第 19 节
作者:吹嘻      更新:2021-02-27 02:30      字数:9322
  conclusions as I dispute them。 Help me to raise her to the better and nobler
  belief in the mercy of God!〃 She stopped; and looked round nervously at
  the   doorway。   〃Hush!〃   she   whispered。   〃Do   as   I   have   told   you。   Clara   is
  Chapter 17。
  Clara    stopped     at  the   doorway;      looking    backward      and    forward
  distrustfully between the husband and wife。 Entering the boat…house; and
  approaching   Crayford;   she   took   his   arm;   and   led   him   away   a   few   steps
  from the place in which Mrs。 Crayford was standing。
  〃There is no storm now; and there are no duties to be done on board
  the   ship;〃   she   said;   with   the   faint;   sad   smile   which   it   wrung   Crayford's
  heart to see。 〃You are Lucy's husband; and you have an interest in me for
  Lucy's sake。 Don't shrink on that account from giving me pain: I can bear
  pain。 Friend and brother! will you believe that I have courage enough to
  hear the worst? Will you promise not to deceive me about Frank?〃
  The gentle resignation in her voice; the sad pleading in her look; shook
  Crayford's   self…possession   at   the   outset。   He   answered   her   in   the   worst
  possible manner; he answered evasively。
  〃My dear Clara;〃 he said; 〃what have I done that you should suspect
  me of deceiving you?〃
  She   looked   him   searchingly   in   the   face;   then   glanced   with   renewed
  distrust at Mrs。 Crayford。 There was a moment of silence。 Before any of
  the three   could   speak   again;   they  were   interrupted   by  the   appearance   of
  one   of   Crayford's   brother   officers;   followed   by   two   sailors   carrying   a
  hamper between them。 Crayford instantly dropped Clara's arm; and seized
  the welcome opportunity of speaking of other things。
  〃Any   instructions   from   the   ship;   Steventon?〃   he   asked;   approaching
  … Page 73…
  the officer。
  〃Verbal instructions only;〃 Steventon replied。 〃The ship will sail with
  the flood…tide。 We shall fire a gun to collect the people; and send another
  boat    ashore。    In  the   meantime      here   are   some    refreshments      for  the
  passengers。   The   ship   is   in   a   state   of   confusion;   the   ladies   will   eat   their
  luncheon more comfortably here。〃
  Hearing this; Mrs。 Crayford took _her_ opportunity of silencing Clara
  〃Come; my dear;〃 she said。 〃Let us lay the cloth before the gentlemen
  come in。〃
  Clara was too seriously bent on attaining the object which she had in
  view to be silenced in that way。 〃I will help you directly;〃 she answered
  then   crossed   the   room  and   addressed   herself   to   the   officer;   whose   name
  was Steventon。
  〃Can you spare me a few minutes?〃 she asked。 〃I have something to
  say to you。〃
  〃I am entirely at your service; Miss Burnham。〃
  Answering in those words; Steventon dismissed the two sailors。 Mrs。
  Crayford   looked   anxiously   at   her   husband。   Crayford   whispered   to   her;
  〃Don't be alarmed about Steventon。 I have cautioned him; his discretion is
  to be depended on。〃
  Clara beckoned to Crayford to return to her。
  〃I will not keep you long;〃 she said。 〃I will promise not to distress Mr。
  Steventon。 Young as I am; you shall both find that I am capable of self…
  control。 I won't ask you to go back to the story of your past sufferings; I
  only want to be sure that I am right about one thingI mean about what
  happened at the time when the exploring party was dispatched in search of
  help。 As   I understand   it;  you cast   lots among   yourselves   who was to go
  with the party; and who was to remain behind。 Frank cast the lot to go。〃
  She paused; shuddering。 〃And Richard Wardour;〃 she went on; 〃cast the
  lot to remain behind。 On your honor; as officers and gentlemen; is this the
  〃On my honor;〃 Crayford answered; 〃it is the truth。〃
  … Page 74…
  〃On my honor;〃 Steventon repeated; 〃it is the truth。〃
  She looked at them; carefully considering her next words; before she
  spoke again。
  〃You     both   drew    the  lot  to  stay  in  the   huts;〃  she   said;   addressing
  Crayford and Steventon。 〃And you are both here。 Richard Wardour drew
  the lot to stay; and Richard Wardour is not here。 How does his name come
  to be with Frank's on the list of the missing?〃
  The   question   was   a   dangerous   one       to  answer。   Steventon     left   it  to
  Crayford to reply。 Once again he answered evasively。
  〃It doesn't follow; my dear;〃 he said; 〃that the two men were missing
  together because their names happen to come together on the list。〃
  Clara instantly drew the inevitable conclusion from that ill…considered
  〃Frank     is  missing    from    the   party   of  relief;〃  she   said。   〃Am     I  to
  understand that Wardour is missing from the huts?〃
  Both     Crayford     and   Steventon      hesitated。   Mrs。    Crayford     cast   one
  indignant   look   at   them;   and   told   the   necessary   lie;   without   a   moment's
  〃Yes!〃 she said。 〃Wardour is missing from the huts。〃
  Quickly   as   she   had   spoken;   she   had   still   spoken   too   late。   Clara   had
  noticed   the   momentary   hesitation   on   the   part   of   the   two   officers。   She
  turned to Steventon。
  〃I   trust   to   your   honor;〃   she   said;   quietly。   〃Am   I   right;   or   wrong;   in
  believing that Mrs。 Crayford is mistaken?〃
  She had addressed herself to the right man of the two。 Steventon had
  no wife present to exercise authority over him。 Steventon; put on his honor;
  and fairly forced to say something; owned the truth。 Wardour had replaced
  an   officer   whom  accident   had   disabled   from  accompanying   the   party   of
  relief; and Wardour and Frank were missing together。
  Clara looked at Mrs。 Crayford。
  〃You hear?〃 she said。 〃It is you who are mistaken; not I。 What you call
  'Accident;' what I call 'Fate;' brought Richard Wardour and Frank together
  as members of the same Expedition; after all。〃 Without waiting for a reply;
  … Page 75…
  she again turned to Steventon; and surprised him by changing the painful
  subject of the conversation of her own accord。
  〃Have you been in the Highlands of Scotland?〃 she asked。
  〃I have never been in the Highlands;〃 the lieutenant replied。
  〃Have you ever read; in books about the Highlands; of such a thing as
  'The Second Sight'?〃
  〃Do you believe in the Second Sight?〃
  Steventon politely declined to commit himself to a direct reply。
  〃I   don't   know   what   I   might   have   done;   if   I   had   ever   been   in   the
  Highlands;〃 he said。 〃As   it is;  I have   had no opportunities of giving   the
  subject any serious consideration。〃
  〃I won't put your credulity to the test;〃 Clara proceeded。 〃I won't ask
  you to believe anything more extraordinary than that I had a strange dream
  in England not very long since。 My dream showed me what you have just
  acknowledgedand more than that。 How did the two missing men come to
  be parted from their companions? Were they lost by pure accident; or were
  they deliberately left behind on the march?〃
  Crayford   made   a   last   vain   effort   to   check   her   inquiries   at   the   point
  which they had now reached。
  〃Neither Steventon nor I were members of the party of relief;〃 he said。
  〃How are we to answer you?〃
  〃Your   brother   officers   who   _were_   members   of   the   party   must   have
  told    you   what    happened;〃     Clara   rejoined。    〃I  only   ask   you   and    Mr。
  Steventon to tell me what they told you。〃
  Mrs。 Crayford interposed again; with a practical suggestion this time。
  〃The luncheon is not unpacked yet;〃 she said。 〃Come; Clara! this is our
  business; and the time is passing。〃
  〃The luncheon can wait a few minutes longer;〃 Clara answered。 〃Bear
  with    my    obstinacy;〃     she   went    on;   laying   her   hand    caressingly     on
  Crayford's shoulder。  〃Tell me   how  those two  came  to be separated   from
  the   rest。 You   have   always   been   the   kindest   of   friendsdon't   begin   to   be
  cruel to me now!〃
  … Page 76…
  The tone in which she made her entreaty to Crayford went