and a storm fiend who rides the
  whirlwind; and spirits borrowed from Persia and Arabia。 It almost seems
  as if the severe monotheism to which they have been converted compels
  them to create a gigantic demonology。
  They have also many odd but harmless superstitions: For instance; that
  certain people have the power of making themselves invulnerable by the
  agency of spirits; that the regalia of the States are possessed of
  supernatural powers; that the wearing of a tiger claw prevents disease;
  that rude 〃Aeolian harps〃 hung up in trees will keep the forest goblins
  from being troublesome; that charms and amulets worn or placed about a
  house ward off many evils; that at dangerous rapids; such as those of
  Jerom Pangong on the Perak river; the spirits must be propitiated by
  offerings of betel…nut and bananas; that to insure good luck a betel…
  chewer must invariably spit to the left; that it is unlucky either to
  repair or pull down a house; that spirits can be propitiated and
  diseases can be kept away by hanging up palm leaves and cages in the
  neighborhood of kampongs; and many others。 They also believe as firmly
  as the Chinese do in auspicious and inauspicious days; spells; magic;
  and a species of astrology。 I hope that Mr。 Maxwell will publish his
  investigations into these subjects。
  〃Running amuck〃 (amok) is supposed by some to be the result of
  〃possession;〃 but now; at least; it is comparatively uncommon in these
  States。 A Malay is on some points excessively sensitive regarding his
  honor; and to wipe out a stain upon it by assassinating the offender is
  considered as correct and in accordance with etiquette as dueling
  formerly was in our own country。 In cases; however; in which the
  offender is of higher rank than the injured man; the latter in despair
  sometimes resorts to opium; and; rushing forth in a frenzy; slays all
  he can lay hands upon。  This indiscriminate slaying is the amok proper。
  In certain cases; such as those arising out of jealousy; the desire for
  vengeance gains absolute possession of a Malay。 Mr。  Newbold says that
  he has seen letters regarding insults in which the writers say; 〃I
  ardently long for his blood to clean my face;〃 or 〃I ardently long for
  his blood to wash out the pollution of the hog's flesh with which he
  has smeared me!〃
  Considering how punctilious and courteous the Malays are; how rough
  many of the best of us are; how brutal in manner many of us are; and
  how inconsiderate our sailors are of the customs of foreign peoples;
  especially in regard to the seclusion of their women; it is wonderful
  that bloody revenge is not more common than it is。
  〃Amok〃 means a furious and reckless onset。 When Mr。 Birch was murdered;
  the cry 〃amok! amok!〃 was raised; and the passion of murder seized on
  all present。 Only about a year ago one of the sons of the Rajah Muda
  Yusuf; a youth of twenty; was suddenly seized with this monomania; drew
  his kris; and rushing at people killed six; wounded two; and then
  escaped into the jungle。 Major M'Nair says that a Malay; in speaking of
  amok; says: 〃My eyes got dark; and I ran on。〃
  In Malacca Captain Shaw told me that 〃running amuck〃 was formerly very
  common; and that on an expedition he made; one of his own attendants
  was suddenly seized with the 〃amok〃 frenzy。 He mentioned that he had
  known of as many as forty people being injured by a single 〃amok〃
  runner。 When the cry 〃amok! amok!〃 is raised; people fly to the right
  and left for shelter; for after the blinded madman's kris has once
  〃drank blood;〃 his fury becomes ungovernable; his sole desire is to
  kill; he strikes here and there; men fall along his course; he stabs
  fugitives in the back; his kris drips blood; he rushes on yet more
  wildly; blood and murder in his course; there are shrieks and groans;
  his bloodshot eyes start from their sockets; his frenzy gives him
  unnatural strength; then all of a sudden he drops; shot through the
  heart; or from sudden exhaustion; clutching his bloody kris even in the
  act of rendering up his life。
  As his desire is to kill everybody; so; as he rushes on; everybody's
  desire is to kill him; and gashed from behind or wounded by shots; his
  course is often red with his own blood。 Under English rule the great
  object of the police is to take the 〃amok〃 runner alive; and have him
  tried like an ordinary criminal for murder; and if he can be brought to
  bay; as he sometimes is; they succeed in pinning him to the wall by
  means of such a stout two…pronged fork as I saw kept for the purpose in
  Malacca。 Usually; however the fate of the 〃amok〃 runner is a violent
  death; and men feel no more scruple about killing him in his frenzy
  than they would about killing a man…eating tiger。 I hear that this form
  of frenzy affects the Malays of all the islands of the Archipelago。
  Some people attribute it to the excessive use of opium by unprepared
  constitutions; and others to monomania arising from an unusual form of
  digestive disturbance; but from it being peculiar to Malays; I rather
  incline to Major M'Nair's view: 〃There can be no doubt that the amok
  had its origin in the deed of some desperate Malay; that tradition
  handed it down to his highly…sensitive successors; and the example was
  followed and continues to be followed as the right thing to do by those
  who are excited to frenzy by apprehension; or by some injury that they
  regard as deadly; and only to be washed out in blood。〃
  I have been interrupted by a visit from two disconsolate…looking
  Ceylon planters; who have come 〃prospecting〃 for coffee。 An
  enterprising son of an Edinburgh 〃Bailie〃 has been trying
  coffee…planting beyond the Perak; but he has got into difficulties with
  his laborers; and is 〃getting out of it。〃 This difficulty about labor
  will possibly have to be solved by the introduction of coolies from
  India; for the Malays won't work except for themselves; and the Chinese
  not only prefer the excitement of mining; and the evening hubbub of the
  mining towns; but in lonely places they are not always very manageable
  by people unused to them。
  Even for clearing the jungle foreign labor must be employed。 Perak is a
  healthy and splendid State; and while the low grounds are suited for
  sugar; tapioca; and tobacco; the slopes of the hills will produce
  coffee; cinchona; vanilla; tea; cloves; and nutmegs。 It is a land of
  promise; but at present of promise only! I understand that to start a
  plantation a capital of from 2;500 pounds to 3;500 pounds would be
  required。 Jungle is cleared at the rate of 25s。  per acre。 The wages of
  Javanese coolies are 1s。 a day; and a hut which will hold fifty of them
  can be put up for 5 pounds。 Land can be had for three years free of
  charge。 It is then granted in perpetuity for a dollar an acre; and
  there is a tax of 2…1/2 per cent。 on exported produce。 These
  arrangements are not regarded as altogether satisfactory; and will
  probably be improved upon。 Tell some of our friends who have sons with
  practical good sense; but more muscle than brains; that there are
  openings in the jungles of Perak!  Good sense; perseverance;
  steadiness; and a degree of knowledge of planting; are; however;
  preliminary requisites。
  The two 〃prospectors〃 look as if they had heard couleur de rose
  reports; and had not 〃struck ile。〃 Possibly they expected to find
  hotels and macadamized roads。 Roads must precede planting; I think;
  unless there are available lands near the rivers。
  I have mentioned slavery and debt…slavery more than once。  The latter
  is a great curse in Perak; and being a part of 〃Malay custom〃 which our
  treaties bind us to respect; it is very difficult to deal with。 In the
  little States of Sungei Ujong and Selangor; with their handful of
  Malays; it has been abolished with comparative ease。 In Perak; with its
  comparatively large Malay population; about four thousand are slaves;
  and the case seems full of complications。
  Undoubtedly the existence of slavery has been one cause of the decay of
  the native States; and of the exodus of Malays into the British
  settlements。 Some people palliate the system; and speak of it as 〃a
  mild form of domestic servitude;〃 but Mr。 Birch; the late murdered
  Resident; wrote of it in these strong terms: 〃I believe that the system
  as practiced in Perak at the present time involves evils and cruelties
  which are unknown to any but those who have actually lived in these
  From the moment a man or woman becomes a debtor; he or she; if unable
  to pay; may be taken up by the creditor; and may be treated as a slave;
  being made to work in any way that the creditor chooses; the debtor's
  earnings belonging to the creditor; who allows no credit toward the
  reduction of the debt。 To make the hardship greater; if a relative or
  friend comes forw