第 66 节
作者:青涩春天      更新:2021-02-27 02:38      字数:3239
  liver;〃 〃Half…a…peck of pusillanimity;〃 〃A four…flusher。〃
  Something after this kind is this aphoristic wisdom current in
  the academic community; in so far as it runs safely above the
  level of scurrility。 In point of taste; it would be out of the
  question to follow the same strain of discourteous expressions
  into that larger volume of more outspoken appraisal that lies
  below that level; and even what has so been sparingly cited in
  illustration can; of course; not claim a sympathetic hearing as
  being in any way a graceful presentment of the sense intended to
  be conveyed in these figures of speech。 Yet the apology may be
  accepted; that it conveys this sense intelligibly even if not
  Indeed; a person widely conversant with current opinion and
  its expression among the personnel of the staff; as touches the
  character and academic value of a capable and businesslike
  executive; might unguardedly come to the persuasion that the
  typical academic head; under these latterday conditions。 will be
  a feebleminded rogue。 Such is; doubtless; far from being the
  actual valuation underlying these many artless expressions that
  one meets with。 And doubtless; the most that could be said would
  be that; in point of orientation; the typical executive; qua
  executive; tends to fall in with the lines so indicated; that the
  exigencies of the executive office are of a kind that would
  converge upon such an issue 〃in the long run〃 and 〃in the absence
  of disturbing causes〃; not that the effectual run of
  circumstances will at all commonly permit a consummation of that
  kind and degree。
  〃Indeed。。。 we may say as Dr Boteler said of strawberries。
  'Doubtless God could have made a better berry; but doubtless God
  never did。'〃
  15。 It will be objected; and with much reason; that these
  underlying 〃school units〃 that go to make up the composite
  American university habitually see no great evil in so being
  absorbed into the trust。 They lend themselves readily; if not
  eagerly; to schemes of coalition; they are in fact prone to draw
  in under the aegis of the university corporation by 〃annexation;〃
  〃affiliation。〃 〃absorption;〃 etc。 Any one who cares to take stock
  of that matter and is in a position to know what is going on can
  easily assure himself that the reasons which decide in such a
  case are not advisedly accepted reasons intrinsic to the needs of
  efficiency for the work in hand; but rather reasons of
  competitive expediency; of competitive advantage and of prestige;
  except in so far as it may all be  as perhaps it commonly is
  mere unreflecting conformity to the current fashion。 In this
  connection it is to be remarked; however; that even if the current
  usage has no intrinsic advantage; as against another way of doing;
  failure to conform with the current way of doing will always entail
  a disadvantage。