第 9 节
作者:莫莫言      更新:2021-02-27 02:49      字数:9322
  thou found my daughter? TUBAL。 I often came where I did hear of her;
  but cannot find her。 SHYLOCK。 Why there; there; there; there! A diamond
  gone; cost me two thousand ducats in Frankfort! The curse never fell upon
  our nation till now; I never felt it till now。 Two thousand ducats in that;
  and other precious; precious jewels。 I would my daughter were dead at my
  foot; and the jewels in her ear; would she were hears'd at my foot; and the
  ducats in her coffin! No news of them? Why; so… and I know not what's
  spent   in   the   search。   Why;   thou…   loss   upon   loss!   The   thief   gone   with   so
  much; and so much to find the thief; and no satisfaction; no revenge; nor
  no   ill   luck   stirring   but   what   lights   o'   my   shoulders;   no   sighs   but   o'   my
  breathing; no tears but o' my shedding! TUBAL。 Yes; other men have ill
  luck too: Antonio; as I heard in Genoa… SHYLOCK。 What; what; what? Ill
  … Page 39…
  luck; ill luck? TUBAL。 Hath an argosy cast away coming from Tripolis。
  SHYLOCK。   I   thank   God;   I   thank   God。   Is   it   true;   is   it   true?   TUBAL。   I
  spoke with some of the sailors that escaped the wreck。 SHYLOCK。 I thank
  thee;    good    Tubal。   Good     news;    good    news…    ha;  ha!…   heard    in  Genoa。
  TUBAL。 Your daughter spent in Genoa; as I heard; one night;  fourscore
  ducats。   SHYLOCK。   Thou   stick'st   a   dagger   in   me…   I   shall   never   see   my
  gold    again。    Fourscore     ducats   at  a  sitting!   Fourscore     ducats!    TUBAL。
  There   came   divers   of Antonio's   creditors   in   my   company  to Venice   that
  swear he cannot choose but break。 SHYLOCK。 I am very glad of it; I'll
  plague him; I'll torture him; I am glad of it。 TUBAL。 One of them showed
  me   a   ring   that   he   had   of   your   daughter   for   a   monkey。   SHYLOCK。   Out
  upon her! Thou torturest me; Tubal。 It was my turquoise; I had it of Leah
  when   I   was   a   bachelor;   I   would   not   have   given   it   for   a   wilderness   of
  monkeys。   TUBAL。   But   Antonio   is   certainly   undone。   SHYLOCK。   Nay;
  that's true;   that's very  true。  Go; Tubal;  fee   me   an   officer; bespeak   him  a
  fortnight before。 I will have the heart of him; if he forfeit; for; were he out
  of Venice; I can make what merchandise I will。 Go; Tubal; and meet me at
  our synagogue; go; good Tubal; at our synagogue; Tubal。 Exeunt
  … Page 40…
  SCENE II。 Belmont。 PORTIA'S house
  Enter   BASSANIO;   PORTIA;   GRATIANO;   NERISSA;   and   all   their
  PORTIA。 I pray you tarry; pause a day or two Before you hazard; for;
  in choosing wrong; I lose your company; therefore forbear a while。 There's
  something tells me… but it is not love… I would not lose you; and you know
  yourself   Hate   counsels   not   in   such   a   quality。   But   lest   you   should   not
  understand   me   well…   And   yet   a   maiden   hath   no   tongue   but   thought…   I
  would detain you here some month or two Before you venture for me。 I
  could teach you How to choose right; but then I am forsworn; So will I
  never be; so may you miss me; But if you do; you'll make me wish a sin;
  That I had been forsworn。  Beshrew  your   eyes! They  have o'erlook'd   me
  and divided me; One half of me is yours; the other half yours… Mine own; I
  would   say;   but   if   mine;   then   yours; And   so   all   yours。   O!   these   naughty
  times Puts bars between the owners and their rights; And so; though yours;
  not yours。 Prove it so; Let fortune go to hell for it; not I。 I speak too long;
  but 'tis to peize the time; To eke it; and to draw it out in length; To stay you
  from election。 BASSANIO。 Let me choose; For as I am; I live upon the
  rack。 PORTIA。 Upon the rack; Bassanio? Then confess What treason there
  is   mingled   with   your   love。   BASSANIO。   None   but   that   ugly   treason   of
  mistrust Which makes me fear th' enjoying of my love; There may as well
  be amity and life 'Tween snow and fire as treason and my love。 PORTIA。
  Ay;   but   I   fear   you   speak   upon   the   rack;   Where   men   enforced   do   speak
  anything。      BASSANIO。         Promise     me    life;  and   I'll  confess    the  truth。
  PORTIA。   Well   then;   confess   and   live。   BASSANIO。   'Confess'   and   'love'
  Had   been   the   very   sum   of   my   confession。   O   happy   torment;   when   my
  torturer Doth teach me answers for deliverance! But let me to my fortune
  and the caskets。 PORTIA。 Away; then; I am lock'd in one of them。 If you
  do love me; you will find me out。 Nerissa and the rest; stand all aloof; Let
  music sound while he doth make his choice; Then; if he lose; he makes a
  swan…like   end;   Fading   in   music。   That   the   comparison   May   stand   more
  proper; my eye shall be the stream And wat'ry death…bed for him。 He may
  win; And   what   is   music then? Then   music is Even   as the   flourish   when
  … Page 41…
  true   subjects   bow   To   a   new…crowned   monarch;   such   it   is   As   are   those
  dulcet sounds in break of day That creep into the dreaming bridegroom's
  ear And summon him to marriage。 Now he goes; With no less presence;
  but with much more love; Than young Alcides when he did redeem The
  virgin    tribute    paid   by   howling     Troy    To   the   sea…monster。      I  stand    for
  sacrifice;   The   rest   aloof   are   the   Dardanian   wives;   With   bleared   visages
  come forth to view The issue of th' exploit。 Go; Hercules! Live thou; I live。
  With much much more dismay I view the fight than thou that mak'st the
  the whilst BASSANIO comments on the caskets to himself
  Tell   me   where   is   fancy   bred;   Or   in   the   heart   or   in   the   head;   How
  begot;   how   nourished?   Reply;   reply。   It   is   engend'red   in   the   eyes;   With
  gazing   fed;   and   fancy   dies   In   the   cradle   where   it   lies。   Let   us   all   ring
  fancy's knell: I'll begin it… Ding; dong; bell。 ALL。 Ding; dong; bell。
  BASSANIO。   So   may   the   outward   shows   be   least   themselves;   The
  world   is   still   deceiv'd   with   ornament。   In   law;   what   plea   so   tainted   and
  corrupt But; being season'd with a gracious voice; Obscures the show of
  evil? In religion; What damned error but some sober brow Will bless it;
  and approve it with a text; Hiding the grossness with fair ornament? There
  is no vice so simple but assumes Some mark of virtue on his outward parts。
  How many cowards; whose hearts are all as false As stairs of sand; wear
  yet   upon   their   chins   The   beards   of   Hercules   and   frowning   Mars;   Who;
  inward search'd; have livers white as milk! And these assume but valour's
  excrement To render them redoubted。 Look on beauty And you shall see
  'tis   purchas'd   by   the   weight;   Which   therein   works   a   miracle   in   nature;
  Making   them   lightest   that   wear   most   of   it;   So   are   those   crisped   snaky
  golden   locks   Which   make   such   wanton   gambols   with   the   wind               Upon
  supposed   fairness   often   known   To   be   the   dowry   of   a   second   head…   The
  skull   that   bred   them   in   the   sepulchre。   Thus   ornament   is   but   the   guiled
  shore   To   a   most   dangerous   sea;   the   beauteous   scarf   Veiling   an   Indian
  beauty;   in   a   word;   The   seeming   truth   which   cunning   times   put   on   To
  entrap the wisest。 Therefore; thou gaudy gold; Hard food for Midas; I will
  none of thee; Nor none of thee; thou pale and common drudge 'Tween man
  … Page 42…
  and   man;   but   thou;  thou   meagre  lead; Which  rather  threaten'st   than  dost
  promise aught; Thy plainness moves me   more than eloquence; And here
  choose   I。   Joy   be   the   consequence!   PORTIA。   'Aside'   How   all   the   other
  passions fleet to air; As doubtful thoughts; and rash…embrac'd despair; And
  shudd'ring   fear;   and   green…ey'd   jealousy!   O   love;   be   moderate;   allay   thy
  ecstasy;   In   measure   rain   thy   joy;   scant   this   excess!   I   feel   too   much   thy
  blessing。 Make it less; For fear I surfeit。 BASSANIO。 'Opening the leaden
  casket' What   find I   here? Fair   Portia's counterfeit! What demi…god  Hath
  come so near creation? Move these eyes? Or whether riding on the balls of
  mine Seem they in motion? Here are sever'd lips; P