第 7 节
作者:九十八度      更新:2021-02-27 02:59      字数:9322
  Then Marie rose from her seat; and walking round she touched Adolphe
  lightly on the shoulder。  〃Adolphe;〃 she said; 〃it is for you to
  speak now。  I will do as you bid me。〃
  He gave a long sigh; looked first at Marie and then at his mother;
  shook himself slightly; and then spoke:  〃Upon my word; Marie; I
  think mother is right。  It would never do for us to marry; it would
  not indeed。〃
  〃Then it is decided;〃 said Marie; returning to her chair。
  〃And you will marry the capitaine?〃 said La Mere Bauche。
  Marie merely bowed her head in token of acquiescence。  〃Then we are
  friends again。  Come here; Marie; and kiss me。  You must know that it
  is my duty to take care of my own son。  But I don't want to be angry
  with you if I can help it; I don't indeed。  When once you are Madame
  Campan; you shall be my own child; and you shall have any room in the
  house you like to choosethere!〃  And she once more imprinted a kiss
  on Marie's cold forehead。
  How they all got out of the room; and off to their own chambers; I
  can hardly tell。  But in five minutes from the time of this last kiss
  they were divided。  La Mere Bauche had patted Marie; and smiled on
  her; and called her her dear good little Madame Campan; her young
  little Mistress of the Hotel Bauche; and had then got herself into
  her own room; satisfied with her own victory。
  Nor must my readers be too severe on Madame Bauche。  She had already
  done much for Marie Clavert; and when she found herself once more by
  her own bedside; she prayed to be forgiven for the cruelty which she
  felt that she had shown to the orphan。  But in making this prayer;
  with her favourite crucifix in her hand and the little image of the
  Virgin before her; she pleaded her duty to her son。  Was it not
  right; she asked the Virgin; that she should save her son from a bad
  marriage?  And then she promised ever so much of recompense; both to
  the Virgin and to Marie; a new trousseau for each; with candles to
  the Virgin; with a gold watch and chain for Marie; as soon as she
  should be Marie Campan。  She had been cruel; she acknowledged it。
  But at such a crisis was it not defensible?  And then the recompense
  should be so full!
  But there was one other meeting that night; very short indeed; but
  not the less significant。  Not long after they had all separated;
  just so long as to allow of the house being quiet; Adolphe; still
  sitting in his room; meditating on what the day had done for him;
  heard a low tap at his door。  〃Come in;〃 he said; as men always do
  say; and Marie opening the door; stood just within the verge of his
  chamber。  She had on her countenance neither the soft look of
  entreating love which she had worn up there in the grotto; nor did
  she appear crushed and subdued as she had done before his mother。
  She carried her head somewhat more erect than usual; and looked
  boldly out at him from under her soft eyelashes。  There might still
  be love there; but it was love proudly resolving to quell itself。
  Adolphe; as he looked at her; felt that he was afraid of her。
  〃It is all over then between us; M。 Adolphe?〃 she said。
  〃Well; yes。  Don't you think it had better be so; eh; Marie?〃
  〃And this is the meaning of oaths and vows; sworn to each other so
  〃But; Marie; you heard what my mother said。〃
  〃Oh; sir!  I have not come to ask you again to love me。  Oh no!  I am
  not thinking of that。  But this; this would be a lie if I kept it
  now; it would choke me if I wore it as that man's wife。  Take it
  back;〃 and she tendered to him the little charm which she had always
  worn round her neck since he had given it to her。  He took it
  abstractedly; without thinking what he did; and placed it on his
  〃And you;〃 she continued; 〃can you still keep that cross?  Oh; no!
  you must give me back that。  It would remind you too often of vows
  that were untrue。〃
  〃Marie;〃 he said; 〃do not be so harsh to me。〃
  〃Harsh!〃 said she; 〃no; there has been enough of harshness。  I would
  not be harsh to you; Adolphe。  But give me the cross; it would prove
  a curse to you if you kept it。〃
  He then opened a little box which stood upon the table; and taking
  out the cross gave it to her。
  〃And now good…bye;〃 she said。  〃We shall have but little more to say
  to each other。  I know this now; that I was wrong ever to have loved
  you。  I should have been to you as one of the other poor girls in the
  house。  But; oh! how was I to help it?〃  To this he made no answer;
  and she; closing the door softly; went back to her chamber。  And thus
  ended the first day of Adolphe Bauche's return to his own house。
  On the next morning the capitaine and Marie were formally betrothed。
  This was done with some little ceremony; in the presence of all the
  guests who were staying at the establishment; and with all manner of
  gracious acknowledgments of Marie's virtues。  It seemed as though La
  Mere Bauche could not be courteous enough to her。  There was no more
  talk of her being a child of charity; no more allusion now to the
  gutter。  La Mere Bauche with her own hand brought her cake with a
  glass of wine after her betrothal was over; and patted her on the
  cheek; and called her her dear little Marie Campan。  And then the
  capitaine was made up of infinite politeness; and the guests all
  wished her joy; and the servants of the house began to perceive that
  she was a person entitled to respect。  How different was all this
  from that harsh attack that was made on her the preceding evening!
  Only Adolphe;he alone kept aloof。  Though he was present there he
  said nothing。  He; and he only; offered no congratulations。
  In the midst of all these gala doings Marie herself said little or
  nothing。  La Mere Bauche perceived this; but she forgave it。  Angrily
  as she had expressed herself at the idea of Marie's daring to love
  her son; she had still acknowledged within her own heart that such
  love had been natural。  She could feel no pity for Marie as long as
  Adolphe was in danger; but now she knew how to pity her。  So Marie
  was still petted and still encouraged; though she went through the
  day's work sullenly and in silence。
  As to the capitaine it was all one to him。  He was a man of the
  world。  He did not expect that he should really be preferred; con
  amore; to a young fellow like Adolphe。  But he did expect that Marie;
  like other girls; would do as she was bid; and that in a few days she
  would regain her temper and be reconciled to her life。
  And then the marriage was fixed for a very early day; for as La Mere
  said; 〃What was the use of waiting?  All their minds were made up
  now; and therefore the sooner the two were married the better。  Did
  not the capitaine think so?〃
  The capitaine said that he did think so。
  And then Marie was asked。  It was all one to her; she said。  Whatever
  Maman Bauche liked; that she would do; only she would not name a day
  herself。  Indeed she would neither do nor say anything herself which
  tended in any way to a furtherance of these matrimonials。  But then
  she acquiesced; quietly enough if not readily; in what other people
  did and said; and so the marriage was fixed for the day week after
  Adolphe's return。
  The whole of that week passed much in the same way。  The servants
  about the place spoke among themselves of Marie's perverseness;
  obstinacy; and ingratitude; because she would not look pleased; or
  answer Madame Bauche's courtesies with gratitude; but La Mere herself
  showed no signs of anger。  Marie had yielded to her; and she required
  no more。  And she remembered also the harsh words she had used to
  gain her purpose; and she reflected on all that Marie had lost。  On
  these accounts she was forbearing and exacted nothingnothing but
  that one sacrifice which was to be made in accordance to her wishes。
  And it was made。  They were married in the great salon; the dining…
  room; immediately after breakfast。  Madame Bauche was dressed in a
  new puce silk dress; and looked very magnificent on the occasion。
  She simpered and smiled; and looked gay even in spite of her
  spectacles; and as the ceremony was being performed; she held fast
  clutched in her hand the gold watch and chain which were intended for
  Marie as soon as ever the marriage should be completed。
  The capitaine was dressed exactly as usual; only that all his clothes
  were new。  Madame Bauche had endeavoured to persuade him to wear a
  blue coat; but he answered that such a change would not; he was sure;
  be to Marie's taste。  To tell the truth; Marie would hardly have
  known the difference had he presented himself in scarlet vestments。
  Adolphe; however; was dressed very finely; but he did not make
  himself prominent on the occasion。  Marie watched him closely; though
  none saw that she did so; and of his garments she could have given an
  account with much accuracyof his garments; ay! and of every look。
  〃Is he a man;〃 she said at last to herself; 〃that he can stand by and
  see all this?〃
  She too was dressed in silk。  They had put on her what they pleased;
  and she bore the burden of her wedding finery without complaint and
  without pride。  There was no blush on her face as she walked up to
  the table at which the priest stood; nor hesitation in her low voice
  as she m