第 30 节
作者:炒作      更新:2021-02-27 02:55      字数:9302
  some help。〃
  She did not contradict him。  Her hands were in her lap; her eyes on the
  worn boards of the piazza floor。  She did not see a man pass on the
  other side of the street; cast a searching glance across and walk
  quickly on again。
  〃If you were quite free to go on with your beautiful work;〃 said Mr。
  Eltwood slowly; 〃if you were offered heartiest appreciation; profound
  respect; as well as love; of course; would you object to marrying; Miss
  Bell?〃 asked in an even voice; as if it were a matter of metaphysical
  inquiry。  Mrs。 Porne had told him of her theory as to a lover in the
  home town; wishing to save him a long heart ache; but he was not sure of
  it; and he wanted to be。
  Diantha glanced quickly at him; and felt the emotion under his quiet
  words。  She withdrew her eyes; looking quite the other way。
  〃You are enough of a friend to know; Mr。 Eltwood;〃 she said; 〃I rather
  thought you did know。  I am engaged。〃
  〃Thank you for telling me; some one is greatly to be congratulated;〃 he
  spoke sincerely; and talked quietly on about less personal matters;
  holding his tea untasted till it was cold。
  〃Do let me give you some that is hot;〃 she said at last; 〃and let me
  thank you from my heart for the help and strength and comfort you have
  been to me; Mr。 Eltwood。〃
  〃I'm very glad;〃 he said; and again; 〃I am very glad。〃  〃You may count
  upon anything I can do for you; always;〃 he continued。  〃I am proud to
  be your friend。〃
  He held her hand once more for a moment; and went away with his head up
  and a firm step。  To one who watched him go; he had almost a triumphant
  air; but it was not triumph; only the brave beginning of a hard fight
  and a long one。
  Then came Mrs。 Bell; returned from a shopping trip; and sank down in a
  wicker rocker; glad of the shade and a cup of tea。  No; she didn't want
  it iced。  〃Hot tea makes you cooler;〃 was her theory。
  〃You don't look very tired;〃 said the girl。  〃Seems to me you get
  stronger all the time。〃
  〃I do;〃 said her mother。  〃You don't realize; you can't realize;
  Diantha; what this means to me。  Of course to you I am an old woman; a
  back numberone has to feel so about one's mother。  I did when I
  married; and my mother then was five years younger than I am now。〃
  〃I don't think you old; mother; not a bit of it。  You ought to have
  twenty or thirty years of life before you; real life。〃
  〃That's just what I'm feeling;〃 said Mrs。 Bell; 〃as if I'd just begun to
  live!  This is so _different!_  There is a big; moving thing to work
  for。  There iswhy Diantha; you wouldn't believe what a comfort it is
  to me to feel that my work here isreallyadding to the profits!〃
  Diantha laughed aloud。
  〃You dear old darling;〃 she said; 〃I should think it was!  It is
  _making_ the profits。〃
  〃And it grows so;〃 her mother went on。  〃Here's this part so well
  assured that you're setting up the new Union House!  Are you _sure_
  about Mrs。 Jessup; dear?〃
  〃As sure as I can be of any one till I've tried a long time。  She has
  done all I've asked her to here; and done it well。  Besides; I mean to
  keep a hand on it for a year or two yetI can't afford to have that
  Mrs。 Jessup was an imported aunt; belonging to one of the cleverest
  girls; and Diantha had had her in training for some weeks。
  〃Well; I guess she's as good as any you'd be likely to get;〃 Mrs。 Bell
  admitted; 〃and we mustn't expect paragons。  If this can't be done by an
  average bunch of working women the world over; it can't be donethat's
  〃It can be done;〃 said the girl; calmly。  〃It will be done。  You see。〃
  〃Mr。 Thaddler says you could run any kind of a business you set your
  hand to;〃 her mother went on。  〃He has a profound respect for your
  abilities; Dina。〃
  〃Seems to me you and Mr。 Thaddler have a good deal to say to each other;
  motherkins。  I believe you enjoy that caffeteria desk; and all the
  compliments you get。〃
  〃I do;〃 said Mrs。 Bell stoutly。  〃I do indeed!  Why; I haven't seen so
  many men; to speak to; sincewhy; never in my life!  And they are very
  amusingsome of them。  They like to come herelike it immensely。  And
  I don't wonder。  I believe you'll do well to enlarge。〃
  Then they plunged into a discussion of the winter's plans。  The day
  service department and its employment agency was to go on at the New
  Union House; with Mrs。 Jessup as manager; the present establishment was
  to be run as a hotel and restaurant; and the depot for the cooked food
  Mrs。 Thorvald and her husband were installed by themselves in another
  new venture; a small laundry outside the town。  This place employed
  several girls steadily; and the motor wagon found a new use between
  meals; in collecting and delivering laundry parcels。
  〃It simplifies it a lotto get the washing out of the place and the
  girls off my mind;〃 said Diantha。  〃Now I mean to buckle down and learn
  the hotel businessthoroughly; and develop this cooked food delivery to
  〃Modest young lady;〃 smiled her mother。  〃Where do you mean to stopif
  〃I don't mean to stop till I'm dead;〃 Diantha answered; 〃but I don't
  mean to undertake any more trades; if that is what you mean。  You know
  what I'm afterto get 'housework' on a business basis; that's all; and
  prove; prove; PROVE what a good business it is。  There's the cleaning
  branchthat's all started and going well in the day service。  There's
  the washingthat's simple and easy。  Laundry work's no mystery。  But
  the food part is a big thing。  It's an art; a science; a business; and a
  handicraft。  I had the handicraft to start with; I'm learning the
  business; but I've got a lot to learn yet in the science and art of it。〃
  〃Don't do too much at once;〃 her mother urged。  〃You've got to cater to
  people as they are。〃
  〃I know it;〃 the girl agreed。  〃They must be led; step by stepthe
  natural method。  It's a big job; but not too big。  Out of all the women
  who have done housework for so many ages; surely it's not too much to
  expect one to have a special genius for it!〃
  Her mother gazed at her with loving admiration。
  〃That's just what you have; Dinaa special genius for housework。  I
  wish there were more of you!〃
  〃There are plenty of me; mother dear; only they haven't come out。  As
  soon as I show 'em how to make the thing pay; you'll find that we have a
  big percentage of this kind of ability。  It's all buried now in the
  occasional 'perfect housekeeper。'
  〃But they won't leave their husbands; Dina。〃
  〃They don't need to;〃 the girl answered cheerfully。  〃Some of them
  aren't married yet; some of them have lost their husbands; and _some_ of
  them〃she said this a little bitterly〃have husbands who will be
  willing to let their wives grow。〃
  〃Not many; I'm afraid;〃 said Mrs。 Bell; also with some gloom。
  Diantha lightened up again。  〃Anyhow; here you are; mother dear!  And
  for this year I propose that you assume the financial management of the
  whole business at a salary of 1;000 'and found。'  How does that suit
  Mrs。 Bell looked at her unbelievingly。
  〃You can't afford it; Dina!〃
  〃Oh; yes; I canyou know I can; because you've got the accounts。  I'm
  going to make big money this year。〃
  〃But you'll need it。  This hotel and restaurant business may not do
  〃Now; mother; you _know_ we're doing well。  Look here!〃  And Diantha
  produced her note…book。
  〃Here's the little laundry place; its fittings come to so much; wages so
  much; collection and delivery so much; supplies so muchand already
  enough patronage engaged to cover。  It will be bigger in winter; a lot;
  with transients; and this hotel to fall back on; ought to clear at least
  a thousand a year。  The service club don't pay me anything; of course;
  that is for the girls' benefit; but the food delivery is doing better
  than I dared hope。〃
  Mrs。 Bell knew the figures better than Diantha; even; and they went over
  them carefully again。  If the winter's patronage held on to equal the
  summer'sand the many transient residents ought to increase itthey
  would have an average of twenty families a week to provide forone
  hundred persons。
  The expenses were:
  Food for 100 at 250 a week。  Per capita。   600
  per year 13;000
  Labordelivery man。  600
  Head cook。  600
  Two assistant cooks。  1;040
  Three washers and packers。  1;560
  Office girl。  520
  Per year 4;320
  Rent; kitchen; office; etc。  500
  Rent of motor。  300
  Rent of cases。  250
  Gasolene and repairs。  630
  Per year 1;680
  Total。  19;000
  〃How do you make the gasolene and repairs as much as that?〃 asked Mrs。
  〃It's margin; mothermakes it even money。  It won't be so much;
  The income was simple and sufficient。  They charged 5。00 a week per
  capita for three meals; table d'hote; delivered thrice daily。  Frequent
  orders for extra meals really gave them more than they set down; but the
  hundred…person estimate amounted to 26;000 a year。
  〃Now; see;〃 said Diantha triumphantly; 〃subtract all that expense list
  (and it is a liberal one); and we have 7;000 left。  I can buy the car
  and the cases this year and have 1;600 over!  More; because if I do buy
  them I can leave off some of the interest; and the rent of kitchen and
  office comes t