第 3 节
作者:浮游云中      更新:2021-02-27 02:50      字数:9322
  〃I say pardner!〃
  He turned a little impatiently。  She had knelt down at the
  entrance; so as to be nearer his level; and was holding out her
  hand。  But he did not notice it; and she quietly withdrew it。
  〃If anybody dropped in and asked for you; what name will they say?〃
  He smiled。  〃Don't wait to hear。〃
  〃But suppose I wanted to sing out for you; what will I call you?〃
  He hesitated。  〃Call meLo。〃
  〃Lo; the poor Indian?〃*
  * The first word of Pope's familiar apostrophe is humorously used
  in the Far West as a distinguishing title for the Indian。
  It suddenly occurred to the woman; Teresa; that in the young
  man's height; supple; yet erect carriage; color; and singular
  gravity of demeanor there was a refined; aboriginal suggestion。
  He did not look like any Indian she had ever seen; but rather as
  a youthful chief might have looked。  There was a further
  suggestion in his fringed buckskin shirt and moccasins; but
  before she could utter the half…sarcastic comment that rose to
  her lips he had glided noiselessly away; even as an Indian might
  have done。
  She readjusted the slips of hanging bark with feminine ingenuity;
  dispersing them so as to completely hide the entrance。  Yet this
  did not darken the chamber; which seemed to draw a purer and more
  vigorous light through the soaring shaft that pierced the roof
  than that which came from the dim woodland aisles below。
  Nevertheless; she shivered; and drawing her shawl closely around
  her began to collect some half…burnt fragments of wood in the
  chimney to make a fire。  But the preoccupation of her thoughts
  rendered this a tedious process; as she would from time to time
  stop in the middle of an action and fall into an attitude of rapt
  abstraction; with far…off eyes and rigid mouth。  When she had at
  last succeeded in kindling a fire and raising a film of pale blue
  smoke; that seemed to fade and dissipate entirely before it
  reached the top of the chimney shaft; she crouched beside it;
  fixed her eyes on the darkest corner of the cavern; and became
  What did she see through that shadow?
  Nothing at first but a confused medley of figures and incidents
  of the preceding night; things to be put away and forgotten;
  things that would not have happened but for another thingthe
  thing before which everything faded!  A ball…room; the sounds of
  music; the one man she had cared for insulting her with the
  flaunting ostentation of his unfaithfulness; herself despised;
  put aside; laughed at; or worse; jilted。  And then the moment of
  delirium; when the light danced; the one wild act that lifted
  her; the despised one; above them allmade her the supreme
  figure; to be glanced at by frightened women; stared at by half…
  startled; half…admiring men!  〃Yes;〃 she laughed; but struck by
  the sound of her own voice; moved twice round the cavern
  nervously; and then dropped again into her old position。
  As they carried him away he had laughed at herlike a hound that
  he was; he who had praised her for her spirit; and incited her
  revenge against others; he who had taught her to strike when she
  was insulted; and it was only fit he should reap what he had
  sown。  She was what he; what other men; had made her。  And what
  was she now?  What had she been once?
  She tried to recall her childhood: the man and woman who might
  have been her father and mother; who fought and wrangled over her
  precocious little life; abused or caressed her as she sided with
  either; and then left her with a circus troupe; where she first
  tasted the power of her courage; her beauty; and her
  recklessness。  She remembered those flashes of triumph that left
  a fever in her veinsa fever that when it failed must be
  stimulated by dissipation; by anything; by everything that would
  keep her name a wonder in men's mouths; an envious fear to women。
  She recalled her transfer to the strolling players; her cheap
  pleasures; and cheaper rivalries and hatredbut always Teresa!
  the daring Teresa! the reckless Teresa! audacious as a woman;
  invincible as a boy; dancing; flirting; fencing; shooting;
  swearing; drinking; smoking; fighting Teresa!  〃Oh; yes; she had
  been loved; perhapswho knows?but always feared。  Why should
  she change now?  Ha; he should see。〃
  She had lashed herself in a frenzy; as was her wont; with
  gestures; ejaculations; oaths; adjurations; and passionate
  apostrophes; but with this strange and unexpected result。
  Heretofore she had always been sustained and kept up by an
  audience of some kind or quality; if only perhaps a humble
  companion; there had always been some one she could fascinate or
  horrify; and she could read her power mirrored in their eyes。
  Even the half…abstracted indifference of her strange host had
  been something。  But she was alone now。  Her words fell on
  apathetic solitude; she was acting to viewless space。  She rushed
  to the opening; dashed the hanging bark aside; and leaped to the
  She ran forward wildly a few steps; and stopped。
  〃Hallo!〃 she cried。  〃Look; 'tis I; Teresa!〃
  The profound silence remained unbroken。  Her shrillest tones were
  lost in an echoless space; even as the smoke of her fire had
  faded into pure ether。  She stretched out her clenched fists as
  if to defy the pillared austerities of the vaults around her。
  〃Come and take me if you dare!〃
  The challenge was unheeded。  If she had thrown herself violently
  against the nearest tree…trunk; she could not have been stricken
  more breathless than she was by the compact; embattled solitude
  that encompassed her。  The hopelessness of impressing these cold
  and passive vaults with her selfish passion filled her with a
  vague fear。  In her rage of the previous night she had not seen
  the wood in its profound immobility。  Left alone with the majesty
  of those enormous columns; she trembled and turned faint。  The
  silence of the hollow tree she had just quitted seemed to her
  less awful than the crushing presence of these mute and monstrous
  witnesses of her weakness。  Like a wounded quail with lowered
  crest and trailing wing; she crept back to her hiding place。
  Even then the influence of the wood was still upon her。  She
  picked up the novel she had contemptuously thrown aside; only to
  let it fall again in utter weariness。  For a moment her feminine
  curiosity was excited by the discovery of an old book; in whose
  blank leaves were pressed a variety of flowers and woodland
  grasses。  As she could not conceive that these had been kept for
  any but a sentimental purpose; she was disappointed to find that
  underneath each was a sentence in an unknown tongue; that even to
  her untutored eye did not appear to be the language of passion。
  Finally she rearranged the couch of skins and blankets; and;
  imparting to it in three clever shakes an entirely different
  character; lay down to pursue her reveries。  But nature asserted
  herself; and ere she knew it she was asleep。
  So intense and prolonged had been her previous excitement that;
  the tension once relieved; she passed into a slumber of
  exhaustion so deep that she seemed scarce to breathe。  High noon
  succeeded morning; the central shaft received a single ray of
  upper sunlight; the afternoon came and went; the shadows gathered
  below; the sunset fires began to eat their way through the
  groined roof; and she still slept。  She slept even when the bark
  hangings of the chamber were put aside; and the young man
  He laid down a bundle he was carrying and softly approached the
  sleeper。  For a moment he was startled from his indifference; she
  lay so still and motionless。  But this was not all that struck
  him; the face before him was no longer the passionate; haggard
  visage that confronted him that morning; the feverish air; the
  burning color; the strained muscles of mouth and brow; and the
  staring eyes were gone; wiped away; perhaps; by the tears that
  still left their traces on cheek and dark eyelash。  It was the
  face of a handsome woman of thirty; with even a suggestion of
  softness in the contour of the cheek and arching of her upper
  lip; no longer rigidly drawn down in anger; but relaxed by sleep
  on her white teeth。
  With the lithe; soft tread that was habitual to him; the young
  man moved about; examining the condition of the little chamber
  and its stock of provisions and necessaries; and withdrew
  presently; to reappear as noiselessly with a tin bucket of water。
  This done; he replenished the little pile of fuel with an armful
  of bark and pine cones; cast an approving glance about him; which
  included the sleeper; and silently departed。
  It was night when she awoke。  She was surrounded by a profound
  darkness; except where the shaft…like opening made a nebulous
  mist in the corner of her wooden cavern。  Providentially she
  struggled back to consciousness slowly; so that the solitude and
  silence came upon her gradually; with a growing realization of
  the events of the past twenty…four hours; but without a shock。
  She was alone here; but safe still; and every hour added to her
  chances of ultimate escape。  She remembered to have seen a candle
  among the articles on the shelf; and she began to grope her way
  towards the matches。  Suddenly she stopped。  What was that p