第 11 节
作者:不是就是      更新:2021-02-27 02:46      字数:9321
  thought to myself in my dejection and disillusionment; 〃I cannot
  be quite grown…up if I cannot smoke as other fellows do; and
  should be fated never to hold a chibouk between my first and
  second fingers; or to inhale and puff smoke through a flaxen
  When Dimitri called for me at five o'clock; he found me in this
  unpleasant predicament。 After drinking a glass of water; however;
  I felt nearly recovered; and ready to go with him。
  〃So much for your trying to smoke!〃 said he as he gazed at the
  remnants of my debauch。 〃It is a silly thing to do; and waste of
  money as well。 I long ago promised myself never to smoke。 But
  come along; we have to call for Dubkoff。〃
  THE moment that Dimitri entered my room I perceived from his
  face; manner of walking; and the signs which; in him; denoted
  ill…humoura blinking of the eyes and a grim holding of his head
  to one side; as though to straighten his collarthat he was in
  the coldly…correct frame of mind which was his when he felt
  dissatisfied with himself。 It was a frame of mind; too; which
  always produced a chilling effect upon my feelings towards him。
  Of late I had begun to observe and appraise my friend's character
  a little more; but our friendship had in no way suffered from
  that; since it was still too young and strong for me to be able
  to look upon Dimitri as anything but perfect; no matter in what
  light I regarded him。 In him there were two personalities; both
  of which I thought beautiful。 One; which I loved devotedly; was
  kind; mild; forgiving; gay; and conscious of being those various
  things。 When he was in this frame of mind his whole exterior; the
  very tone of his voice; his every movement; appeared to say: 〃I
  am kind and good…natured; and rejoice in being so; and every one
  can see that I so rejoice。〃 The other of his two personalities
  one which I had only just begun to apprehend; and before the
  majesty of which I bowed in spiritwas that of a man who was
  cold; stern to himself and to others; proud; religious to the
  point of fanaticism; and pedantically moral。 At the present
  moment he was; as I say; this second personality。
  With that frankness which constituted a necessary condition of
  our relations I told him; as soon as we entered the drozhki; how
  much it depressed and hurt me to see him; on this my fete…day in
  a frame of mind so irksome and disagreeable to me。
  〃What has upset you so?〃 I asked him。 〃Will you not tell me?〃
  〃My dear Nicolas;〃 was his slow reply as he gave his head a
  nervous twitch to one side and blinked his eyes; 〃since I have
  given you my word never to conceal anything from you; you have no
  reason to suspect me of secretiveness。 One cannot always be in
  exactly the same mood; and if I seem at all put out; that is all
  there is to say about it。〃
  〃What a marvellously open; honourable character his is!〃 I
  thought to myself; and dropped the subject。
  We drove the rest of the way to Dubkoff's in silence。 Dubkoff's
  flat was an unusually fine oneor; at all events; so it seemed
  to me。 Everywhere were rugs; pictures; gardenias; striped
  hangings; photographs; and curved settees; while on the walls
  hung guns; pistols; pouches; and the mounted heads of wild
  beasts。 It was the appearance of this apartment which made me
  aware whom; it was that Woloda had imitated in the scheme of his
  own sitting…room。 We found Dubkoff and Woloda engaged in cards;
  while seated also at the table; and watching the game with close
  attention; was a gentleman whom I did not know; but who appeared
  to be of no great importance; judging by the modesty of his
  attitude。 Dubkoff himself was in a silk dressing…gown and soft
  slippers; while Wolodaseated opposite him on a divanwas in his
  shirtsleeves; as well as (to judge by his flushed face and the
  impatient; cursory glance which he gave us for a second as he
  looked up from the cards) much taken up with the game。 On seeing
  me; he reddened still more。
  〃Well; it is for you to deal;〃 he remarked to Dubkoff。 In an
  instant I divined that he did not altogether relish my becoming
  acquainted with the fact that he gambled。 Yet his expression had
  nothing in it of confusiononly a look which seemed to me to say:
  〃Yes; I play cards; and if you are surprised at that; it is only
  because you are so young。 There is nothing wrong about itit is
  a necessity at our age。〃 Yes; I at once divined and understood
  Instead of dealing; however; Dubkoff rose and shook hands with
  us; after which he bade us both be seated; and then offered us
  pipes; which we declined。
  〃Here is our DIPLOMAT; thenthe hero of the day!〃 he said to me;
  〃Good Lord! how you look like a colonel!〃
  〃H…m!〃 I muttered in reply; though once more feeling a complacent
  smile overspread my countenance。
  I stood in that awe of Dubkoff which a sixteen…year…old boy
  naturally feels for a twenty…seven…year…old man of whom his
  elders say that he is a very clever young man who can dance well
  and speak French; and who; though secretly despising one's youth;
  endeavours to conceal the fact。 Yet; despite my respect for him;
  I somehow found it difficult and uncomfortable; throughout my
  acquaintanceship with him; to look him in the eyes; I have since
  remarked that there are three kinds of men whom I cannot face
  easily; namely those who are much better than myself; those who
  are much worse; and those between whom and myself there is a
  mutual determination not to mention some particular thing of
  which we are both aware。 Dubkoff may have been a much better
  fellow than myself; or he may have been a much worse; but the
  point was that he lied very frequently without recognising the
  fact that I was aware of his doing so; yet had determined not to
  mention it。
  〃Let us play another round;〃 said Woloda; hunching one shoulder
  after the manner of Papa; and reshuffling the cards。
  〃How persistent you are!〃 said Dubkoff。 〃We can play all we want
  to afterwards。 Well; one more round; then。〃
  During the play; I looked at their hands。 Woloda's hands were
  large and red; whilst in the crook of the thumb and the way in
  which the other fingers curved themselves round the cards as he
  held them they so exactly resembled Papa's that now and then I
  could not help thinking that Woloda purposely held the cards thus
  so as to look the more like a grownup。 Yet the next moment;
  looking at his face; I could see that he had not a thought in his
  mind beyond the game。 Dubkoff's hands; on the contrary; were
  small; puffy; and inclined to clench themselves; as well as
  extremely neat and small…fingered。 They were just the kind of
  hands which generally display rings; and which are most to be
  seen on persons who are both inclined to use them and fond of
  objets de vertu。
  Woloda must have lost; for the gentleman who was watching the
  play remarked that Vladimir Petrovitch had terribly bad luck;
  while Dubkoff reached for a note book; wrote something in it; and
  then; showing Woloda what he had written; said:
  〃Is that right?〃
  〃Yes。〃 said Woloda; glancing with feigned carelessness at the
  note book。 〃Now let us go。〃
  Woloda took Dubkoff; and I gave Dimitri a lift in my drozhki。
  〃What were they playing at?〃 I inquired of Dimitri。
  〃At piquet。 It is a stupid game。 In fact; all such games are
  〃And were they playing for much?〃
  〃No; not very much; but more than they ought to。〃
  〃Do you ever play yourself?〃
  〃No; I swore never to do so; but Dubkoff will play with any one
  he can get hold of。〃
  〃He ought not to do that;〃 I remarked。 〃So Woloda does not play
  so well as he does?〃
  〃Perhaps Dubkoff ought not to; as you say; yet there is nothing
  especially bad about it all。 He likes playing; and plays well;
  but he is a good fellow all the same。〃
  〃I had no idea of this;〃 I said。
  〃We must not think ill of him;〃 concluded Dimitri; 〃since he is a
  simply splendid fellow。 I like him very much; and always shall
  like him; in spite of his weakness。〃
  For some reason or another the idea occurred to me that; just
  BECAUSE Dimitri stuck up so stoutly for Dubkoff; he neither liked
  nor respected him in reality; but was determined; out of
  stubbornness and a desire not to be accused of inconstancy; never
  to own to the fact。 He was one of those people who love their
  friends their life long; not so much because those friends remain
  always dear to them; as because; having oncepossibly
  mistakenlyliked a person; they look upon it as dishonourable to
  cease ever to do so。
  Dubkoff and Woloda knew every one at the restaurant by name; and
  every one; from the waiters to the proprietor; paid them great
  respect。 No time was lost in allotting us a private room; where a
  bottle of iced champagne…upon which I tried to look with as much
  indifference as I couldstood ready