第 13 节
作者:不是就是      更新:2021-02-27 02:46      字数:9322
  least I did! You are a cad; young sir!〃 he shouted in reply。
  〃But what right have you to shout at me like that?〃 I exclaimed;
  feeling that it was now HE that was insulting ME; and growing
  angry accordingly。
  〃This much right;〃 he replied; 〃that I never allow myself to be
  overlooked by any one; and that I always teach young fellows like
  yourself their manners。 What is your name; young sir; and where
  do you live?〃
  At this I felt so hurt that my teeth chattered; and I felt as
  though I were choking。 Yet all the while I was conscious of being
  in the wrong; and so; instead of offering any further rudeness to
  the offended one; humbly told him my name and address。
  〃And MY name; young sir;〃 he returned; 〃is Kolpikoff; and I will
  trouble you to be more polite to me in future。However; You will
  hear from me again〃 (〃vous aurez de mes nouvelles〃the
  conversation had been carried on wholly in French); was his
  concluding remark。
  To this I replied; 〃I shall be delighted;〃 with an infusion of as
  much hauteur as I could muster into my tone。 Then; turning on my
  heel; I returned with my cigarettewhich had meanwhile gone out
  to our own room。
  I said nothing; either to my brother or my friends; about what
  had happened (and the more so because they were at that moment
  engaged in a dispute of their own); but sat down in a corner to
  think over the strange affair。 The words; 〃You are a cad; young
  sir;〃 vexed me more and more the longer that they sounded in my
  ears。 My tipsiness was gone now; and; in considering my conduct
  during the dispute; the uncomfortable thought came over me that I
  had behaved like a coward。
  〃Yet what right had he to attack me?〃 I reflected。 〃Why did he
  not simply intimate to me that I was annoying him? After all; it
  may have been he that was in the wrong。 Why; too; when he called
  me a young cad; did I not say to him; 'A cad; my good sir; is one
  who takes offence'? Or why did I not simply tell him to hold his
  tongue? That would have been the better course。 Or why did I not
  challenge him to a duel? No; I did none of those things; but
  swallowed his insults like a wretched coward。〃
  Still the words; 〃You are a cad; young sir;〃 kept sounding in my
  ears with maddening iteration。 〃I cannot leave things as they
  are;〃 I at length decided as I rose to my feet with the fixed
  intention of returning to the gentleman and saying something
  outrageous to himperhaps; also; of breaking the candelabrum
  over his head if occasion offered。 Yet; though I considered the
  advisability of this last measure with some pleasure; it was not
  without a good deal of trepidation that I re…entered the main
  salon。 As luck would have it; M。 Kolpikoff was no longer there;
  but only a waiter engaged in clearing the table。 For a moment I
  felt like telling the waiter the whole story; and explaining to
  him my innocence in the matter; but for some reason or another I
  thought better of it; and once more returned; in the same hazy
  condition of mind; to our own room。
  〃What has become of our DIPLOMAT?〃 Dubkoff was just saying。 〃Upon
  him now hang the fortunes of Europe。〃
  〃Oh; leave me alone;〃 I said; turning moodily away。 Then; as I
  paced the room; something made me begin to think that Dubkoff was
  not altogether a good fellow。 〃There is nothing very much to
  admire in his eternal jokes and his nickname of 'DIPLOMAT;'〃 I
  reflected。 〃All he thinks about is to win money from Woloda and
  to go and see his 'Auntie。' There is nothing very nice in all
  that。 Besides; everything he says has a touch of blackguardism in
  it; and he is forever trying to make people laugh。 In my opinion
  he is simply stupid when he is not absolutely a brute。〃 I spent
  about five minutes in these reflections; and felt my enmity
  towards Dubkoff continually increasing。 For his part; he took no
  notice of me; and that angered me the more。 I actually felt vexed
  with Woloda and Dimitri because they went on talking to him。
  〃I tell you what; gentlemen: the DIPLOMAT ought to be
  christened;〃 said Dubkoff suddenly; with a glance and a smile
  which seemed to me derisive; and even treacherous。 〃Yet; 0 Lord;
  what a poor specimen he is!〃
  〃You yourself ought to be christened; and you yourself are a
  sorry specimen!〃 I retorted with an evil smile; and actually
  forgetting to address him as 〃thou。〃 'In Russian as in French;
  the second person singular is the form of speech used between
  intimate friends。'
  This reply evidently surprised Dubkoff; but he turned away good…
  humouredly; and went on talking to Woloda and Dimitri。 I tried to
  edge myself into the conversation; but; since I felt that I could
  not keep it up; I soon returned to my corner; and remained there
  until we left。
  When the bill had been paid and wraps were being put on; Dubkoff
  turned to Dimitri and said: 〃Whither are Orestes and Pedalion
  going now? Home; I suppose; to talk about love。 Well; let US go
  and see my dear Auntie。 That will be far more entertaining than
  your sour company。〃
  〃How dare you speak like that; and laugh at us?〃 I burst out as I
  approached him with clenched fists。 〃How dare you laugh at
  feelings which you do not understand? I will not have you do it!
  Hold your tongue!〃 At this point I had to hold my own; for I did
  not know what to say next; and was; moreover; out of breath with
  excitement。 At first Dubkoff was taken aback; but presently he
  tried to laugh it off; and to take it as a joke。 Finally I was
  surprised to see him look crestfallen; and lower his eyes。
  〃I NEVER laugh at you or your feelings。 It is merely my way of
  speaking;〃 he said evasively。
  〃Indeed?〃 I cried; yet the next moment I felt ashamed of myself
  and sorry for him; since his flushed; downcast face had in it no
  other expression than one of genuine pain。
  〃What is the matter with you?〃 said Woloda and Dimitri
  simultaneously。 〃No one was trying to insult you。〃
  〃Yes; he DID try to insult me!〃 I replied。
  〃What an extraordinary fellow your brother is!〃 said Dubkoff to
  Woloda。 At that moment he was passing out of the door; and could
  not have heard what I said。 Possibly I should have flung myself
  after him and offered him further insult; had it not been that
  just at that moment the waiter who had witnessed my encounter
  with Kolpikoff handed me my greatcoat; and I at once quietened
  downmerely making such a pretence of having had a difference
  with Dimitri as was necessary to make my sudden appeasement
  appear nothing extraordinary。 Next day; when I met Dubkoff at
  Woloda's; the quarrel was not raked up; yet he and I still
  addressed each other as 〃you;〃 and found it harder than ever to
  look one another in the face。
  The remembrance of my scene with Kolpikoffwho; by the way;
  never sent me 〃de ses nouvelles;〃 either the following day or any
  day afterwardsremained for years a keen and unpleasant memory。
  Even so much as five years after it had happened I would begin
  fidgeting and muttering to myself whenever I remembered the
  unavenged insult; and was fain to comfort myself with the
  satisfaction of recollecting the sort of young fellow I had shown
  myself to be in my subsequent affair with Dubkoff。 In fact; it
  was only later still that I began to regard the matter in another
  light; and both to recall with comic appreciation my passage of
  arms with Kolpikoff; and to regret the undeserved affront which I
  had offered my good friend Dubkoff。
  When; at a later hour on the evening of the dinner; I told
  Dimitri of my affair with Kolpikoff; whose exterior I described
  in detail; he was astounded。
  〃That is the very man!〃 he cried。 〃Don't you know that this
  precious Kolpikoff is a known scamp and sharper; as well as;
  above all things; a coward; and that he was expelled from his
  regiment by his brother officers because; having had his face
  slapped; he would not fight? But how came you to let him get
  away?〃 he added; with a kindly smile and glance。 〃Surely he could
  not have said more to you than he did when he called you a cad?〃
  〃No;〃 I admitted with a blush。
  〃Well; it was not right; but there is no great harm done;〃 said
  Dimitri consolingly。
  Long afterwards; when thinking the matter over at leisure; I
  suddenly came to the conclusion that it was quite possible that
  Kolpikoff took the opportunity of vicariously wiping off upon me
  the slap in the face which he had once received; just as I myself
  took the opportunity of vicariously wiping off upon the innocent
  Dubkoff the epithet 〃cad〃 which Kolpikoff had just applied to me。
  On awaking next morning my first thoughts were of the affair with
  Kolpikoff。 Once again I muttered to myself and stamped about the
  room; but there was no help for it。 To…day was the last day that
  I was to spend in Moscow; and it was to be spent; by Papa's
  orders; in my paying a round of calls which he had written out
  for me on