第 9 节
津夏 更新:2021-02-27 02:39 字数:9322
To these great examples I wish to add a lesser one; still it bears some
resemblance to them; and I wish it to suffice me for all of a like kind: it is
Hiero the Syracusan。'*' This man rose from a private station to be Prince
of Syracuse; nor did he; either; owe anything to fortune but opportunity;
for the Syracusans; being oppressed; chose him for their captain;
afterwards he was rewarded by being made their prince。 He was of so
great ability; even as a private citizen; that one who writes of him says he
wanted nothing but a kingdom to be a king。 This man abolished the old
soldiery; organized the new; gave up old alliances; made new ones; and as
he had his own soldiers and allies; on such foundations he was able to
build any edifice: thus; whilst he had endured much trouble in acquiring;
he had but little in keeping。
'*' Hiero II; born about 307 B。C。; died 216 B。C。
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Those who solely by good fortune become princes from being private
citizens have little trouble in rising; but much in keeping atop; they have
not any difficulties on the way up; because they fly; but they have many
when they reach the summit。 Such are those to whom some state is given
either for money or by the favour of him who bestows it; as happened to
many in Greece; in the cities of Ionia and of the Hellespont; where princes
were made by Darius; in order that they might hold the cities both for his
security and his glory; as also were those emperors who; by the corruption
of the soldiers; from being citizens came to empire。 Such stand simply
elevated upon the goodwill and the fortune of him who has elevated them…
…two most inconstant and unstable things。 Neither have they the
knowledge requisite for the position; because; unless they are men of great
worth and ability; it is not reasonable to expect that they should know how
to command; having always lived in a private condition; besides; they
cannot hold it because they have not forces which they can keep friendly
and faithful。
States that rise unexpectedly; then; like all other things in nature which
are born and grow rapidly; cannot leave their foundations and
correspondencies'*' fixed in such a way that the first storm will not
overthrow them; unless; as is said; those who unexpectedly become
princes are men of so much ability that they know they have to be
prepared at once to hold that which fortune has thrown into their laps; and
that those foundations; which others have laid BEFORE they became
princes; they must lay AFTERWARDS。
'*' 〃Le radici e corrispondenze;〃 their roots (i。e。 foundations) and
correspondencies or relations with other statesa common meaning of
〃correspondence〃 and 〃correspondency〃 in the sixteenth and seventeenth
Concerning these two methods of rising to be a prince by ability or
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fortune; I wish to adduce two examples within our own recollection; and
these are Francesco Sforza'*' and Cesare Borgia。 Francesco; by proper
means and with great ability; from being a private person rose to be Duke
of Milan; and that which he had acquired with a thousand anxieties he kept
with little trouble。 On the other hand; Cesare Borgia; called by the people
Duke Valentino; acquired his state during the ascendancy of his father; and
on its decline he lost it; notwithstanding that he had taken every measure
and done all that ought to be done by a wise and able man to fix firmly his
roots in the states which the arms and fortunes of others had bestowed on
'*' Francesco Sforza; born 1401; died 1466。 He married Bianca Maria
Visconti; a natural daughter of Filippo Visconti; the Duke of Milan; on
whose death he procured his own elevation to the duchy。 Machiavelli was
the accredited agent of the Florentine Republic to Cesare Borgia (1478…
1507) during the transactions which led up to the assassinations of the
Orsini and Vitelli at Sinigalia; and along with his letters to his chiefs in
Florence he has left an account; written ten years before 〃The Prince;〃 of
the proceedings of the duke in his 〃Descritione del modo tenuto dal duca
Valentino nello ammazzare Vitellozzo Vitelli;〃 etc。; a translation of which
is appended to the present work。
Because; as is stated above; he who has not first laid his foundations
may be able with great ability to lay them afterwards; but they will be laid
with trouble to the architect and danger to the building。 If; therefore; all
the steps taken by the duke be considered; it will be seen that he laid solid
foundations for his future power; and I do not consider it superfluous to
discuss them; because I do not know what better precepts to give a new
prince than the example of his actions; and if his dispositions were of no
avail; that was not his fault; but the extraordinary and extreme malignity of
Alexander the Sixth; in wishing to aggrandize the duke; his son; had
many immediate and prospective difficulties。 Firstly; he did not see his
way to make him master of any state that was not a state of the Church;
and if he was willing to rob the Church he knew that the Duke of Milan
and the Venetians would not consent; because Faenza and Rimini were
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already under the protection of the Venetians。 Besides this; he saw the
arms of Italy; especially those by which he might have been assisted; in
hands that would fear the aggrandizement of the Pope; namely; the Orsini
and the Colonnesi and their following。 It behoved him; therefore; to upset
this state of affairs and embroil the powers; so as to make himself securely
master of part of their states。 This was easy for him to do; because he
found the Venetians; moved by other reasons; inclined to bring back the
French into Italy; he would not only not oppose this; but he would render
it more easy by dissolving the former marriage of King Louis。 Therefore
the king came into Italy with the assistance of the Venetians and the
consent of Alexander。 He was no sooner in Milan than the Pope had
soldiers from him for the attempt on the Romagna; which yielded to him
on the reputation of the king。 The duke; therefore; having acquired the
Romagna and beaten the Colonnesi; while wishing to hold that and to
advance further; was hindered by two things: the one; his forces did not
appear loyal to him; the other; the goodwill of France: that is to say; he
feared that the forces of the Orsini; which he was using; would not stand to
him; that not only might they hinder him from winning more; but might
themselves seize what he had won; and that the king might also do the
same。 Of the Orsini he had a warning when; after taking Faenza and
attacking Bologna; he saw them go very unwillingly to that attack。 And as
to the king; he learned his mind when he himself; after taking the Duchy
of Urbino; attacked Tuscany; and the king made him desist from that
undertaking; hence the duke decided to depend no more upon the arms and
the luck of others。
For the first thing he weakened the Orsini and Colonnesi parties in
Rome; by gaining to himself all their adherents who were gentlemen;
making them his gentlemen; giving them good pay; and; according to their
rank; honouring them with office and command in such a way that in a
few months all attachment to the factions was destroyed and turned
entirely to the duke。 After this he awaited an opportunity to crush the
Orsini; having scattered the adherents of the Colonna house。 This came to
him soon and he used it well; for the Orsini; perceiving at length that the