第 43 节
作者:铲除不公      更新:2021-03-08 19:38      字数:9322
  speaking of the difficulty of introducing improvements in the arts
  and manufactures; and of the prejudices entertained for old
  practices; that; in Normandy; the farmers had been so long accustomed
  to the use of plough's whose shares were made entirely of WOOD that
  they could not be prevailed on to make trial of those with IRON; that
  they considered them to be an idle and useless innovation on the
  long…established practices of their ancestors; and that they carried
  these prejudices so far as to force the government to issue an edict
  on the subject。  And even to the last they were so obstinate in their
  attachment to ploughshares of wood that a tumultuous opposition was
  made to the enforcement of the edict; which for a short time
  threatened a rebellion in the province。 PARKES; Chemical Essays;
  4th Ed。 473。
  It is; no doubt; natural that the ordinary class of workmen should
  regard with prejudice; if not with hostility; the introduction of
  machines calculated to place them at a disadvantage and to interfere
  with their usual employments; for to poor and not very far…seeing men
  the loss of daily bread is an appalling prospect。  But invention does
  not stand still on that account。  Human brains WILL work。  Old tools
  are improved and new ones invented; superseding existing methods of
  production; though the weak and unskilled may occasionally be pushed
  aside or even trodden under foot。  The consolation which remains is;
  that while the few suffer; society as a whole is vastly benefitted by
  the improved methods of production which are suggested; invented; and
  perfected by the experience of successive generations。
  The living race is the inheritor of the industry and skill of all
  past times; and the civilization we enjoy is but the sum of the
  useful effects of labour during the past centuries。  Nihil per saltum。
  By slow and often painful steps Nature's secrets have been mastered。
  Not an effort has been made but has had its influence。  For no human
  labour is altogether lost; some remnant of useful effect surviving
  for the benefit of the race; if not of the individual。  Even attempts
  apparently useless have not really been so; but have served in some
  way to advance man to higher knowledge; skill; or discipline。  〃The
  loss of a position gained;〃 says Professor Thomson; 〃is an event
  unknown in the history of man's struggle with the forces of inanimate
  nature。〃  A single step won gives a firmer foothold for further
  effort。  The man may die; but the race survives and continues the
  work;to use the poet's simile; mounting on stepping…stones of dead
  selves to higher selves。
  Philarete Chasles; indeed; holds that it is the Human Race that is
  your true inventor:  〃As if to unite all generations;〃 he says; 〃and
  to show that man can only act efficiently by association with others;
  it has been ordained that each inventor shall only interpret the
  first word of the problem he sets himself to solve; and that every
  great idea shall be the RESUME of the past at the same time that it
  is the germ of the future。〃  And rarely does it happen that any
  discovery or invention of importance is made by one man alone。  The
  threads of inquiry are taken up and traced; one labourer succeeding
  another; each tracing it a little further; often without apparent
  result。  This goes on sometimes for centuries; until at length some
  man; greater perhaps than his fellows; seeking to fulfil the needs of
  his time; gathers the various threads together; treasures up the gain
  of past successes and failures; and uses them as the means for some
  solid achievement; Thus Newton discovered the law of gravitation; and
  thus James Watt invented the steam…engine。  So also of the Locomotive;
  of which Robert Stephenson said; 〃It has not been the invention of
  any one man; but of a race of mechanical engineers。〃  Or; as Joseph
  Bramah observed; in the preamble to his second Lock patent; 〃Among
  the number of patents granted there are comparatively few which can
  be called original so that it is difficult to say where the boundary
  of one ends and where that of another begins。〃
  The arts are indeed reared but slowly; and it was a wise observation
  of Lord Bacon that we are too apt to pass those ladders by which they
  have been reared; and reflect the whole merit on the last new
  performer。  Thus; what is hailed as an original invention is often
  found to be but the result of a long succession of trials and
  experiments gradually following each other; which ought rather to be
  considered as a continuous series of achievements of the human mind
  than as the conquest of any single individual。  It has sometimes taken
  centuries of experience to ascertain the value of a single fact in
  its various bearings。  Like man himself; experience is feeble and
  apparently purposeless in its infancy; but acquires maturity and
  strength with age。  Experience; however; is not limited to a lifetime;
  but is the stored…up wealth and power of our race。  Even amidst the
  death of successive generations it is constantly advancing and
  accumulating; exhibiting at the same time the weakness and the power;
  the littleness and the greatness of our common humanity。  And not only
  do we who live succeed to the actual results of our predecessors'
  labours;to their works of learning and of art; their inventions and
  discoveries; their tools and machines; their roads; bridges ; canals;
  and railways;but to the inborn aptitudes of blood and brain which
  they bequeath to us; to that 〃educability;〃 so to speak; which has
  been won for us by the labours of many generations; and forms our
  richest natural heritage。
  The beginning of most inventions is very remote。  The first idea; born
  within some unknown brain; passes thence into others; and at last
  comes forth complete; after a parturition; it may be; of centuries。
  One starts the idea; another developes it; and so on progressively
  until at last it is elaborated and worked out in practice; but the
  first not less than the last is entitled to his share in the merit of
  the invention; were it only possible to measure and apportion it
  duly。  Sometimes a great original mind strikes upon some new vein of
  hidden power; and gives a powerful impulse to the inventive faculties
  of man; which lasts through generations。  More frequently; however;
  inventions are not entirely new; but modifications of contrivances
  previously known; though to a few; and not yet brought into practical
  use。  Glancing back over the history of mechanism; we occasionally see
  an invention seemingly full born; when suddenly it drops out of
  sight; and we hear no more of it for centuries。  It is taken up de
  novo by some inventor; stimulated by the needs of his time; and
  falling again upon the track; he recovers the old footmarks; follows
  them up; and completes the work。
  There is also such a thing as inventions being born before their time
  the advanced mind of one generation projecting that which cannot be
  executed for want of the requisite means; but in due process of time;
  when mechanism has got abreast of the original idea; it is at length
  carried out; and thus it is that modern inventors are enabled to
  effect many objects which their predecessors had tried in vain to
  accomplish。  As Louis Napoleon has said; 〃Inventions born before their
  time must remain useless until the level of common intellects rises
  to comprehend them。〃  For this reason; misfortune is often the lot of
  the inventor before his time; though glory and profit may belong to
  his successors。  Hence the gift of inventing not unfrequently involves
  a yoke of sorrow。  Many of the greatest inventors have lived neglected
  and died unrequited; before their merits could be recognised and
  estimated。  Even if they succeed; they often raise up hosts of enemies
  in the persons whose methods they propose to supersede。  Envy; malice;
  and detraction meet them in all their forms; they are assailed by
  combinations of rich and unscrupulous persons to wrest from them the
  profits of their ingenuity; and last and worst of all; the successful
  inventor often finds his claims to originality decried; and himself
  branded as a copyist and a pirate。
  Among the inventions born out of time; and before the world could
  make adequate use of them; we can only find space to allude to a few;
  though they are so many that one is almost disposed to accept the
  words of Chaucer as true; that 〃There is nothing new but what has
  once been old;〃 or; as another writer puts it; 〃There is nothing new
  but what has before been known and forgotten;〃 or; in the words of
  Solomon; 〃The thing that hath been is that which shall be; and there
  is no new thing under the sun。〃  One of the most important of these is
  the use of Steam; which was well known to the ancients; but though it
  was used to grind drugs; to turn a spit; and to excite the wonder and
  fear of the credulous; a long time elapsed before it became employed
  as a useful mot