第 4 节
作者:想聊      更新:2021-03-11 17:49      字数:9319
  thought; but in any case it is likely that when Garcia went out of his way
  to tell   him  that it   was   one it   was   really not   more  than twelve。  If  Garcia
  could do whatever he had to do and be back by the hour mentioned he had
  evidently a powerful reply to any accusation。 Here was this irreproachable
  Englishman ready to swear in any court of law that the accused was in the
  house all the time。 It was an insurance against the worst。〃
  〃Yes; yes; I see that。 But how about the disappearance of the others?〃
  〃I   have    not   all  my    facts   yet;   but   I  do   not   think   there    are  any
  insuperable difficulties。 Still; it is an error to argue in front of your data。
  You find yourself insensibly twisting them round to fit your theories。〃
  〃And the message?〃
  〃How   did   it   run?   'Our   own   colours;   green   and   white。'   Sounds   like
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  The Adventure of Wisteria Lodge
  racing。 'Green open; white shut。' That is clearly a signal。 'Main stair; first
  corridor; seventh right; green baize。' This is an assignation。 We may find a
  jealous husband at the bottom of it all。 It was clearly a dangerous quest。
  She would not have said 'Godspeed' had it not been so。 'D'that should be
  a guide。〃
  〃The   man   was   a   Spaniard。   I   suggest   that   'D'   stands   for   Dolores;   a
  common female name in Spain。〃
  〃Good; Watson; very goodbut quite inadmissable。 A Spaniard would
  write to a Spaniard in Spanish。 The writer of this note is certainly English。
  Well;     we   can   only   possess     our   soul  in   patience    until  this   excellent
  inspector come back for us。 Meanwhile we can thank our lucky fate which
  has   rescued   us   for   a   few   short   hours   from   the   insufferable   fatigues   of
  An answer had arrived to Holmes's telegram before our Surrey officer
  had   returned。   Holmes   read   it   and   was   about   to   place   it   in   his   notebook
  when he caught a glimpse of my expectant face。 He tossed it across with a
  〃We are moving in exalted circles;〃 said he。
  The telegram was a list of names and addresses:
  Lord Harringby; The Dingle; Sir George Ffolliott; Oxshott Towers; Mr。
  Hynes Hynes; J。P。; Purdley Place; Mr。 James Baker Williams; Forton Old
  Hall; Mr。 Henderson; High Gable; Rev。 Joshua Stone; Nether Walsling。
  〃This is a very obvious way of limiting our field of operations;〃 said
  Holmes。       〃No   doubt    Baynes;     with    his  methodical      mind;    has   already
  adopted some similar plan。〃
  〃I don't quite understand。〃
  〃Well; my dear fellow; we have already arrived at the conclusion that
  the    massage     received    by  Garcia    at  dinner    was   an   appointment      or  an
  assignation。  Now;  if   the obvious   reading of   it   is   correct;  and   in order   to
  keep the tryst one has to ascend a main stair and seek the seventh door in a
  corridor; it is perfectly clear that the house is a very large one。 It is equally
  certain that this house cannot be more than a mile or two from Oxshott;
  since   Garcia   was   walking   in   that   direction   and   hoped;   according   to   my
  reading of the facts; to be back in Wisteria Lodge in time to avail himself
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  of an alibi; which would only be valid up to one o'clock。 As the number of
  large   houses   close   to   Oxshott   must   be   limited;   I   adopted   the   obvious
  method of sending to the agents mentioned by Scott Eccles and obtaining
  a   list   of   them。   Here   they   are   in   this   telegram;   and   the   other   end   of   our
  tangled skein must lie among them。〃
  It   was   nearly   six   o'clock   before   we   found   ourselves   in   the   pretty
  Surrey village of Esher; with Inspector Baynes as our companion。
  Holmes   and   I had   taken   things   for   the   night;  and   found   comfortable
  quarters at the Bull。 Finally we set out in the company of the detective on
  our   visit   to   Wisteria   Lodge。   It   was   a   cold;   dark   March   evening;   with   a
  sharp wind and a fine rain beating upon our faces; a fit setting for the wild
  common over which our road passed and the tragic goal to which it led us。
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  The Adventure of Wisteria Lodge
  2。 The Tiger of San Pedro
  A cold and melancholy walk of a couple of miles brought us to a high
  wooden      gate;   which    opened     into  a  gloomy     avenue     of  chestnuts。    The
  curved   and   shadowed   drive   led   us   to   a   low;   dark   house;   pitch…   black
  against a slate…coloured sky。 From the front window upon the left of the
  door there peeped a glimmer of a feeble light。
  〃There's   a   constable   in   possession;〃   said   Baynes。   〃I'll   knock   at   the
  window。〃 He stepped across the grass plot and tapped with his hand on the
  pane。 Through the fogged glass I dimly saw a man spring up from a chair
  beside   the   fire;   and   heard   a   sharp   cry  from   within   the   room。 An   instant
  later   a   white…faced;   hard…   breathing   policeman   had   opened   the   door;   the
  candle wavering in his trembling hand。
  〃What's the matter; Walters?〃 asked Baynes sharply。
  The man mopped his forehead with his handkerchief and agave a long
  sigh of relief。
  〃I am glad you have come; sir。 It has been a long evening; and I don't
  think my nerve is as good as it was。〃
  〃Your nerve; Walters?   I should not   have thought   you   had   a  nerve   in
  your body。〃
  〃Well;   sir;   it's  this   lonely;  silent   house   and  the   queer  thing   in  the
  kitchen。   Then   when   you   tapped   at   the   window   I   thought   it   had   come
  〃That what had come again?〃
  〃The devil; sir; for all I know。 It was at the window。〃
  〃What was at the window; and when?〃
  〃It   was   just   about   two   hours   ago。   The   light   was   just   fading。   I   was
  sitting reading in the chair。 I don't know what made me look up; but there
  was a face looking in at me through the lower pane。 Lord; sir; what a face
  it was! I'll see it in my dreams。〃
  〃Tut; tut; Walters。 This is not talk for a police…constable。〃
  〃I know; sir; I know; but it shook me; sir; and there's no use to deny it。
  It wasn't black; sir; nor was it white; nor any colour that I know but a kind
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  of queer shade like clay with a splash of milk in it。 Then there was the size
  of itit was twice yours; sir。 And the look of itthe great staring goggle
  eyes;   and   the   line   of   white   teeth   like   a   hungry   beast。   I   tell   you;   sir;   I
  couldn't move a   finger; nor get   my breath;  till it whisked   away and   was
  gone。 Out I ran and through the shrubbery; but thank God there was no one
  〃If I didn't know you were a good man; Walters; I should put a black
  mark against you for this。 If it were the devil himself a constable on duty
  should   never   thank   God   that   he   could   not   lay   his   hands   upon   him。   I
  suppose the whole thing is not a vision and a touch of nerves?〃
  〃That; at least; is very easily settled;〃 said Holmes; lighting his little
  pocket lantern。 〃Yes;〃 he reported; after a short examination of the grass
  bed; 〃a number twelve shoe; I should say。 If he was all on the same scale
  as his foot he must certainly have been a giant。〃
  〃What became of him?〃
  〃He   seems   to   have   broken   through   the   shrubbery   and   made   for   the
  〃Well;〃 said the inspector with a grave and thoughtful face; 〃whoever
  he may have been; and whatever he may have wanted; he's gone for the
  present;    and   we    have   more    immediate      things   to  attend   to。  Now;    Mr。
  Holmes; with your permission; I will show you round the house。〃
  The    various    bedrooms      and   sitting…rooms     had   yielded   nothing    to  a
  careful search。 Apparently  the  tenants   had brought   little   or   nothing   with
  them;   and   all   the   furniture   down   to   the   smallest   details   had   been   taken
  over with the house。 A good deal of clothing with the stamp of Marx and
  Co。; High Holborn; had been left behind。 Telegraphic inquiries had been
  already made which showed that Marx knew nothing of his customer save
  that he was a good payer。 Odds and ends; some pipes; a few novels; two of
  them   in   Spanish;