第 31 节
作者:炒作      更新:2021-02-27 02:55      字数:9317
  them I can leave off some of the interest; and the rent of kitchen and
  office comes to Union House!  Then there's all of the extra orders。
  It's going to pay splendidly; mother!  It clears 70 a year per person。
  Next year it will clear a lot more。〃
  It did not take long to make Mrs。 Bell admit that if the business went
  on as it had been going Diantha would be able to pay her a salary of a
  thousand dollars; and have five hundred leftfrom the food business
  There remained the hotel; with large possibilities。  The present simple
  furnishings were to be moved over to New Union House; and paid for by
  the girls in due time。  With new paint; paper; and furniture; the old
  house would make a very comfortable place。
  〃Of course; it's the restaurant mainlythese big kitchens and the
  central location are the main thing。  The guests will be mostly
  tourists; I suppose。〃
  Diantha dwelt upon the prospect at some length; and even her cautious
  mother had to admit that unless there was some setback the year had a
  prospect of large success。
  〃How about all this new furnishing?〃 Mrs。 Bell said suddenly。  〃How do
  you cover that?  Take what you've got ahead now?〃
  〃Yes; there's plenty;〃 said Diantha。  〃You see; there is all Union House
  has made; and this summer's profit on the cooked foodit's plenty。〃
  〃Then you can't pay for the motor and cases as you planned;〃 her mother
  〃No; not unless the hotel and restaurant pays enough to make good。  But
  I don't _have_ to buy them the first year。  If I don't; there is 5;500
  〃Yes; you are safe enough; there's over 4;000 in the bank now;〃 Mrs。
  Bell admitted。  〃But; child;〃 she said suddenly; 〃your father!〃
  〃Yes; I've thought of father;〃 said the girl; 〃and I mean to ask him to
  come and live at the hotel。  I think he'd like it。  He could meet people
  and talk about his ideas; and I'm sure I'd like to have him。〃
  〃They talked much and long about this; till the evening settled about
  them; till they had their quiet supper; and the girls came home to their
  noisy one; and late that evening; when all was still again; Diantha came
  to the dim piazza corner once more and sat there quite alone。
  Full of hope; full of courage; sure of her progressand aching with
  She sat with her head in her hands; and to her ears came suddenly the
  sound of a familiar stepa well…known voicethe hands and the lips of
  her lover。
  〃Diantha!〃  He held her close。
  〃Oh; Ross!  Ross!  Darling!  Is it true?  When did you come?  Oh; I'm so
  glad!  So _glad_ to see you!〃
  She was so glad that she had to cry a little on his shoulder; which he
  seemed to thoroughly enjoy。
  〃I've good news for you; little girl;〃 he said。  〃Good news at last!
  Listen; dear; don't cry。  There's an end in sight。  A man has bought out
  my shop。  The incubus is offI can _live_ now!〃
  He held his head up in a fine triumph; and she watched him adoringly。
  〃Did youwas it profitable?〃 she asked。
  〃It's all exchange; and some cash to boot。  Just think!  You know what
  I've wanted so longa ranch。  A big one that would keep us all; and let
  me go on with my work。  And; dearI've got it!  It's a big fruit ranch;
  with its own waterthink of that!  And a vegetable garden; too; and
  small fruit; and everything。  And; what's better; it's all in good
  running order; with a competent ranchman; and two Chinese who rent the
  vegetable part。  And there are two houses on it_two_。  One for mother
  and the girls; and one for us!〃
  Diantha's heart stirred suddenly。
  〃Where is it; dear?〃 she whispered。
  He laughed joyfully。  〃It's _here!〃_ he said。  〃About eight miles or so
  out; up by the mountains; has a little canyon of its ownits own little
  stream and reservoir。  Oh; my darling!  My darling!〃
  They sat in happy silence in the perfumed night。  The strong arms were
  around her; the big shoulder to lean on; the dear voice to call her
  〃little girl。〃
  The year of separation vanished from their thoughts; and the long years
  of companionship opened bright and glorious before them。
  〃I came this afternoon;〃 he said at length; 〃but I saw another man
  coming。  He got here first。  I thought〃
  〃Ross!  You didn't!  And you've left me to go without you all these
  〃He looked so confident when he went away that I was jealous;〃 Ross
  admitted; 〃furiously jealous。  And then your mother was here; and then
  those cackling girls。  I wanted youalone。〃
  And then he had her; alone; for other quiet; happy moments。  She was so
  glad of him。  Her hold upon his hand; upon his coat; was tight。
  〃I don't know how I've lived without you;〃 she said softly。
  〃Nor I;〃 said he。  〃I haven't lived。  It isn't lifewithout you。  Well;
  dearest; it needn't be much longer。  We closed the deal this afternoon。
  I came down here to see the place; andincidentallyto see you!〃
  More silence。
  〃I shall turn over the store at once。  It won't take long to move and
  settle; there's enough money over to do that。  And the ranch pays;
  Diantha!  It really _pays;_ and will carry us all。  How long will it
  take you to get out of this?〃
  〃Get out ofwhat?〃 she faltered。
  〃Why; the whole abominable business you're so deep in here。  Thank God;
  there's no shadow of need for it any more!〃
  The girl's face went white; but he could not see it。  She would not
  believe him。
  〃Why; dear;〃 she said; 〃if your ranch is as near as that it would be
  perfectly easy for me to come in to the businesswith a car。  I can
  afford a car soon。〃
  〃But I tell you there's no need any more;〃 said he。  〃Don't you
  understand?  This is a paying fruit ranch; with land rented to
  advantage; and a competent manager right there running it。  It's simply
  changed owners。  I'm the owner now!  There's two or three thousand a
  year to be made on ithas been made on it!  There is a home for my
  peoplea home for us!  Oh; my beloved girl!  My darling!  My own
  sweetheart!  Surely you won't refuse me now!〃
  Diantha's head swam dizzily。
  〃Ross;〃 she urged; 〃you don't understand!  I've built up a good business
  herea real successful business。  Mother is in it; father's to come
  down; there is a big patronage; it grows。  I can't give it up!〃
  〃Not for me?  Not when I can offer you a home at last?  Not when I show
  you that there is no longer any need of your earning money?〃 he said
  〃But; deardear!〃 she protested。  〃It isn't for the money; it is the
  work I want to doit is my work!  You are so happy now that you can do
  your workat last!  This is mine!〃
  When he spoke again his voice was low and stern。
  〃Do you mean that you loveyour workbetter than you love me?〃
  〃No!  It isn't that!  That's not fair!〃 cried the girl。  〃Do you love
  your work better than you love me?  Of course not!  You love both。  So
  do I。  Can't you see?  Why should I have to give up anything?〃
  〃You do not have to;〃 he said patiently。  〃I cannot compel you to marry
  me。  But now; when at lastafter these awful yearsI can really offer
  you a homeyou refuse!〃
  〃I have not refused;〃 she said slowly。
  His voice lightened again。
  〃Ah; dearest!  And you will not!  You will marry me?〃
  〃I will marry you; Ross!〃
  〃And when?  When; dearest?〃
  〃As soon as you are ready。〃
  〃Butcan you drop this at once?〃
  〃I shall not drop it。〃
  Her voice was low; very low; but clear and steady。
  He rose to his feet with a muffled exclamation; and walked the length of
  the piazza and back。
  〃Do you realize that you are saying no to me; Diantha?〃
  〃You are mistaken; dear。  I have said that I will marry you whenever you
  choose。  But it is you who are saying; 'I will not marry a woman with a
  〃This is foolishness!〃 he said sharply。  〃No manthat is a manwould
  marry a woman and let her run a business。〃
  〃You are mistaken;〃 she answered。  〃One of the finest men I ever knew
  has asked me to marry himand keep on with my work!〃
  〃Why didn't you take him up?〃
  〃Because I didn't love him。〃  She stopped; a sob in her voice; and he
  caught her in his arms again。
  It was late indeed when he went away; walking swiftly; with a black
  rebellion in his heart; and Diantha dragged herself to bed。
  She was stunned; deadened; exhausted; torn with a desire to run after
  him and give upgive up anything to hold his love。  But something;
  partly reason and partly pride; kept saying within her: 〃I have not
  refused him; he has refused me!〃
  They laid before her conquering feet
  The spoils of many lands;
  Their crowns shone red upon her head
  Their scepters in her hands。
  She heard two murmuring at night;
  Where rose…sweet shadows rest;
  And coveted the blossom red
  He laid upon her breast。
  When Madam Weatherstone shook the plentiful dust of Orchardina from her
  expensive shoes; and returned to adorn the more classic groves of
  Philadelphia; Mrs。 Thaddler assumed to hold undisputed sway as a social
  The Social Leader she meant to be; and marshalled her forces to that
  end。  She Patronized here; and Donated there; revised her visiting list
  with rigid exclusiveness; secured an Eminent Professor and a Noted
  Writer as visitors; and gave entertainments of almost Roman